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open import Level
open import Categories.Category.Core
open import Categories.Category.Extensive.Bundle
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian
open import Categories.Category.Extensive
open import ElgotAlgebra
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
module Monad.ElgotMonad {o ℓ e} (ED : ExtensiveDistributiveCategory o ℓ e) where
open ExtensiveDistributiveCategory ED renaming (U to C; id to idC)
open HomReasoning
open Cocartesian (Extensive.cocartesian extensive)
open Cartesian (ExtensiveDistributiveCategory.cartesian ED)
open BinaryProducts products hiding (η)
open MR C
open Equiv
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Functor
record IsPreElgot (T : Monad C) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
open Monad T
open Functor F renaming (F₀ to T₀; F₁ to T₁)
-- every TX needs to be equipped with an elgot algebra structure
elgotalgebras : ∀ {X} → Elgot-Algebra-on ED (T₀ X)
module elgotalgebras {X} = Elgot-Algebra-on (elgotalgebras {X})
-- with the following associativity
assoc : ∀ {X Y Z} (f : Z ⇒ T₀ X + Z) (h : X ⇒ T₀ Y) → elgotalgebras._# (((μ.η _ ∘ T₁ h) +₁ idC) ∘ f) ≈ (μ.η _ ∘ T₁ h) ∘ (elgotalgebras._# {X}) f
record PreElgotMonad : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
T : Monad C
isPreElgot : IsPreElgot T
open IsPreElgot isPreElgot public
record IsElgot (T : Monad C) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
open Monad T
open Functor F renaming (F₀ to T₀; F₁ to T₁)
-- iteration operator
_† : ∀ {X Y} → X ⇒ T₀ (Y + X) → X ⇒ T₀ Y
-- laws
Fixpoint : ∀ {X Y} {f : X ⇒ T₀ (Y + X)} → f † ≈ (μ.η _ ∘ T₁ [ η.η _ , f † ]) ∘ f
Naturality : ∀ {X Y Z} {f : X ⇒ T₀ (Y + X)} {g : Y ⇒ T₀ Z} → (μ.η _ ∘ T₁ g) ∘ f † ≈ ((μ.η _ ∘ T₁ [ (T₁ i₁) ∘ g , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ]) ∘ f)†
Codiagonal : ∀ {X Y} {f : X ⇒ T₀ ((Y + X) + X)} → (T₁ [ idC , i₂ ] ∘ f )† ≈ f † †
Uniformity : ∀ {X Y Z} {f : X ⇒ T₀ (Y + X)} {g : Z ⇒ T₀ (Y + Z)} {h : Z ⇒ X} → f ∘ h ≈ (T₁ (idC +₁ h)) ∘ g → f † ∘ h ≈ g †
record ElgotMonad : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
T : Monad C
isElgot : IsElgot T
open IsElgot isElgot public
-- elgot monads are pre-elgot
Elgot⇒PreElgot : ElgotMonad → PreElgotMonad
Elgot⇒PreElgot EM = record
{ T = T
; isPreElgot = record
{ elgotalgebras = λ {X} → record
{ _# = λ f → ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) †
; #-Fixpoint = λ {Y} {f} → begin
([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ≈⟨ Fixpoint ⟩
(μ.η _ ∘ T₁ [ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ]) ∘ ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) ≈⟨ pullˡ ∘[] ⟩
[ (μ.η _ ∘ T₁ [ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ]) ∘ T₁ i₁
, (μ.η _ ∘ T₁ [ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ]) ∘ η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f ≈⟨ []-cong₂ (pullʳ (sym homomorphism)) (pullˡ (pullʳ (η.sym-commute [ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ]))) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
[ μ.η _ ∘ T₁ ([ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ] ∘ i₁)
, (μ.η _ ∘ (η.η _ ∘ [ η.η _ , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ])) ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f ≈⟨ []-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ʳ (F-resp-≈ inject₁)) (pullʳ (pullʳ inject₂)) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
[ μ.η _ ∘ (T₁ (η.η _))
, μ.η _ ∘ η.η _ ∘ ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ] ∘ f ≈⟨ []-cong₂ (T.identityˡ) (cancelˡ T.identityʳ) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
[ idC , ([ T₁ i₁ , η.η _ ∘ i₂ ] ∘ f) † ] ∘ f ∎
; #-Uniformity = {! !}
; #-Folding = {! !}
; #-resp-≈ = {! !}
; assoc = {! !}
open ElgotMonad EM
module T = Monad T
open T
open Functor F renaming (F₀ to T₀; F₁ to T₁)