working version
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 170 additions and 271 deletions
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ library
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=,
vector ^>=,
mtl ^>=2.3.1
mtl ^>=2.3.1,
split ^>=0.2.2
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -1,63 +1,102 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Types
( Grid (Grid),
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- putStrLn $ evalState (insert 5 (2, 5) >> showCandidates3) dummyState
putStr $ printSudoku dummyGrid
print $ isValidGrid dummyGrid
putStr . printGrid . fromJust $ solve dummyGrid
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 1) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 2) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 3) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 4) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 5) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 6) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 7) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 8) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 9) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBox (1, 4)) dummyState
let sudoku = read test :: Sudoku
putStrLn "Reading:"
print sudoku
putStrLn "Pretty Printing:"
putStrLn $ pretty sudoku
putStrLn "Candidates:"
putStrLn $ evalState (insertAll sudoku >> showCandidates3) initState
-- print $ colView dummyGrid 4
-- print $ squareView dummyGrid 4
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 0
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 1
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 2
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 3
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 4
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 5
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 6
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 7
-- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 8
-- print $ allCells dummyGrid (>= 0)
test :: String
test = "070000043040009610800634900094052000358460020000800530080070091902100005007040802"
070 000 043
040 009 610
800 634 900
094 052 000
358 460 020
000 800 530
080 070 091
902 100 005
007 040 802
dummyState :: SudokuState
dummyState =
{ dimension = 3,
grid = V.replicate 81 0,
idxs = V.fromList [(x, y) | x <- [1 .. 9], y <- [1 .. 9]],
candidates = V.replicate 81 (V.replicate 9 True)
dummyGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int)
dummyGrid = initGrid 3 (map toMaybeInt test)
toMaybeInt :: Char -> Maybe Int
toMaybeInt c = if int == 0 then Nothing else Just int
int = digitToInt c
initState :: SudokuState
initState =
{ dimension = 0,
grid = V.empty,
idxs = V.empty,
candidates = V.empty
printSudoku :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> String
printSudoku gr = printGrid mappedGrid
mappedGrid :: Grid Int
mappedGrid = mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr
isValidGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool
isValidGrid gr@(Grid _ d) =
all isValidRow [0 .. d * d - 1]
&& all isValidCol [0 .. d * d - 1]
&& all isValidSquare [0 .. d * d - 1]
validView :: V.Vector (Maybe Int) -> Bool
validView v = V.foldl (\drag (e, c) -> case e of Nothing -> drag; Just _ -> (c < 2) && drag) True counts
counts = (\e -> (e, count v e)) v
isValidRow :: Int -> Bool
isValidRow y = validView $ rowView gr y
isValidCol :: Int -> Bool
isValidCol x = validView $ colView gr x
isValidSquare :: Int -> Bool
isValidSquare n = validView $ squareView gr n
isFull :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool
isFull gr = allCells gr isJust
isSolved :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool
isSolved gr@(Grid g d) = isValidGrid gr && isFull gr
extractSolution :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Grid Int
extractSolution gr =
if not (isSolved gr)
then error "trying to extract solution from unsolved grid"
else mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr
solveHelper :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int)
solveHelper gr@(Grid _ d) (x, y)
| not (isValidGrid gr) = Nothing
| isSolved gr = Just (extractSolution gr)
| otherwise = case cell of
Nothing -> if not (null solvedGrids) then head solvedGrids else Nothing
Just _ -> solveHelper gr nextCoord
placeAndSolve :: Int -> Maybe (Grid Int)
placeAndSolve n = solveHelper newGrid nextCoord
newGrid = putCell gr (x, y) (Just n)
solvedGrids = map Just (mapMaybe placeAndSolve [1 .. d * d])
cell = getCell gr (x, y)
nextCoord = if x < d * d - 1 then (x + 1, y) else (0, y + 1)
solve :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int)
solve gr = solveHelper gr (0, 0)
@ -1,245 +1,104 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Types where
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (put), State, get, gets, modify)
import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Data.Vector (Vector, slice)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf, keepDelimsL, split, splitWhen, whenElt)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Debug.Trace
