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\title { Implementing Categorical Notions of Partiality and Delay in Agda}
\author { Leon Vatthauer}
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% kill those ugly red rectangles around links
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% https://unicodeplus.com/U+3016
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\newcommand * { \rbparen } { 〗}
% category C
\newcommand * { \C } { \ensuremath { \mathscr { C} } }
\newcommand * { \D } { \ensuremath { \mathscr { D} } }
% objects of category
\newcommand * { \obj } [1]{ \ensuremath { \vert #1 \vert } }
% category of elgot algebras on #1
\newcommand * { \elgotalgs } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { ElgotAlgs} (#1)} }
% category of monads on #1
\newcommand * { \coalgs } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { Coalgs} (#1)} }
\newcommand * { \monads } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { Monads} (#1)} }
\newcommand * { \strongmonads } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { StrongMonads} (#1)} }
% category of pre-Elgot monads on #1
\newcommand * { \preelgot } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { PreElgot} (#1)} }
\newcommand * { \strongpreelgot } [1]{ \ensuremath { \mathit { StrongPreElgot} (#1)} }
\newcommand * { \setoids } { \ensuremath { \mathit { Setoids} } }
% free objects
\newcommand * { \freee } [1]{ \ensuremath { #1^ \star } }
\newcommand * { \free } [1]{
\ensuremath {
\IfSubStr { #1} { \circ }
{ { \freee { (#1)} } }
{ \IfSubStr { #1} { \; }
{ \freee { (#1)} }
{ \freee { #1} }
% right stability
\newcommand * { \rss } [1]{ \ensuremath { #1^ \blacktriangleright } }
\newcommand * { \rs } [1]{
\ensuremath {
\IfSubStr { #1} { \circ } { { \rss { (#1)} } } { \rss { #1} }
% left stability
\newcommand * { \lss } [1]{ \ensuremath { #1^ \blacktriangleleft } }
\newcommand * { \ls } [1]{
\ensuremath {
\IfSubStr { #1} { \circ } { { \lss { (#1)} } } { \lss { #1} }
% terminal coalgebra
\newcommand * { \coalg } [1]{ \ensuremath { \lbparen #1\rbparen } }
% discretized setoids
\newcommand * { \disc } [1]{ \ensuremath { \vert #1 \vert } }
% Defines the `mycase` environment, copied from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/251053/how-to-use-case-1-case-2-in-a-proof-ieee-confs
\newcounter { cases}
\newcounter { subcases} [cases]
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\setcounter { cases} { 0}
\setcounter { subcases} { 0}
\newcommand { \case }
\par \indent \stepcounter { cases} \textbf { Case \thecases .}
\newcommand { \subcase }
\par \indent \stepcounter { subcases} \textit { Subcase (\thesubcases ):}
\renewcommand * \thecases { \arabic { cases} }
\renewcommand * \thesubcases { \roman { subcases} }
\begin { document}
\pagestyle { plain}
\input { src/titlepage} %
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\twocolumn [\include{src/00_abstract}]
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% \listoftodos\
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\newcommand { \agda } { { \raisebox { -0.075cm} { \includegraphics [height=1em] { img/agda.pdf} } } }
\newcommand { \agdaref } [1]{ \href { https://wwwcip.cs.fau.de/~hy84coky/bsc-thesis/#1.html} { \agda } }
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\newcommandx { \unsure } [2][1=]{ \todo [inline,linecolor=red,backgroundcolor=red!25,bordercolor=red,#1] { #2} }
\newcommandx { \change } [2][1=]{ \todo [linecolor=blue,backgroundcolor=blue!25,bordercolor=blue,#1] { #2} }
\newcommandx { \info } [2][1=]{ \todo [inline,linecolor=OliveGreen,backgroundcolor=OliveGreen!25,bordercolor=OliveGreen,#1] { #2} }
\newcommandx { \improvement } [2][1=]{ \todo [inline,linecolor=Plum,backgroundcolor=Plum!25,bordercolor=Plum,#1] { #2} }
% for creating custom labels like (Fixpoint)
\newcommand { \customlabel } [2]{ %
\protected @write \@ auxout { } { \string \newlabel { #1} { { #2} { \thepage } { #2} { #1} { } } } % chktex 1
\hypertarget { #1} { #2} %
\include { src/01_ introduction}
\include { src/02_ preliminaries}
\include { src/03_ agda-categories}
\include { src/04_ partiality-monads}
\include { src/05_ iteration}
\include { src/06_ setoids}
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\twocolumn [\include{src/07_conclusion}]
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\emergencystretch =1em
\printbibliography [heading=bibintoc] { }
\end { document}