Implemented unification and resolution

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LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Leon Vatthauer
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

app/Main Executable file

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app/Main.hs Normal file
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module Main where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
First we define first order predicate logic
data Term = Var String | Fun String [Term] deriving (Eq)
data Formula
= Pred String [Term]
| Neg Formula
| Conj Formula Formula
| Disj Formula Formula
| Impl Formula Formula
| All String Formula
| Exists String Formula
| T
| F
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Term where
show (Var x) = x
show (Fun f []) = f
show (Fun f (x : xs)) = f ++ "(" ++ show x ++ foldr ((++) . (", "++) . show) ")" xs
instance Show Formula where
show (Pred p []) = p
show (Pred p (x : xs)) = p ++ "(" ++ show x ++ foldr ((++) . (", "++) . show) ")" xs
show (Neg f) = "!(" ++ show f ++ ")"
show (Conj f1 f2) = show f1 ++ " /\\ " ++ show f2
show (Disj f1 f2) = show f1 ++ " \\/ " ++ show f2
show (Impl f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ " -> " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (All x f) = "forall " ++ x ++ ". " ++ show f
show (Exists x f) = "exists " ++ x ++ ". " ++ show f
show T = "true"
show F = "false"
-- free variables of a term
termFreeVars :: Term -> [String]
termFreeVars (Var x) = [x]
termFreeVars (Fun _ ts) = concatMap termFreeVars ts
-- substitution on terms
termSubst :: Term -> String -> Term -> Term
termSubst t@(Var x) y s = if x == y then s else t
termSubst (Fun f ts) y s = Fun f $ map (\t' -> termSubst t' y s) ts
-- unification algorithm of martelli montanari
unify :: [(Term, Term)] -> Maybe [(Term, Term)]
unify [] = Just []
-- (delete)
unify ((Var x, Var y) : rest) | x == y = unify rest
-- (decomp)
unify ((Fun f es, Fun g ds) : rest) | f == g && length es == length ds = unify $ zip es ds ++ rest
-- (conflict)
unify ((Fun _ _, Fun _ _) : _) = Nothing
-- (orient)
unify ((Fun f ts, Var x) : rest) = unify $ (Var x, Fun f ts) : rest
-- (occurs)
unify ((Var x, t) : _) | x `elem` termFreeVars t && Var x /= t = Nothing
-- (elim)
unify ((Var x, t) : rest) | notElem x (termFreeVars t) && x `elem` concatMap (\(t1, t2) -> termFreeVars t1 ++ termFreeVars t2) rest = unify $ (Var x, t) : map (\(t1, t2) -> (termSubst t1 x t, termSubst t2 x t)) rest
-- decent
unify ((t, s) : rest) = do
rest' <- unify rest
return $ (t, s) : rest'
Now we define some functions to convert given terms to normalforms
i.e. negation normalform, prenex normal, skolemform, conjunctive normalform
-- negation normalform
makeNNF :: Formula -> Formula
makeNNF form = if form == f' then form else makeNNF f'
f' = nnfStep form
nnfStep (Conj f1 f2) = Conj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2)
nnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2)
nnfStep (Impl f1 f2) = Disj (Neg f1) f2
nnfStep (All x f) = All x (nnfStep f)
nnfStep (Exists x f) = Exists x (nnfStep f)
nnfStep (Neg (Conj f1 f2)) = Disj (Neg f1) (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (Disj f1 f2)) = Conj (Neg f1) (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (Impl f1 f2)) = Conj f1 (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (All x f)) = Exists x (Neg f)
nnfStep (Neg (Exists x f)) = All x (Neg f)
nnfStep (Neg (Neg f)) = f
nnfStep (Neg T) = F
nnfStep (Neg F) = T
nnfStep f = f
-- infinite list of variable names
vars :: [String]
vars = ['v' : show n | n <- [(0 :: Int)..]]