-- * Stateful Sudoku Type
type Row a = Vector a
data SudokuState = SudokuState
{ dimension :: Int,
grid :: Vector Int,
idxs :: Vector (Int, Int),
candidates :: Vector (Vector Bool)
data Grid a = Grid
{ grid :: Vector (Row a),
dimension :: Int
type SudokuMonad = State SudokuState
initGrid :: Int -> [a] -> Grid a
initGrid d vs = Grid (V.fromList . map V.fromList $ chunksOf (d * d) vs) d
getField :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getField (x, y) = do
state <- get
return $ grid state ! (x + y * dimension state)
getRow :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a
getRow (Grid g d) y =
if y >= d * d || y < 0
then error ("getRow: y=" ++ show y ++ " is out of dimension=" ++ show d)
else g V.! y
getRow :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getRow (_, y) = return y
putRow :: Grid a -> Row a -> Int -> Grid a
putRow (Grid g d) newRow y =
if y >= d * d || y < 0
then error ("putRow: y=" ++ show y ++ " is out of dimension=" ++ show d)
else Grid (g V.// [(y, newRow)]) d
getCol :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getCol (x, _) = return x
getBox :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getBox (x, y) = do
d <- gets dimension
let xPart = ((x - 1) `div` d) + 1
let yPart = (y - 1) `div` d
return $ xPart + (d * yPart)
getRowRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getRowRange row = do
d <- gets dimension
return [x + ((row - 1) * d * d) | x <- [1 .. d * d]]
getColRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getColRange col = do
d <- gets dimension
return [col + ((x - 1) * d * d) | x <- [1 .. d * d]]
getBoxRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getBoxRange box = do
d <- gets dimension
let (x, y) = getXY box
flatIdx <- flattenIdx (x, y)
return [flatIdx + n + (m * d * d) | m <- [0 .. d - 1], n <- [0 .. d - 1]]
updateRow :: Grid a -> (Row a -> Row a) -> Int -> Grid a
updateRow gr upd y = putRow gr (upd oldRow) y
-- \| Maps a box number to its upper left corner
getXY :: Int -> (Int, Int)
getXY 1 = (1, 1)
getXY 2 = (4, 1)
getXY 3 = (7, 1)
getXY 4 = (1, 4)
getXY 5 = (4, 4)
getXY 6 = (7, 4)
getXY 7 = (1, 7)
getXY 8 = (4, 7)
getXY 9 = (7, 7)
getXY n = error $ "tried to getXY of box number: " ++ show n
oldRow = getRow gr y
flattenIdx :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
flattenIdx (x, y) = do
d <- gets dimension
return (x + (d * d * (y - 1)))
putCell :: Grid a -> (Int, Int) -> a -> Grid a
putCell gs@(Grid _ d) (x, y) v =
if x >= d * d || x < 0
then error "putCell out of bounds"
else updateRow gs (\row -> row V.// [(x, v)]) y
updateVector :: Vector a -> Int -> a -> Vector a
updateVector v idx x = V.update v (V.singleton (idx - 1, x))
dropCandidate :: Int -> Vector Bool -> Vector Bool
dropCandidate n bs = updateVector bs n False
dropAllCandidates :: Vector Bool -> Vector Bool
dropAllCandidates = (const False)
(!) :: Vector a -> Int -> a
v ! n = v V.! (n - 1)
gridInsert :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
gridInsert n idx = do
flatIdx <- flattenIdx idx
g <- gets grid
modify (\s -> s {grid = updateVector g flatIdx n})
removeInRow :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
removeInRow n idx = do
rr <- getRow idx >>= getRowRange
forM_ rr remover
getCell :: Grid a -> (Int, Int) -> a
getCell gs@(Grid _ d) (x, y) =
if x >= d * d || x < 0
then error "getCell: x out of bounds"
else row V.! x
remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
remover pos = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! pos
let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
row = getRow gs y
removeInCol :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
removeInCol n idx = do
cr <- getCol idx >>= getColRange
forM_ cr remover
printGrid :: (Show a) => Grid a -> String
printGrid gr@(Grid _ d) = unwords . intercalate ["\n"] . chunksOf 3 . (split . keepDelimsL . whenElt) (== '\n') . unlines $ map printRow [0 .. (d * d) - 1]
remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
remover pos = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! pos
let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
printRow :: Int -> String
printRow _y = unwords $ map printSquare [0 .. d - 1]
y = checkDimension d _y
row = getRow gr y
printSquare :: Int -> String
printSquare n =
if n * d >= d * d || n < 0
then error ("trying to print square " ++ show n ++ " which is out of bounds (dimension: " ++ show d ++ ")")
else concatMap (\m -> show $ row V.! (n * d + m)) [0 .. d - 1]
removeInBox :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
removeInBox n idx = do
br <- getBox idx >>= getBoxRange
forM_ br remover
checkDimension :: Int -> Int -> Int
checkDimension d v =
if v >= d * d || v < 0
then error ("value " ++ show v ++ " out of dimension: " ++ show d)
else v
update :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> a -> Grid a
update (Grid g d) _x _y v = Grid newG d
remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
remover pos = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! pos
