Introduction to categories, also some work on introduction

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Leon Vatthauer 2024-03-22 18:00:53 +01:00
parent 43cbe73359
commit 75a42e4886
Signed by: leonv
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:G4+ddwoZmhLPRB1agvXzZMXIzkVJ36dUYZXf5NxT+u8
5 changed files with 162 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -7,3 +7,23 @@ FAU

Binary file not shown.

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
\usepackage[scale=.85]{noto-mono} % TODO find better unicode mono font
@ -121,8 +123,14 @@
%%% Notation
%% Category C
\newcommand{\obj}[1]{\ensuremath{\vert #1 \vert}}
%% Titlepage

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@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ The type of natural numbers comes with a fold function $foldn : C \rightarrow (N
\item $iszero : Nat \rightarrow Bool$ is defined by
\[iszero = foldn\;true\;false!\]
\item $plus : Nat \rightarrow Nat \rightarrow Nat$ is defined by
\[plus = foldn\;id (\lambda f\;n. succ (f\;n)) \]
\[plus = foldn\;id\;(succ \circ eval) \]
where $eval : (A \rightarrow B) \rightarrow A \rightarrow B$ is defined by
\[eval\;f\;a = f\;a\]
@ -179,4 +182,29 @@ The type of natural numbers comes with a fold function $foldn : C \rightarrow (N
trivially commutes.
We will now look at the $List$ type and examine it for similar properties. Let us start with the fold function $foldr : C \rightarrow (A \rightarrow C \rightarrow C) \rightarrow List\;A \rightarrow C$, which is defined by
& foldr\;c\;h\;nil & & = c \\
& foldr\;c\;h\;(cons\;x\;xs) & & = h\;a\;(foldr\;c\;h\;xs)
Again, let us define some functions using $foldr$.
\item $length : List\;A \rightarrow Nat$ is defined by
\[length = foldr\;zero\;(succ !)\]
\item For $f : A \rightarrow B$ we can define $List$-mapping function $List\;f : List\;A \rightarrow List\;B$ by
\[List\;f = foldr\;nil\;(cons \circ f)\]
$foldr$ satisfies the following two rules
\item \customlabel{law:listident}{\textbf{Identity}}: $foldr\;nil\;cons = id_{List\;A}$
\item \customlabel{law:listfusion}{\textbf{Fusion}}: for all $c : C$, $h, h' : Nat$
% TODO Use curried version of data types...

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@ -1,6 +1,109 @@
% chktex-file 46
\section{Category Theory}
Categories consist of objects and morphisms between those objects, that can be composed in a coherent way.
This yields a framework for abstracting many mathematical concepts for reasoning on a very abstract level.
\begin{definition} A category \C consists of
\item a class of objects denoted $\obj{\C}$,
\item for every pair of objects $A,B \in \obj{\C}$ a set of morphisms $\C(A,B)$ called the hom-set,
\item a morphism $id_A : A \rightarrow A$ for every $A \in \obj{\C}$
\item a composition operator $(-) \circ (-) : \C(B,C) \rightarrow \C(A,B) \rightarrow \C(A,C)$ for every $A,B,C \in \obj{\C}$
additionally the composition must be associative and $f \circ id_A = f = id_B \circ f$ for any $f : A \rightarrow B$.
\begin{example} Some standard examples of categories and their objects and morphisms include:
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
Category & Objects & Morphisms \\\midrule
\emph{Set} & Sets & Functions \\
\emph{Par} & Sets & Partial functions \\
\emph{Rel} & Sets & Binary relations \\
\emph{Gra} & Directed Graphs & Graph homomorphisms \\
\emph{Pos} & Partially ordered sets & Monotone mappings \\
\emph{Mon} & Monoids & Monoid homomorphisms \\
Monoid $(M, \cdot, e)$ & A single object $*$ & $x : * \rightarrow *$ for every $x \in M$ \\
Poset $(X, \leq)$ & Elements of $X$ & $x \leq y \iff \exists! f : x \rightarrow y$
\subsection{Special Objects}
Special objects play an important role in category theory.
In this chapter we will characterize (finite) products and coproducts, as well as special morphisms such as isomorphisms, monomorphisms and epimorphisms.
\subsubsection{Initial and Terminal Objects}
\begin{definition} The following is the categorical abstraction of ``empty set'' and ``singleton set'' respectively.
\item An object $0 \in \obj{\C}$ is called initial if for every $B \in \obj{C}$ there is a unique morphism $¡ : 0 \rightarrow B$.
\item An object $1 \in \obj{\C}$ is called terminal if for every $A \in \obj{C}$ there is a unique morphism $! : A \rightarrow 1$.
\begin{example} Oftentimes the initial object is an empty structure and the terminal object a singleton structure, some examples are:
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
Category & Initial Object & Terminal Object \\\midrule
\emph{Set} & $\emptyset$ & ${*}$ \\
\emph{Pos} & $\emptyset$ & ${*}$ \\
\emph{Gra} & Empty graph & Singleton graph \\
Poset $(X, \leq)$ & $\bot \in X$ such that $\forall x \in X. \bot \leq x$ & $\top \in X$ such that $\forall x \in X. x \leq \top$
\subsubsection{Special Morphisms}
Now let us characterize special morphisms.
Let $f : A \rightarrow B$ be a morphism. $f$ is called
\item an \emph{isomorphism} (\emph{iso}), if there exists an inverse $f^{-1} : B \rightarrow A$ such that $f \circ g = id_B$ and $g \circ f = id_A$;
\item a \emph{monomorphism} (\emph{mono}), if for all $g, h : C \rightarrow A$ the implication $f \circ g = f \circ h \Rightarrow g = h$ holds;
\item an \emph{epimorphism} (\emph{epi}), if for all $g, h : B \rightarrow C$ the implication $g \circ f = h \circ f \Rightarrow g = h$ holds.
\begin{example} Let us consider what these notions instantiate to in concrete categories.
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
Category & Monomorphisms & Epimorphisms & Isomorphisms \\\midrule
\emph{Set} & injective functions & surjective functions & bijective functions \\
\emph{Pos, Gra} & injective morphisms & surjective morphisms & bijective morphisms \\
Poset $(X, \leq)$ & all & all & all \\
Monoid $(M, \cdot, e)$ & left cancellative $a \in M$ & right cancellative $a \in M$ & invertible $a \in M$
iso is mono and epi
$f \circ m$ mono then $m$ mono.
$e \circ f$ epi then $e$ epi.
% TODO explain up to iso
Initial object up to iso
Terminal object up to iso
\subsubsection{Products and Coproducts}
\subsection{Natural Transformations}