module Main where import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Types ( Grid (Grid), allCells, colView, count, getCell, initGrid, mapGrid, printGrid, putCell, rowView, squareView, ) main :: IO () main = do putStr $ printSudoku dummyGrid print $ isValidGrid dummyGrid putStr . printGrid . fromJust $ solve dummyGrid -- print $ colView dummyGrid 4 -- print $ squareView dummyGrid 4 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 0 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 1 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 2 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 3 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 4 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 5 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 6 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 7 -- print $ squareToCoords dummyGrid 8 -- print $ allCells dummyGrid (>= 0) test :: String test = "070000043040009610800634900094052000358460020000800530080070091902100005007040802" dummyGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int) dummyGrid = initGrid 3 (map toMaybeInt test) where toMaybeInt :: Char -> Maybe Int toMaybeInt c = if int == 0 then Nothing else Just int where int = digitToInt c printSudoku :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> String printSudoku gr = printGrid mappedGrid where mappedGrid :: Grid Int mappedGrid = mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr isValidGrid :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool isValidGrid gr@(Grid _ d) = all isValidRow [0 .. d * d - 1] && all isValidCol [0 .. d * d - 1] && all isValidSquare [0 .. d * d - 1] where validView :: V.Vector (Maybe Int) -> Bool validView v = V.foldl (\drag (e, c) -> case e of Nothing -> drag; Just _ -> (c < 2) && drag) True counts where counts = (\e -> (e, count v e)) v isValidRow :: Int -> Bool isValidRow y = validView $ rowView gr y isValidCol :: Int -> Bool isValidCol x = validView $ colView gr x isValidSquare :: Int -> Bool isValidSquare n = validView $ squareView gr n isFull :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool isFull gr = allCells gr isJust isSolved :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Bool isSolved gr@(Grid g d) = isValidGrid gr && isFull gr extractSolution :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Grid Int extractSolution gr = if not (isSolved gr) then error "trying to extract solution from unsolved grid" else mapGrid (fromMaybe 0) gr solveHelper :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int) solveHelper gr@(Grid _ d) (x, y) | not (isValidGrid gr) = Nothing | isSolved gr = Just (extractSolution gr) | otherwise = case cell of Nothing -> if not (null solvedGrids) then head solvedGrids else Nothing Just _ -> solveHelper gr nextCoord where placeAndSolve :: Int -> Maybe (Grid Int) placeAndSolve n = solveHelper newGrid nextCoord where newGrid = putCell gr (x, y) (Just n) solvedGrids = map Just (mapMaybe placeAndSolve [1 .. d * d]) cell = getCell gr (x, y) nextCoord = if x < d * d - 1 then (x + 1, y) else (0, y + 1) solve :: Grid (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (Grid Int) solve gr = solveHelper gr (0, 0)