let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
x = checkDimension d _x
y = checkDimension d _y
row = g V.! y
newRow = row V.// [(x, v)]
newG = g V.// [(y, newRow)]
insert :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
insert n idx = do
gridInsert n idx
-- traceM $ "inserting " ++ show n
removeInRow n idx
removeInCol n idx
removeInBox n idx
-- remove all candidates for this cell
flatIdx <- flattenIdx idx
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! flatIdx
let cand' = dropAllCandidates cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs flatIdx cand'})
allCells :: Grid a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool
allCells (Grid g _) test = V.all id rows
rows :: Vector Bool
rows = (V.all test) g
insertAll :: Sudoku -> SudokuMonad ()
insertAll (Sudoku d g) = do
let coords = [(x, y) | y <- [1 .. d * d], x <- [1 .. d * d]]
let initialState =
{ dimension = d,
grid = V.replicate (d * d * d * d) 0,
idxs = V.fromList coords,
candidates = V.replicate (d * d * d * d) (V.replicate (d * d) True)
put initialState
forM_ (zip g coords) (\(n, idx) -> when (n /= 0) (insert n idx))
rowView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a
rowView = getRow
showCandidates3 :: SudokuMonad String
showCandidates3 = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cs' = (V.filter (/= 0) . V.imap (\idx b -> if b then idx + 1 else 0)) cs
return $
show (slice 0 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 9 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 18 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 27 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 36 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 45 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 54 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 63 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 72 9 cs')
colView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a
colView gr@(Grid _ d) x = V.generate (d * d) (\y -> getCell gr (x, y))
showGrid :: SudokuMonad String
showGrid = do
g <- gets grid
return $ show g
-- returns topleft coords of the square
squareToCoords :: Grid a -> Int -> (Int, Int)
squareToCoords (Grid _ d) m = ((m `mod` d) * d, (m `div` d) * d)
-- * Stateless Sudoku Type
squareView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a
squareView gr@(Grid _ d) n = V.concat (map (\y -> V.generate d (\x -> getCell gr (x + xoff, y + yoff))) [0 .. d - 1])
(xoff, yoff) = squareToCoords gr n
count :: (Eq a) => Vector a -> a -> Int
count v a = V.foldl (\c b -> if a == b then c + 1 else c) 0 v
-- $statelessFlattened
-- Here we define a simpler Sudoku type that would be very inneficient to work with
-- but is suitable for pretty printing and reading
-- | Contains metadata concerning a Sudoku field
data Sudoku = Sudoku
{ -- | The dim of the Sudoku, e.g. a 9x9 Sudoku field has dim 3
dim :: Int,
-- | The Sudoku field as a flattened list
grd :: [Int]
instance Show Sudoku where
show :: Sudoku -> String
show = map intToDigit . grd
instance Read Sudoku where
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Sudoku
readsPrec _ s =
if isInt dimDouble
then [(Sudoku (floor dimDouble) (map digitToInt s), "")]
else error ("Trying to parse malformed sudoku (number of digits [" ++ show (length s) ++ "] is not a quadratic root):\n" ++ s)
isInt x = x == fromInteger (round x)
dimDouble = sqrt . sqrt $ (fromIntegral (length s) :: Double)
-- | Pretty printing of values. Analogous to the `Show` class, but does not harmonize with `Read`.
class Pretty a where
-- | Works like `show`, but is not inverse to `read`.
pretty :: a -> String
-- TODO improve pretty printer, this is kind of a mess
instance Pretty Sudoku where
pretty :: Sudoku -> String
pretty s = prettyHelper (dim s - 1, dim s, grd s)
-- prettyBlock (isLast, n, list)
prettyBlock :: (Bool, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyBlock (_, _, []) = ""
prettyBlock (True, n, _) | n == 0 = ""
prettyBlock (False, n, _) | n == 0 = "|"
prettyBlock (b, n, x : xs) = intToDigit x : ' ' : prettyBlock (b, n - 1, xs)
-- prettyRow (n, d, list)
prettyRow :: (Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyRow (n, d, xs) | n == 0 = prettyBlock (True, d, xs)
prettyRow (n, d, xs) = prettyBlock (False, d, xs) ++ (' ' : prettyRow (n - 1, d, drop d xs))
-- prettyCol (isLast, n, d, list)
prettyCol :: (Bool, Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyCol (True, n, _, _) | n == 0 = ""
prettyCol (False, n, d, _) | n == 0 = replicate (2 * d * d - 1 + 2 * (d - 1)) '-'
prettyCol (_, _, _, []) = ""
prettyCol (b, n, d, xs) = prettyRow (d - 1, d, xs) ++ ('\n' : prettyCol (b, n - 1, d, drop (d * d) xs))
-- prettyHelper (n, d, list)
prettyHelper :: (Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyHelper (n, d, xs) | n == 0 = prettyCol (True, d, d, xs)
prettyHelper (n, d, xs) = prettyCol (False, d, d, xs) ++ ('\n' : prettyHelper (n - 1, d, drop (d * d * d) xs))
mapGrid :: (a -> b) -> Grid a -> Grid b
mapGrid f (Grid g d) = Grid ( ( f) g) d
Reference in a new issue