-- return *all* vars in a formula, i.e. bound ones and free ones
formulaVars :: Formula -> [String]
formulaVars (Pred _ ts) = concatMap termFreeVars ts
formulaVars (Neg f) = formulaVars f
formulaVars (Conj f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2
formulaVars (Disj f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2
formulaVars (Impl f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2
formulaVars (All x f) = x : formulaVars f
formulaVars (Exists x f) = x : formulaVars f
formulaVars _ = []
-- renames all occurences of variable v with v' in a term
renameTerm :: Term -> String -> String -> Term
renameTerm t@(Var x) v v' = if x == v then Var v' else t
renameTerm (Fun g ts) v v' = Fun g (map (\t -> renameTerm t v v') ts)
-- renames all occurences of free variable v with v' in a formula
renameFormula :: Formula -> String -> String -> Formula
renameFormula (Pred p ts) v v' = Pred p (map (\t -> renameTerm t v v') ts)
renameFormula (Neg f') v v' = Neg $ renameFormula f' v v'
renameFormula (Conj f1 f2) v v' = Conj (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v')
renameFormula (Disj f1 f2) v v' = Disj (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v')
renameFormula (Impl f1 f2) v v' = Impl (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v')
renameFormula (All y f') v v' | y /= v = All y $ renameFormula f' v v'
renameFormula (Exists y f') v v' | y /= v = Exists y $ renameFormula f' v v'
renameFormula f' _ _ = f'
-- finds a fresh variable i.e. a variable not occuring in vs
findFresh :: [String] -> String
findFresh vs = fromJust $ find (`notElem` vs) vars
-- rename every binder in formula to be disjunct
renameBinders :: Formula -> Formula
renameBinders f = fst $ go f []
go :: Formula -> [String] -> (Formula, [String])
go (All x f') vs = (All x' f'', vs')
(f'', vs') = go (renameFormula f' x x') (x' : vs)
x' = findFresh (formulaVars f ++ vs)
go (Exists x f') vs = (Exists x' f'', vs')
(f'', vs') = go (renameFormula f' x x') (x' : vs)
x' = findFresh (formulaVars f ++ vs)
go (Neg f') vs = (Neg f'', vs')
(f'', vs') = go f' vs
go (Conj f1 f2) vs = (Conj f1' f2', vs'')
(f1', vs') = go f1 vs
(f2', vs'') = go f2 vs'
go (Disj f1 f2) vs = (Disj f1' f2', vs'')
(f1', vs') = go f1 vs
(f2', vs'') = go f2 vs'
go (Impl f1 f2) vs = (Impl f1' f2', vs'')
(f1', vs') = go f1 vs
(f2', vs'') = go f2 vs'
go f' vs = (f', vs)
-- prenex normalform
makePNF :: Formula -> Formula
makePNF form = go $ renameBinders . makeNNF $ form
go f = let f' = pnfStep f in
if f == f' then f else go f'
-- swapping rules
pnfStep (Conj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Conj phi psi)
pnfStep (Conj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Conj phi psi)
pnfStep (Disj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Disj phi psi)
pnfStep (Disj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Disj phi psi)
pnfStep (Conj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Conj psi phi)
pnfStep (Conj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Conj psi phi)
pnfStep (Disj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Disj psi phi)
pnfStep (Disj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Disj psi phi)
-- descent rules
pnfStep (All x f) = All x (pnfStep f)
pnfStep (Exists x f) = Exists x (pnfStep f)
pnfStep (Conj f1 f2) = Conj (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2)
pnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2)
pnfStep (Impl f1 f2) = Impl (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2) -- can't happen, gets removed in makeNNF
pnfStep (Neg f) = Neg (pnfStep f)
pnfStep f = f
-- infinite function names for skolemizing
skolemFuns :: [String]
skolemFuns = ["sk" ++ show n | n <- [(0 :: Int)..]]
-- returns all function names in a formula
usedFunctions :: Formula -> [String]
usedFunctions (Pred _ ts) = concatMap termFunctions ts
termFunctions (Var _) = []
termFunctions (Fun f ts') = f : concatMap termFunctions ts'
usedFunctions (Neg f) = usedFunctions f
usedFunctions (Conj f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2
usedFunctions (Disj f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2
usedFunctions (Impl f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2
usedFunctions (All _ f) = usedFunctions f
usedFunctions (Exists _ f) = usedFunctions f
usedFunctions _ = []
-- skolem form of a formula
makeSkolem :: Formula -> Formula
makeSkolem form = go (makePNF form) [] []
substTermInFormula :: Formula -> String -> Term -> Formula
substTermInFormula (Pred p ts) x s = Pred p $ map (\t -> termSubst t x s) ts
substTermInFormula (Neg f) x s = Neg $ substTermInFormula f x s
substTermInFormula (Conj f1 f2) x s = Conj (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s)
substTermInFormula (Disj f1 f2) x s = Disj (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s)
substTermInFormula (Impl f1 f2) x s = Impl (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s)
substTermInFormula f@(All y f') x s = if x == y then f else All y (substTermInFormula f' x s)
substTermInFormula f@(Exists y f') x s = if x == y then f else Exists y (substTermInFormula f' x s)
substTermInFormula f _ _ = f
go (All x f) vs skolems = All x (go f (Var x : vs) skolems)
go (Exists x f) vs skolems = go (substTermInFormula f x (Fun newSkolem vs)) vs (newSkolem : skolems)
where newSkolem = fromJust $ find (`notElem` skolems) skolemFuns
go f _ _ = f
-- conjunctive normalform, removes all quantors, so its ready for resolution
makeCNF :: Formula -> Formula
makeCNF form = go $ makeSkolem form
go f = let f' = cnfStep f in
if f == f' then f else go f'
cnfStep (Conj phi psi) = Conj (makeCNF phi) (makeCNF psi)
cnfStep (Disj (Conj phi psi) xi) = Conj (makeCNF $ Disj phi xi) (makeCNF $ Disj psi xi)
--cnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (makeCNF f1) (makeCNF f2)
cnfStep (All _ f) = makeCNF f
cnfStep (Exists _ f) = makeCNF f
cnfStep f = f
-- create the list of clauses from a formula
makeCNFList :: Formula -> [[Formula]]
makeCNFList form = go $ makeCNF form
go (Conj f1 f2) = go f1 ++ go f2
go (Disj f1 f2) = [collectDisjs f1 ++ collectDisjs f2]
collectDisjs (Disj f1' f2') = collectDisjs f1' ++ collectDisjs f2'
collectDisjs f' = [f']
go f = [[f]]
-- unifies predicates, e.g. P(x,y) == P(f(a), z)
unifyPredicates :: (Formula, [Formula]) -> (Formula, [Formula]) -> Maybe (([Formula], [Formula]), [(Term, Term)])
unifyPredicates (e1@(Pred p1 ts1), c1) (e2@(Neg (Pred p2 ts2)), c2) | p1 == p2 && length p1 == length p2 = do
mgu <- unify $ zip ts1 ts2
return ((c1', c2'), mgu)
c1' = filter (/= e1) c1
c2' = filter (/= e2) c2
unifyPredicates _ _ = Nothing
-- applies an mgu to a given formula, asserts that the formula contains no quantifiers
applyMgu :: Formula -> [(Term, Term)] -> Formula
applyMgu (Pred p ts) mgu = Pred p $ map (`applyMguTerm` mgu) ts
applyMgu (Neg f) mgu = Neg $ applyMgu f mgu
applyMgu (Conj f1 f2) mgu = Conj (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu)
applyMgu (Disj f1 f2) mgu = Disj (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu)
applyMgu (Impl f1 f2) mgu = Impl (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu)
applyMgu f _ = f
-- applies mgu to term
applyMguTerm :: Term -> [(Term, Term)] -> Term
applyMguTerm (Var x) [] = Var x
applyMguTerm (Var x) ((Var y, t) : rest) = if x == y then t else applyMguTerm (Var x) rest
applyMguTerm (Fun f ts) mgu = Fun f $ map (`applyMguTerm` mgu) ts
applyMguTerm t _ = t
-- a single resolution step as described in gloin
rifStep :: [[Formula]] -> Either () [[Formula]]
rifStep clauses | trace (show clauses) True = if [] `elem` clauses then Left () else Right newClauses
resolveClauses :: [Formula] -> [Formula] -> [(([Formula], [Formula]), [(Term, Term)])]
resolveClauses c1 c2 = let zippedElems = [((e1, c1), (e2, c2)) | e1 <- c1, e2 <- c2] in mapMaybe (uncurry unifyPredicates) zippedElems
zippedClauses = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- clauses, c2 <- clauses, c1 /= c2]
clausesWithMgus = concatMap (uncurry resolveClauses) zippedClauses
newClauses = clauses ++ map (\((f1, f2), mgu) -> map (`applyMgu` mgu) f1 ++ map (`applyMgu` mgu) f2) clausesWithMgus
rifStep _ = undefined
-- do resolution until we have proven unfulfillability of formula set
doResolution :: [[Formula]] -> Either () [[Formula]]
doResolution f= do
f' <- rifStep f
-- TODO after every resolution step make variable names of clauses disjunct
doResolution f'
To prove a formula we:
1. Construct `Neg phi`
2. Transform `Neg phi` to a clause list
3. doResolution on clause list
proveFormula :: Formula -> Either () [[Formula]]
proveFormula form = doResolution $ makeCNFList (Neg form)
-- unification examples
terma1 :: Term
terma1 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "y"]]
termb1 :: Term
termb1 = Fun "f" [Fun "g" [Var "z"], Var "z"]
terma2 :: Term
terma2 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "x"], Fun "h" [Var "y"]]
termb2 :: Term
termb2 = Fun "f" [Fun "k" [Var "y"], Fun "g" [Var "z"], Var "z"]
terma3 :: Term
terma3 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "x"]]
termb3 :: Term
termb3 = Fun "f" [Var "z", Var "z"]
-- NNF example from gloin
formula1 :: Formula
formula1 = Neg (Conj (Disj (Pred "A" []) (Neg $ Pred "B" [])) (Pred "C" []))
-- PNF and skolem example from gloin
formula2 :: Formula
formula2 = All "x" $ Impl (All "y" $ Pred "L" [Var "y", Var "x"]) (Exists "y" $ Pred "M" [Var "x", Var "y"])
-- Resolution example from gloin script
formula3 :: Formula
formula3 = Impl (Conj (Pred "P" [Fun "a" []]) (All "x" $ Impl (Pred "P" [Var "x"]) (Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]]))) (Exists "x" $ Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]]])
-- Resolution example from gloin exercises
formula4 :: Formula
formula4 = Conj (Disj (Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x"], Var "y"]) (Disj (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "z"]) (Pred "P" [Var "y"]))) (Conj (Neg $ Pred "S" [Fun "f" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]], Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "z"]]))
-- now a big example, sheet 11, exercise 6: Drogenschmuggel, this doesn't work yet but I'm sure its just the exercise thats wrong...
