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module TypeInference where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
( gets, modify, evalState, State )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Terms ( Term(..) )
import Types ( TermInContext(..), Context, Type(TypeVar, Arrow) )
import Unification ( Unifier, unify, applyMgu )
-- state needed for algorithm W
newtype PTState = PTState {
varCount :: Int
type PTMonad = State PTState
-- returns a fresh type var in algorithm W
getNewTypeVar :: PTMonad String
getNewTypeVar = do
count <- gets varCount
modify (\s -> s {varCount = count + 1})
return $ 'a' : show count
-- implementation of algorithm W, this builds a list of terms to be unified in the next step
pt :: Context -> Term -> Type -> PTMonad Unifier
pt gamma (Var x) alpha = return [(alpha, gamma Map.! x)]
pt gamma (Abs x t) alpha = do
a <- TypeVar <$> getNewTypeVar
b <- TypeVar <$> getNewTypeVar
result <- pt (Map.insert x a gamma) t b
return $ result ++ [(Arrow a b, alpha)]
pt gamma (App t s) alpha = do
a <- TypeVar <$> getNewTypeVar
result1 <- pt gamma t (Arrow a alpha)
result2 <- pt gamma s a
return $ result1 ++ result2
-- infer the type of a term in context (if any)
inferType :: Context -> Term -> Maybe TermInContext
inferType ctx term = do
let unificationProblem = evalState (pt ctx term (TypeVar "a0")) (PTState 1)
mgu <- unify unificationProblem
let principalType = applyMgu (TypeVar "a0") mgu
return $ TermInContext ctx term principalType