module Main where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace {- First we define first order predicate logic -} data Term = Var String | Fun String [Term] deriving (Eq) data Formula = Pred String [Term] | Neg Formula | Conj Formula Formula | Disj Formula Formula | Impl Formula Formula | All String Formula | Exists String Formula | T | F deriving (Eq) instance Show Term where show (Var x) = x show (Fun f []) = f show (Fun f (x : xs)) = f ++ "(" ++ show x ++ foldr ((++) . (", "++) . show) ")" xs instance Show Formula where show (Pred p []) = p show (Pred p (x : xs)) = p ++ "(" ++ show x ++ foldr ((++) . (", "++) . show) ")" xs show (Neg f) = "!(" ++ show f ++ ")" show (Conj f1 f2) = show f1 ++ " /\\ " ++ show f2 show (Disj f1 f2) = show f1 ++ " \\/ " ++ show f2 show (Impl f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ " -> " ++ show f2 ++ ")" show (All x f) = "forall " ++ x ++ ". " ++ show f show (Exists x f) = "exists " ++ x ++ ". " ++ show f show T = "true" show F = "false" -- free variables of a term termFreeVars :: Term -> [String] termFreeVars (Var x) = [x] termFreeVars (Fun _ ts) = concatMap termFreeVars ts -- substitution on terms termSubst :: Term -> String -> Term -> Term termSubst t@(Var x) y s = if x == y then s else t termSubst (Fun f ts) y s = Fun f $ map (\t' -> termSubst t' y s) ts -- unification algorithm of martelli montanari unify :: [(Term, Term)] -> Maybe [(Term, Term)] unify [] = Just [] -- (delete) unify ((Var x, Var y) : rest) | x == y = unify rest -- (decomp) unify ((Fun f es, Fun g ds) : rest) | f == g && length es == length ds = unify $ zip es ds ++ rest -- (conflict) unify ((Fun _ _, Fun _ _) : _) = Nothing -- (orient) unify ((Fun f ts, Var x) : rest) = unify $ (Var x, Fun f ts) : rest -- (occurs) unify ((Var x, t) : _) | x `elem` termFreeVars t && Var x /= t = Nothing -- (elim) unify ((Var x, t) : rest) | notElem x (termFreeVars t) && x `elem` concatMap (\(t1, t2) -> termFreeVars t1 ++ termFreeVars t2) rest = unify $ (Var x, t) : map (\(t1, t2) -> (termSubst t1 x t, termSubst t2 x t)) rest -- decent unify ((t, s) : rest) = do rest' <- unify rest return $ (t, s) : rest' {- Now we define some functions to convert given terms to normalforms i.e. negation normalform, prenex normal, skolemform, conjunctive normalform -} -- negation normalform makeNNF :: Formula -> Formula makeNNF form = if form == f' then form else makeNNF f' where f' = nnfStep form nnfStep (Conj f1 f2) = Conj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2) nnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2) nnfStep (Impl f1 f2) = Disj (Neg f1) f2 nnfStep (All x f) = All x (nnfStep f) nnfStep (Exists x f) = Exists x (nnfStep f) nnfStep (Neg (Conj f1 f2)) = Disj (Neg f1) (Neg f2) nnfStep (Neg (Disj f1 f2)) = Conj (Neg f1) (Neg f2) nnfStep (Neg (Impl f1 f2)) = Conj f1 (Neg f2) nnfStep (Neg (All x f)) = Exists x (Neg f) nnfStep (Neg (Exists x f)) = All x (Neg f) nnfStep (Neg (Neg f)) = f nnfStep (Neg T) = F nnfStep (Neg F) = T nnfStep f = f -- infinite list of variable names vars :: [String] vars = ['v' : show n | n <- [(0 :: Int)..]] -- return *all* vars in a formula, i.e. bound ones and free ones formulaVars :: Formula -> [String] formulaVars (Pred _ ts) = concatMap termFreeVars ts formulaVars (Neg f) = formulaVars f formulaVars (Conj f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2 formulaVars (Disj f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2 formulaVars (Impl f1 f2) = formulaVars f1 ++ formulaVars f2 formulaVars (All x f) = x : formulaVars f formulaVars (Exists x f) = x : formulaVars f formulaVars _ = [] -- renames all occurences of variable v with v' in a term renameTerm :: Term -> String -> String -> Term renameTerm t@(Var x) v v' = if x == v then Var v' else t renameTerm (Fun g ts) v v' = Fun g (map (\t -> renameTerm t v v') ts) -- renames all occurences of free variable v with v' in a formula renameFormula :: Formula -> String -> String -> Formula renameFormula (Pred p ts) v v' = Pred p (map (\t -> renameTerm t v v') ts) renameFormula (Neg f') v v' = Neg $ renameFormula f' v v' renameFormula (Conj f1 f2) v v' = Conj (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v') renameFormula (Disj f1 f2) v v' = Disj (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v') renameFormula (Impl f1 f2) v v' = Impl (renameFormula f1 v v') (renameFormula f2 v v') renameFormula (All y f') v v' | y /= v = All y $ renameFormula f' v v' renameFormula (Exists y f') v v' | y /= v = Exists y $ renameFormula f' v v' renameFormula f' _ _ = f' -- finds a fresh variable i.e. a variable not occuring in vs findFresh :: [String] -> String findFresh vs = fromJust $ find (`notElem` vs) vars -- rename every binder in formula to be disjunct renameBinders :: Formula -> Formula renameBinders f = fst $ go f [] where go :: Formula -> [String] -> (Formula, [String]) go (All x f') vs = (All x' f'', vs') where (f'', vs') = go (renameFormula f' x x') (x' : vs) x' = findFresh (formulaVars f ++ vs) go (Exists x f') vs = (Exists x' f'', vs') where (f'', vs') = go (renameFormula f' x x') (x' : vs) x' = findFresh (formulaVars f ++ vs) go (Neg f') vs = (Neg f'', vs') where (f'', vs') = go f' vs go (Conj f1 f2) vs = (Conj f1' f2', vs'') where (f1', vs') = go f1 vs (f2', vs'') = go f2 vs' go (Disj f1 f2) vs = (Disj f1' f2', vs'') where (f1', vs') = go f1 vs (f2', vs'') = go f2 vs' go (Impl f1 f2) vs = (Impl f1' f2', vs'') where (f1', vs') = go f1 vs (f2', vs'') = go f2 vs' go f' vs = (f', vs) -- prenex normalform -- TODO make it so that forall has higher priority to be moved left (makes skolem functions smaller) makePNF :: Formula -> Formula makePNF form = go $ renameBinders . makeNNF $ form where go f = let f' = pnfStep f in if f == f' then f else go f' -- swapping rules pnfStep (Conj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Conj phi psi) pnfStep (Disj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Disj phi psi) pnfStep (Conj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Conj psi phi) pnfStep (Disj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Disj psi phi) pnfStep (Conj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Conj phi psi) pnfStep (Disj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Disj phi psi) pnfStep (Conj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Conj psi phi) pnfStep (Disj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Disj psi phi) {- pnfStep (Conj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Conj phi psi) pnfStep (Conj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Conj phi psi) pnfStep (Disj phi (Exists x psi)) = Exists x (Disj phi psi) pnfStep (Disj phi (All x psi)) = All x (Disj phi psi) pnfStep (Conj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Conj psi phi) pnfStep (Conj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Conj psi phi) pnfStep (Disj (Exists x psi) phi) = Exists x (Disj psi phi) pnfStep (Disj (All x psi) phi) = All x (Disj psi phi) -} -- descent rules pnfStep (All x f) = All x (pnfStep f) pnfStep (Exists x f) = Exists x (pnfStep f) pnfStep (Conj f1 f2) = Conj (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2) pnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2) pnfStep (Impl f1 f2) = Impl (pnfStep f1) (pnfStep f2) -- can't happen, gets removed in makeNNF pnfStep (Neg f) = Neg (pnfStep f) pnfStep f = f -- infinite function names for skolemizing skolemFuns :: [String] skolemFuns = ["sk" ++ show n | n <- [(0 :: Int)..]] -- returns all function names in a formula usedFunctions :: Formula -> [String] usedFunctions (Pred _ ts) = concatMap termFunctions ts where termFunctions (Var _) = [] termFunctions (Fun f ts') = f : concatMap termFunctions ts' usedFunctions (Neg f) = usedFunctions f usedFunctions (Conj f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2 usedFunctions (Disj f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2 usedFunctions (Impl f1 f2) = usedFunctions f1 ++ usedFunctions f2 usedFunctions (All _ f) = usedFunctions f usedFunctions (Exists _ f) = usedFunctions f usedFunctions _ = [] -- skolem form of a formula makeSkolem :: Formula -> Formula makeSkolem form = go (makePNF form) [] [] where substTermInFormula :: Formula -> String -> Term -> Formula substTermInFormula (Pred p ts) x s = Pred p $ map (\t -> termSubst t x s) ts substTermInFormula (Neg f) x s = Neg $ substTermInFormula f x s substTermInFormula (Conj f1 f2) x s = Conj (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s) substTermInFormula (Disj f1 f2) x s = Disj (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s) substTermInFormula (Impl f1 f2) x s = Impl (substTermInFormula f1 x s) (substTermInFormula f2 x s) substTermInFormula f@(All y f') x s = if x == y then f else All y (substTermInFormula f' x s) substTermInFormula f@(Exists y f') x s = if x == y then f else Exists y (substTermInFormula f' x s) substTermInFormula f _ _ = f go (All x f) vs skolems = All x (go f (vs ++ [Var x]) skolems) go (Exists x f) vs skolems = go (substTermInFormula f x (Fun newSkolem vs)) vs (newSkolem : skolems) where newSkolem = fromJust $ find (`notElem` skolems) skolemFuns go f _ _ = f -- conjunctive normalform, removes all quantors, so its ready for resolution makeCNF :: Formula -> Formula makeCNF form = go $ makeSkolem form where go f = let f' = cnfStep f in if f == f' then f else go f' cnfStep (Conj phi psi) = Conj (makeCNF phi) (makeCNF psi) cnfStep (Disj (Conj phi psi) xi) = Conj (makeCNF $ Disj phi xi) (makeCNF $ Disj psi xi) cnfStep (Disj xi (Conj phi psi)) = Conj (makeCNF $ Disj xi phi) (makeCNF $ Disj xi psi) cnfStep (All _ f) = makeCNF f cnfStep (Exists _ f) = makeCNF f cnfStep f = f -- create the list of clauses from a formula -- TODO not working correctly for `makeCNFList formula5` makeCNFList :: Formula -> [[Formula]] makeCNFList form = go $ makeCNF form where go (Conj f1 f2) = go f1 ++ go f2 go (Disj f1 f2) = [collectDisjs f1 ++ collectDisjs f2] where collectDisjs (Disj f1' f2') = collectDisjs f1' ++ collectDisjs f2' collectDisjs f' = [f'] go f = [[f]] -- unifies predicates, e.g. P(x,y) == P(f(a), z) unifyPredicates :: (Formula, [Formula]) -> (Formula, [Formula]) -> Maybe (([Formula], [Formula]), [(Term, Term)]) unifyPredicates (e1@(Pred p1 ts1), c1) (e2@(Neg (Pred p2 ts2)), c2) | p1 == p2 && length p1 == length p2 = do mgu <- unify $ zip ts1 ts2 return ((c1', c2'), mgu) where c1' = filter (/= e1) c1 c2' = filter (/= e2) c2 unifyPredicates _ _ = Nothing -- applies an mgu to a given formula, asserts that the formula contains no quantifiers applyMgu :: Formula -> [(Term, Term)] -> Formula applyMgu (Pred p ts) mgu = Pred p $ map (`applyMguTerm` mgu) ts applyMgu (Neg f) mgu = Neg $ applyMgu f mgu applyMgu (Conj f1 f2) mgu = Conj (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu) applyMgu (Disj f1 f2) mgu = Disj (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu) applyMgu (Impl f1 f2) mgu = Impl (applyMgu f1 mgu) (applyMgu f2 mgu) applyMgu f _ = f -- applies mgu to term applyMguTerm :: Term -> [(Term, Term)] -> Term applyMguTerm (Var x) [] = Var x applyMguTerm (Var x) ((Var y, t) : rest) = if x == y then t else applyMguTerm (Var x) rest applyMguTerm (Fun f ts) mgu = Fun f $ map (`applyMguTerm` mgu) ts applyMguTerm t _ = t -- a single resolution step as described in gloin rifStep :: [[Formula]] -> Either () [[Formula]] rifStep clauses | trace (show clauses) True = if [] `elem` clauses then Left () else Right newClauses where resolveClauses :: [Formula] -> [Formula] -> [(([Formula], [Formula]), [(Term, Term)])] resolveClauses c1 c2 = let zippedElems = [((e1, c1), (e2, c2)) | e1 <- c1, e2 <- c2] in mapMaybe (uncurry unifyPredicates) zippedElems zippedClauses = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- clauses, c2 <- clauses, c1 /= c2] clausesWithMgus = concatMap (uncurry resolveClauses) zippedClauses newClauses = clauses ++ map (\((f1, f2), mgu) -> map (`applyMgu` mgu) f1 ++ map (`applyMgu` mgu) f2) clausesWithMgus rifStep _ = undefined -- do resolution until we have proven unfulfillability of formula set doResolution :: [[Formula]] -> Either () [[Formula]] doResolution f= do f' <- rifStep f -- TODO after every resolution step make variable names of clauses disjunct doResolution f' {- To prove a formula we: 1. Construct `Neg phi` 2. Transform `Neg phi` to a clause