phi1 :: Formula
phi1 = All "x" $ Impl (Conj (Pred "E" [Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "I" [Var "x"])) (Exists "y" $ Conj (Pred "Z" [Var "y"]) (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "x"]))
phi2 :: Formula
phi2 = Exists "x" $ Conj (Conj (Pred "D" [Var "x"]) (Pred "E" [Var "x"])) (All "y" $ Impl (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "x"]) (Pred "D" [Var "y"]))
phi3 :: Formula
phi3 = All "x" $ Impl (Pred "I" [Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x"])
psi' :: Formula
psi' = Exists "x" $ Conj (Pred "Z" [Var "x"]) (Pred "D" [Var "x"])
formula5 :: Formula
formula5 = Impl (Conj (Conj phi1 phi2) phi3) psi'
-- exercise 2: Ärzte und Quacksalber
formula6 :: [[Formula]]
formula6 = [
[Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x1"], Pred "L" [Fun "f" [Var "x1"], Var "x1"]],
[Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x2"]], Neg $ Pred "L" [Fun "f" [Var "x2"], Var "x2"]],
[Neg $ Pred "P" [Var "x3"], Neg $ Pred "Q" [Var "y3"], Neg $ Pred "L" [Var "x3", Var "y3"]],
[Pred "D" [Fun "a" []]],
[Pred "Q" [Fun "a" []]]]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Now making NNF of formula: " ++ show formula1
print $ makeNNF formula1
putStrLn $ "Now making PNF of formula: " ++ show formula2
print $ makePNF formula2
putStrLn $ "Now making Skolemform of formula: " ++ show formula2
print $ makeSkolem formula2
putStrLn $ "Now proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula3
case proveFormula formula3 of
Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!"
Right _ -> return ()
putStrLn $ "Now Proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula4
case doResolution $ makeCNFList formula4 of
Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!"
Right _ -> return ()
putStrLn $ "Now Proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula6
case doResolution formula6 of
Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!"
Right _ -> return ()

unification.cabal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
-- The cabal-version field refers to the version of the .cabal specification,
-- and can be different from the cabal-install (the tool) version and the
-- Cabal (the library) version you are using. As such, the Cabal (the library)
-- version used must be equal or greater than the version stated in this field.
-- Starting from the specification version 2.2, the cabal-version field must be
-- the first thing in the cabal file.
-- Initial package description 'unification' generated by
-- 'cabal init'. For further documentation, see:
-- The name of the package.
name: unification
-- The package version.
-- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards
-- guiding when and how versions should be incremented.
-- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes
-- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
-- | | | +--- code changes with no API change
-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
A implementation of the unifcation algorithm by martelli montanari
-- A longer description of the package.
-- description:
-- The license under which the package is released.
license: MIT
-- The file containing the license text.
license-file: LICENSE
-- The package author(s).
author: Leon Vatthauer
-- An email address to which users can send suggestions, bug reports, and patches.
-- A copyright notice.
-- copyright:
category: Development
build-type: Simple
-- Extra source files to be distributed with the package, such as examples, or a tutorial module.
-- extra-source-files:
common warnings
ghc-options: -Wall
executable unification
-- Import common warning flags.
import: warnings
-- .hs or .lhs file containing the Main module.
main-is: Main.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
-- other-modules:
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=, containers, extra
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app
-- Base language which the package is written in.
default-language: Haskell2010