Work on maybe monad

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Leon Vatthauer 2023-11-30 17:50:57 +01:00
parent 7cf428e05c
commit 11107c67b8
Signed by: leonv
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:G4+ddwoZmhLPRB1agvXzZMXIzkVJ36dUYZXf5NxT+u8

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
open import Level
open import Category.Instance.AmbientCategory
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids renaming (Setoids to Setoids')
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian
open import Categories.Object.Terminal
open import Function.Equality as SΠ renaming (id to ⟶-id)
open import Function.Equality as SΠ renaming (id to id)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Relation.Binary renaming (Setoid to Setoid')
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Setoid
open import Data.Sum.Relation.Binary.Pointwise
@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ open import Agda.Builtin.Unit using (tt)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using () renaming ( to ⊤ₚ)
open import Data.Empty.Polymorphic using () renaming (⊥ to ⊥ₚ)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (ntHelper)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open import Function.Base using (id)
open Eq using (_≡_) renaming (refl to refl-≡; sym to sym-≡; trans to trans-≡) -- refl; cong; sym)
@ -35,40 +33,30 @@ open Ambient ambient using ()
Assuming the axiom of choice, the maybe monad is an instance of K in the category of setoids.
module _ {c ' : Level} where
-- redefine Setoid and Setoids without universe levels for convenience
Setoid = Setoid' c (c ⊔ ')
Setoids = Setoids' c (c ⊔ ')
-- open Cocartesian (Setoids-Cocartesian {c} {c ⊔ '})
open Terminal (terminal {c} {c ⊔ '})
open MR Setoids
open Category Setoids hiding (_∘_; _⇒_; id)
-- open HomReasoning
open Equiv
-- open Setoid
data Maybe {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
module _ {c : Level} where
data Maybe (A : Set c) : Set c where
nothing : Maybe A
just : A → Maybe A
maybeSetoid : ∀ {a} (A : Set a) → Setoid' a a
maybeSetoid {a} A = record { Carrier = Maybe A ; _≈_ = eq ; isEquivalence = record { refl = refl' ; sym = sym' ; trans = trans' } }
maybe-eq : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → Maybe (Setoid.Carrier A) → Maybe (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set
maybe-eq _ nothing nothing = ⊤ₚ
maybe-eq _ nothing (just y) = ⊥ₚ
maybe-eq _ (just x) nothing = ⊥ₚ
maybe-eq A (just x) (just y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
maybeSetoid : Setoid c → Setoid c
maybeSetoid A = record { Carrier = Maybe A.Carrier ; _≈_ = maybe-eq A ; isEquivalence = record { refl = λ {x} → refl' {x = x} ; sym = λ {x y} → sym' {x} {y} ; trans = λ {x y z} → trans' {x} {y} {z} } }
eq : Maybe A → Maybe A → Set a
eq nothing nothing = ⊤ₚ
eq nothing (just y) = ⊥ₚ
eq (just x) nothing = ⊥ₚ
eq (just x) (just y) = x ≡ y
refl' : Reflexive eq
module A = Setoid A
refl' : Reflexive (maybe-eq A)
refl' {nothing} = lift tt
refl' {just x} = refl-≡
sym' : Symmetric eq
refl' {just x} = IsEquivalence.refl A.isEquivalence
sym' : Symmetric (maybe-eq A)
sym' {nothing} {nothing} = id
sym' {nothing} {just y} = id
sym' {just x} {nothing} = id
sym' {just x} {just y} = sym-≡
trans' : Transitive eq
sym' {just x} {just y} = IsEquivalence.sym A.isEquivalence
trans' : Transitive (maybe-eq A)
trans' {nothing} {nothing} {nothing} = λ _ → id
trans' {nothing} {nothing} {just z} = λ _ → id
trans' {nothing} {just y} {nothing} = λ _ _ → lift tt
@ -76,62 +64,61 @@ module _ {c ' : Level} where
trans' {just x} {nothing} {nothing} = λ ()
trans' {just x} {nothing} {just z} = λ ()
trans' {just x} {just y} {nothing} = λ _ → id
trans' {just x} {just y} {just z} = trans-≡
trans' {just x} {just y} {just z} = IsEquivalence.trans A.isEquivalence
-- maybe-η :
lift-maybe : ∀ {a} (A : Set a) (x : A) → Maybe A
lift-maybe {a} A x = just x
maybeFun : ∀ {A B : Setoid c } → A ⟶ B → maybeSetoid A ