Compare commits


No commits in common. "bef753f3ac141cf2cf4a63d08db843ac02966086" and "42b22b91caef07532622f9f410b9c4d737524dc0" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 272 additions and 157 deletions

View file

@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ library
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported. -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=, build-depends: base ^>=,
vector ^>=, vector ^>=,
mtl ^>=2.3.1, mtl ^>=2.3.1
split ^>=0.2.2
-- Directories containing source files. -- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src hs-source-dirs: src

View file

@ -1,89 +1,63 @@
module Main where module Main where
import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Types import Types
( Grid (Grid),
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
putStr $ printSudoku dummyGrid -- putStrLn $ evalState (insert 5 (2, 5) >> showCandidates3) dummyState
print $ isValidGrid dummyGrid
putStr . printGrid . fromJust $ solve dummyGrid -- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 1) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 2) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 3) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 4) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 5) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 6) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 7) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 8) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBoxRange 9) dummyState
-- print $ evalState (getBox (1, 4)) dummyState
let sudoku = read test :: Sudoku
putStrLn "Reading:"
print sudoku
putStrLn "Pretty Printing:"
putStrLn $ pretty sudoku
putStrLn "Candidates:"
putStrLn $ evalState (insertAll sudoku >> showCandidates3) initState
test :: String test :: String
test = "070000043040009610800634900094052000358460020000800530080070091902100005007040802" test = "070000043040009610800634900094052000358460020000800530080070091902100005007040802"
dummyGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int) {-
dummyGrid = initGrid 3 (map toMaybeInt test) 070 000 043
where 040 009 610
toMaybeInt :: Char -> Maybe Int 800 634 900
toMaybeInt c = if int == 0 then Nothing else Just int 094 052 000
where 358 460 020
int = digitToInt c 000 800 530
080 070 091
902 100 005
007 040 802
dummyState :: SudokuState
dummyState =
{ dimension = 3,
grid = V.replicate 81 0,
idxs = V.fromList [(x, y) | x <- [1 .. 9], y <- [1 .. 9]],
candidates = V.replicate 81 (V.replicate 9 True)
printSudoku :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> String initState :: SudokuState
printSudoku gr = printGrid mappedGrid initState =
where SudokuState
mappedGrid :: Grid Int { dimension = 0,
mappedGrid = mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr grid = V.empty,
idxs = V.empty,
isValidGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool candidates = V.empty
isValidGrid gr@(Grid _ d) = }
all isValidRow [0 .. d * d - 1]
&& all isValidCol [0 .. d * d - 1]
&& all isValidSquare [0 .. d * d - 1]
validView :: V.Vector (Maybe Int) -> Bool
validView v = V.foldl (\drag (e, c) -> case e of Nothing -> drag; Just _ -> (c < 2) && drag) True counts
counts = (\e -> (e, count v e)) v
isValidRow :: Int -> Bool
isValidRow y = validView $ rowView gr y
isValidCol :: Int -> Bool
isValidCol x = validView $ colView gr x
isValidSquare :: Int -> Bool
isValidSquare n = validView $ squareView gr n
isFull :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool
isFull gr = allCells gr isJust
isSolved :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool
isSolved gr = isValidGrid gr && isFull gr
extractSolution :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Grid Int
extractSolution gr =
if not (isSolved gr)
then error "trying to extract solution from unsolved grid"
else mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr
solveHelper :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int)
solveHelper gr@(Grid _ d) (x, y)
| not (isValidGrid gr) = Nothing
| isSolved gr = Just (extractSolution gr)
| otherwise = case cell of
Nothing -> if not (null solvedGrids) then head solvedGrids else Nothing
Just _ -> solveHelper gr nextCoord
placeAndSolve :: Int -> Maybe (Grid Int)
placeAndSolve n = solveHelper newGrid nextCoord
newGrid = putCell gr (x, y) (Just n)
solvedGrids = map Just (mapMaybe placeAndSolve [1 .. d * d])
cell = getCell gr (x, y)
nextCoord = if x < d * d - 1 then (x + 1, y) else (0, y + 1)
solve :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int)
solve gr = solveHelper gr (0, 0)