list 3. doResolution on clause list -} proveFormula :: Formula -> Either () [[Formula]] proveFormula form = doResolution $ makeCNFList (Neg form) -- unification examples terma1 :: Term terma1 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "y"]] termb1 :: Term termb1 = Fun "f" [Fun "g" [Var "z"], Var "z"] terma2 :: Term terma2 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "x"], Fun "h" [Var "y"]] termb2 :: Term termb2 = Fun "f" [Fun "k" [Var "y"], Fun "g" [Var "z"], Var "z"] terma3 :: Term terma3 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "x"]] termb3 :: Term termb3 = Fun "f" [Var "z", Var "z"] -- NNF example from gloin formula1 :: Formula formula1 = Neg (Conj (Disj (Pred "A" []) (Neg $ Pred "B" [])) (Pred "C" [])) -- PNF and skolem example from gloin formula2 :: Formula formula2 = All "x" $ Impl (All "y" $ Pred "L" [Var "y", Var "x"]) (Exists "y" $ Pred "M" [Var "x", Var "y"]) -- Resolution example from gloin script formula3 :: Formula formula3 = Impl (Conj (Pred "P" [Fun "a" []]) (All "x" $ Impl (Pred "P" [Var "x"]) (Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]]))) (Exists "x" $ Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]]]) -- Resolution example from gloin exercises formula4 :: Formula formula4 = Conj (Disj (Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x"], Var "y"]) (Disj (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "z"]) (Pred "P" [Var "y"]))) (Conj (Neg $ Pred "S" [Fun "f" [Fun "f" [Var "x"]], Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "z"]])) -- now a big example, sheet 11, exercise 6: Drogenschmuggel, this doesn't work yet but I'm sure its just the exercise thats wrong... phi1 :: Formula phi1 = All "x" $ Impl (Conj (Pred "E" [Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "I" [Var "x"])) (Exists "y" $ Conj (Pred "Z" [Var "y"]) (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "x"])) phi2 :: Formula phi2 = Exists "x" $ Conj (Conj (Pred "D" [Var "x"]) (Pred "E" [Var "x"])) (All "y" $ Impl (Pred "S" [Var "y", Var "x"]) (Pred "D" [Var "y"])) phi3 :: Formula phi3 = All "x" $ Impl (Pred "I" [Var "x"]) (Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x"]) psi' :: Formula psi' = Exists "x" $ Conj (Pred "Z" [Var "x"]) (Pred "D" [Var "x"]) formula5 :: Formula formula5 = Impl (Conj (Conj phi1 phi2) phi3) psi' -- exercise 2: Ärzte und Quacksalber formula6 :: [[Formula]] formula6 = [ [Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x1"], Pred "L" [Fun "f" [Var "x1"], Var "x1"]], [Pred "P" [Fun "f" [Var "x2"]], Neg $ Pred "L" [Fun "f" [Var "x2"], Var "x2"]], [Neg $ Pred "P" [Var "x3"], Neg $ Pred "Q" [Var "y3"], Neg $ Pred "L" [Var "x3", Var "y3"]], [Pred "D" [Fun "a" []]], [Pred "Q" [Fun "a" []]]] -- Drogenschmuggel but already as clauses formula7 :: [[Formula]] formula7 = [ [Neg $ Pred "E" [Var "x2"], Pred "I" [Var "x2"], Pred "Z" [Fun "f" [Var "x2"]]], [Neg $ Pred "E" [Var "x3"], Pred "I" [Var "x3"], Pred "S" [Var "x3", Fun "f" [Var "x3"]]], [Pred "D" [Fun "c" []]], [Pred "E" [Fun "c" []]], [Neg $ Pred "S" [Fun "c" [], Var "y"], Pred "D" [Var "y"]], [Neg $ Pred "I" [Var "x4"], Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x4"]], [Neg $ Pred "Z" [Var "x5"], Neg $ Pred "D" [Var "x5"]] ] main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ "Now making NNF of formula: " ++ show formula1 print $ makeNNF formula1 putStrLn $ "Now making PNF of formula: " ++ show formula2 print $ makePNF formula2 putStrLn $ "Now making Skolemform of formula: " ++ show formula2 print $ makeSkolem formula2 putStrLn $ "Now proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula3 case proveFormula formula3 of Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!" Right _ -> return () putStrLn $ "Now Proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula4 case doResolution $ makeCNFList formula4 of Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!" Right _ -> return () putStrLn $ "Now Proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula6 case doResolution formula6 of Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!" Right _ -> return ()