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> :loudspeaker: **UPDATE:** The logo files are now included in this repository.
# :film_projector: fau-beamer
A LaTeX beamer template according to the 2021 [style guide]( of [Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg](
The given template allows you to create LaTeX presentations with the [beamer class]( in the corporate style of FAU.
## :gear: Usage and Most Important Options
To use this template you can either clone this repository or download the code. The example document should provide a basic introduction how to set up a document with this template. We are only going over the most important steps here.
Typically you would start your LaTeX document with
\documentclass[<optional arguments>]{beamer}
\usepackage[<optional arguments>]{styles/beamerthemefau}
where the first line loads the beamer class and the second line employs the template. In the following we will explain some of the optional arguments you can pass to ```beamerthemefau```.
## :fleur_de_lis: Choosing The Institute
The option ```institute``` specifies which institute template should be used. For example
can be used to use the generic FAU style. The following style are available
* ```[institute=FAU]```: Generic style for FAU,
* ```[institute=Med]```: style for Medizinische Fakultät,
* ```[institute=Nat]```: style for Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät,
* ```[institute=Phil]```: style for Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie,
* ```[institute=RW]```: style for Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät,
* ```[institute=Tech]```: style for Technische Fakultät
This option influences
1. the color scheme,
2. the left word mark for the title page
see the sections on [colors](##Colors) and [logos](##Logos). The default option is ```[institute=FAU]```.
## 🖼️ Frames
The following image displays the appearance of a normal frame employing the fau theme.
<img width="560" alt="image" src="">
Next to standard frame option of the ```beamer``` class, this theme
additionally provides the following option.
- ```begin{frame}[title] ... \end{frame}```: This option changes the appearance of the frame to a title theme. It will change the background color the font size, the font color and the headline, as displayed below. This can be useful when you want to employ an outline in the same style as the overview at the begin of each section:
<img width="560" alt="image" src="">
- ```begin{frame}[titleimage] ... \end{frame}```: This option yields the same behavior as the option above, where additionally the title art is placed in the background, as displayed below. This can be, e.g., employed for the title page.
<img width="560" alt="image" src="">
- ```begin{truplainframe}...\end{trueplainframe}```: This option yields a frame, where the sidebar, headline and footer are completely turned off. This will be implemented as a normal frame option in future versions.
## :paintbrush: Colors
The template employs the color scheme as specified by the FAU style guide. Each institute has two colors a base color and a dark base color. These colors are available via the commands ```\BaseColor``` and ```\BaseDarkColor```
| Institute | ```\BaseColor``` | RGB | ```\BaseDarkColor``` | RGB |
| --------- | ---------------- | --- | ----------------- | --- |
| FAU | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 0,47,108 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 4,30,66 |
| Med | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 0, 163, 224 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 0, 97, 160 |
| Nat | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 67, 176, 42 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 34, 136, 72 |
| Phil | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 255, 184, 28 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 232, 119, 34 |
| RW | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 200, 16, 46 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 151,27,47 |
| Tech | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 119, 159, 181 | <img src="" width="100" height="100"> | 65, 116, 141 |
## :copyright: Logos
The logo files are now included in this repo!!!
The files and the version of the [FAU corporate]( website are outdated and are soon to be replaced.
The following files
* ```FAUWortmarkeBlau.pdf```
* ```FAUWortmarkeWhite.pdf```
are the same for every institute and are therefore placed directly in the ```/template-art``` folder. The files for each institute are now placed in the subfolder ```/<Institute>```, where you find
* ```<Institute>Kennung.pdf```
* ```<Institute>KennungWhite.pdf```
* ```<Institute>Title.jpg```
You can add additional logos to the title of the frames via the options
* ```SecondLogo=<path/to/image>```
* ```ThirdLogo=<path/to/image>```
## :wrench: Misc
You can use the option ```[scale=<value>]``` to scale the canvas size.
By default the canvas dimensions are
* 338.7 mm x 238.1 mm for 16:9
* 254 mm x 190.5 mm for 4:3
## :paperclip: Questions or Remarks
If you have questions about specific features or found an error you can either write an email to the author (see below) or raise an issue here.
## :beer: Credit
This template was designed by [Tim Roith]( using the given style from the FAU corporate style guide 2021.