View file

@ -1,103 +1,245 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Types where module Types where
import Data.List (intercalate) import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf, keepDelimsL, split, whenElt) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (put), State, get, gets, modify)
import Data.Vector (Vector) import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Data.Vector (Vector, slice)
import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Debug.Trace
type Row a = Vector a -- * Stateful Sudoku Type
data Grid a = Grid data SudokuState = SudokuState
{ grid :: Vector (Row a), { dimension :: Int,
dimension :: Int grid :: Vector Int,
idxs :: Vector (Int, Int),
candidates :: Vector (Vector Bool)
} }
initGrid :: Int -> [a] -> Grid a type SudokuMonad = State SudokuState
initGrid d vs = Grid (V.fromList . map V.fromList $ chunksOf (d * d) vs) d
getRow :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a getField :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getRow (Grid g d) y = getField (x, y) = do
if y >= d * d || y < 0 state <- get
then error ("getRow: y=" ++ show y ++ " is out of dimension=" ++ show d) return $ grid state ! (x + y * dimension state)
else g V.! y
putRow :: Grid a -> Row a -> Int -> Grid a getRow :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
putRow (Grid g d) newRow y = getRow (_, y) = return y
if y >= d * d || y < 0
then error ("putRow: y=" ++ show y ++ " is out of dimension=" ++ show d)
else Grid (g V.// [(y, newRow)]) d
updateRow :: Grid a -> (Row a -> Row a) -> Int -> Grid a getCol :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
updateRow gr upd y = putRow gr (upd oldRow) y getCol (x, _) = return x
getBox :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
getBox (x, y) = do
d <- gets dimension
let xPart = ((x - 1) `div` d) + 1
let yPart = (y - 1) `div` d
return $ xPart + (d * yPart)
getRowRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getRowRange row = do
d <- gets dimension
return [x + ((row - 1) * d * d) | x <- [1 .. d * d]]
getColRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getColRange col = do
d <- gets dimension
return [col + ((x - 1) * d * d) | x <- [1 .. d * d]]
getBoxRange :: Int -> SudokuMonad [Int]
getBoxRange box = do
d <- gets dimension
let (x, y) = getXY box
flatIdx <- flattenIdx (x, y)
return [flatIdx + n + (m * d * d) | m <- [0 .. d - 1], n <- [0 .. d - 1]]
where where
oldRow = getRow gr y -- \| Maps a box number to its upper left corner
getXY :: Int -> (Int, Int)
getXY 1 = (1, 1)
getXY 2 = (4, 1)
getXY 3 = (7, 1)
getXY 4 = (1, 4)
getXY 5 = (4, 4)
getXY 6 = (7, 4)
getXY 7 = (1, 7)
getXY 8 = (4, 7)
getXY 9 = (7, 7)
getXY n = error $ "tried to getXY of box number: " ++ show n
putCell :: Grid a -> (Int, Int) -> a -> Grid a flattenIdx :: (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad Int
putCell gs@(Grid _ d) (x, y) v = flattenIdx (x, y) = do
if x >= d * d || x < 0 d <- gets dimension
then error "putCell out of bounds" return (x + (d * d * (y - 1)))
else updateRow gs (\row -> row V.// [(x, v)]) y
getCell :: Grid a -> (Int, Int) -> a updateVector :: Vector a -> Int -> a -> Vector a
getCell gs@(Grid _ d) (x, y) = updateVector v idx x = V.update v (V.singleton (idx - 1, x))
if x >= d * d || x < 0
then error "getCell: x out of bounds" dropCandidate :: Int -> Vector Bool -> Vector Bool
else row V.! x dropCandidate n bs = updateVector bs n False
dropAllCandidates :: Vector Bool -> Vector Bool
dropAllCandidates = (const False)
(!) :: Vector a -> Int -> a
v ! n = v V.! (n - 1)
gridInsert :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
gridInsert n idx = do
flatIdx <- flattenIdx idx
g <- gets grid
modify (\s -> s {grid = updateVector g flatIdx n})
removeInRow :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
removeInRow n idx = do
rr <- getRow idx >>= getRowRange
forM_ rr remover
where where
row = getRow gs y remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
remover pos = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! pos
let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
printGrid :: (Show a) => Grid a -> String removeInCol :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
printGrid gr@(Grid _ d) = unwords . intercalate ["\n"] . chunksOf 3 . (split . keepDelimsL . whenElt) (== '\n') . unlines $ map printRow [0 .. (d * d) - 1] removeInCol n idx = do
cr <- getCol idx >>= getColRange
forM_ cr remover
where where
printRow :: Int -> String remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
printRow _y = unwords $ map printSquare [0 .. d - 1] remover pos = do
where cs <- gets candidates
y = checkDimension d _y let cand = cs ! pos
row = getRow gr y let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
printSquare :: Int -> String modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
printSquare n =
if n * d >= d * d || n < 0
then error ("trying to print square " ++ show n ++ " which is out of bounds (dimension: " ++ show d ++ ")")
else concatMap (\m -> show $ row V.! (n * d + m)) [0 .. d - 1]
checkDimension :: Int -> Int -> Int removeInBox :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
checkDimension d v = removeInBox n idx = do
if v >= d * d || v < 0 br <- getBox idx >>= getBoxRange
then error ("value " ++ show v ++ " out of dimension: " ++ show d) forM_ br remover
else v
update :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> a -> Grid a
update (Grid g d) _x _y v = Grid newG d
where where
x = checkDimension d _x remover :: Int -> SudokuMonad ()
y = checkDimension d _y remover pos = do
row = g V.! y cs <- gets candidates
newRow = row V.// [(x, v)] let cand = cs ! pos
newG = g V.// [(y, newRow)] let cand' = dropCandidate n cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs pos cand'})
allCells :: Grid a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool insert :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> SudokuMonad ()
allCells (Grid g _) test = V.all id rows insert n idx = do
where gridInsert n idx
rows :: Vector Bool -- traceM $ "inserting " ++ show n
rows = (V.all test) g removeInRow n idx
removeInCol n idx
removeInBox n idx
-- remove all candidates for this cell
flatIdx <- flattenIdx idx
cs <- gets candidates
let cand = cs ! flatIdx
let cand' = dropAllCandidates cand
modify (\s -> s {candidates = updateVector cs flatIdx cand'})
rowView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a insertAll :: Sudoku -> SudokuMonad ()
rowView = getRow insertAll (Sudoku d g) = do
let coords = [(x, y) | y <- [1 .. d * d], x <- [1 .. d * d]]
let initialState =
{ dimension = d,
grid = V.replicate (d * d * d * d) 0,
idxs = V.fromList coords,
candidates = V.replicate (d * d * d * d) (V.replicate (d * d) True)
put initialState
forM_ (zip g coords) (\(n, idx) -> when (n /= 0) (insert n idx))
colView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a showCandidates3 :: SudokuMonad String
colView gr@(Grid _ d) x = V.generate (d * d) (\y -> getCell gr (x, y)) showCandidates3 = do
cs <- gets candidates
let cs' = (V.filter (/= 0) . V.imap (\idx b -> if b then idx + 1 else 0)) cs
return $
show (slice 0 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 9 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 18 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 27 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 36 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 45 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 54 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 63 9 cs')
++ "\n"
++ show (slice 72 9 cs')
-- returns topleft coords of the square showGrid :: SudokuMonad String
squareToCoords :: Grid a -> Int -> (Int, Int) showGrid = do
squareToCoords (Grid _ d) m = ((m `mod` d) * d, (m `div` d) * d) g <- gets grid
return $ show g
squareView :: Grid a -> Int -> Row a -- * Stateless Sudoku Type
squareView gr@(Grid _ d) n = V.concat (map (\y -> V.generate d (\x -> getCell gr (x + xoff, y + yoff))) [0 .. d - 1])
(xoff, yoff) = squareToCoords gr n
count :: (Eq a) => Vector a -> a -> Int --
count v a = V.foldl (\c b -> if a == b then c + 1 else c) 0 v
mapGrid :: (a -> b) -> Grid a -> Grid b -- $statelessFlattened
mapGrid f (Grid g d) = Grid ( ( f) g) d --
-- Here we define a simpler Sudoku type that would be very inneficient to work with
-- but is suitable for pretty printing and reading
-- | Contains metadata concerning a Sudoku field
data Sudoku = Sudoku
{ -- | The dim of the Sudoku, e.g. a 9x9 Sudoku field has dim 3
dim :: Int,
-- | The Sudoku field as a flattened list
grd :: [Int]
instance Show Sudoku where
show :: Sudoku -> String
show = map intToDigit . grd
instance Read Sudoku where
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Sudoku
readsPrec _ s =
if isInt dimDouble
then [(Sudoku (floor dimDouble) (map digitToInt s), "")]
else error ("Trying to parse malformed sudoku (number of digits [" ++ show (length s) ++ "] is not a quadratic root):\n" ++ s)
isInt x = x == fromInteger (round x)
dimDouble = sqrt . sqrt $ (fromIntegral (length s) :: Double)
-- | Pretty printing of values. Analogous to the `Show` class, but does not harmonize with `Read`.
class Pretty a where
-- | Works like `show`, but is not inverse to `read`.
pretty :: a -> String
-- TODO improve pretty printer, this is kind of a mess
instance Pretty Sudoku where
pretty :: Sudoku -> String
pretty s = prettyHelper (dim s - 1, dim s, grd s)
-- prettyBlock (isLast, n, list)
prettyBlock :: (Bool, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyBlock (_, _, []) = ""
prettyBlock (True, n, _) | n == 0 = ""
prettyBlock (False, n, _) | n == 0 = "|"
prettyBlock (b, n, x : xs) = intToDigit x : ' ' : prettyBlock (b, n - 1, xs)
-- prettyRow (n, d, list)
prettyRow :: (Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyRow (n, d, xs) | n == 0 = prettyBlock (True, d, xs)
prettyRow (n, d, xs) = prettyBlock (False, d, xs) ++ (' ' : prettyRow (n - 1, d, drop d xs))
-- prettyCol (isLast, n, d, list)
prettyCol :: (Bool, Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyCol (True, n, _, _) | n == 0 = ""
prettyCol (False, n, d, _) | n == 0 = replicate (2 * d * d - 1 + 2 * (d - 1)) '-'
prettyCol (_, _, _, []) = ""
prettyCol (b, n, d, xs) = prettyRow (d - 1, d, xs) ++ ('\n' : prettyCol (b, n - 1, d, drop (d * d) xs))
-- prettyHelper (n, d, list)
prettyHelper :: (Int, Int, [Int]) -> String
prettyHelper (n, d, xs) | n == 0 = prettyCol (True, d, d, xs)
prettyHelper (n, d, xs) = prettyCol (False, d, d, xs) ++ ('\n' : prettyHelper (n - 1, d, drop (d * d * d) xs))