238 lines
8.2 KiB
238 lines
8.2 KiB
% Standard macros to typeset papers on category theory and semantics
% Unless \catname is defined, make it bold.
% So, call \providecommand{\catname}{\mathcal}
% or \reprovidecommand{\catname}{\mathcal}
% before calling this file if you prefer calligraphic names for categories.
% Same applies to other commands.
% COPIED FROM https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/i8/TexCommon/ AND THEN ADJUSTED.
\ProvidesPackage{catprog}[2024/03/30 Macros for Category Theory and Semantics]
\RequirePackage{bm} % Needed for defbbname
\RequirePackage{mathtools} % Needed for coloneqq
%% Defining category names like \BA, \BB, etc
\def\defcatname#1{\expandafter\def\csname B#1\endcsname{\catname{#1}}}
%% Defining \CA, \CB, etc
\def\defclsname#1{\expandafter\def\csname C#1\endcsname{\clsname{#1}}}
%% Defining \BBA, \BBB, etc
\def\defbbname#1{\expandafter\def\csname BB#1\endcsname{{\bm{\mathsf{#1}}}}}
%% Defining \BMA, \BMB, etc
\def\defbbname#1{\expandafter\def\csname BM#1\endcsname{{\bm{\mathsf{#1}}}}}
%% Some standard categories
%% Objects of category
\providecommand{\obj}[1]{\ensuremath{\vert #1 \vert}}
%% Dual category
% Misc
%% Commutation of diagrams
%% Banana brackets for catamorphisms
\providecommand{\cata}[1]{\llparenthesis #1 \rrparenthesis}
% Lens brackets for anamorphisms https://unicodeplus.com/U+3016
\providecommand{\ana}[1]{〖 #1 〗}
\providecommand{\wave}[1]{\widetilde{#1}} % Overline wave
\providecommand{\ul}{\underline} % Underline
\providecommand{\mplus}{{\scriptscriptstyle\bf+}} % Small '+' for indexing
%% Some standard functorsw
\providecommand{\PSet}{{\mathcal P}} % Powerset
\providecommand{\FSet}{{\mathcal P}_{\omega}} % Finite powerset
\providecommand{\CSet}{{\mathcal P}_{\omega_1}} % Countable powerset
\providecommand{\NESet}{{\mathcal P}^{\mplus}} % Non-empty powerset
%% General categorical notation
\providecommand{\bang}{\operatorname!} % Terminal map
\providecommand{\cobang}{\operatorname¡} % Initial map
%% Various arrows
\providecommand{\ito}{\hookrightarrow} % Injection
\providecommand{\pto}{\mathrel{\rightharpoonup}} % Partial function
\providecommand{\pfrom}{\mathrel{\leftarpoonup}} %
\providecommand{\tto}{\mathrel{\Rightarrow}} % Double arrow
\providecommand{\tfrom}{\mathrel{\Leftarrow}} %
\providecommand{\To}{\mathrel{\Rightarrow}} % Double arrow
%% Logic
%% Order
%% Products
\providecommand{\brks}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}
\providecommand{\Brks}[1]{\bigl\langle #1\bigr\rangle}
%% Coproducts
%% CCC
% Semantic brackets
\providecommand{\sem}[1]{\lsem #1 \rsem}
\providecommand{\Sem}[1]{\Lsem #1 \Rsem}
% Typographic
\providecommand{\comma}{,\operatorname{}\linebreak[1]} % possibly line-breaking comma
\providecommand{\dash}{\nobreakdash-\hspace{0pt}} % non-line-breaking hyphen
\providecommand{\erule}{\rule{0pt}{0pt}} % Empty object whose emptiness
% is not detected by LaTeX
\providecommand{\by}[1]{\text{/\!\!/~#1}} % Comments in equations
\providecommand{\pacman}[1]{} % Hide a piece of text
\newcommand{\undefine}[1]{\let #1\relax} % Make a command undefined
\providecommand{\noqed}{\def\qed{}} % Undefine the QED symbol
% -1 superscript for the inversion operator
\RequirePackage[loadonly]{enumitem} % without [loadonly]
} % conflicts with Beamer
% Condensed list environments
%% A macro for defining mixfix operators
\def\mfix#1{\oname{#1}\@ifnextchar\bgroup\@mfix{}} % processing odd arguments
\def\@mfix#1{#1\@ifnextchar\bgroup\mfix{}} % processing even arguments
% %% Instances if mfix
% \providecommand{\ift}[3]{\mfix{if}{\mathbin{}#1}{then}{\mathbin{}#2}{else}{\mathbin{}#3}}
% \providecommand{\case}[3]{\mfix{case}{\mathbin{}#1}{of}{#2}{\kern-1pt;}{\mathbin{}#3}}
%%% Overwrite greek letters with var versions https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/304576/292879
%%% |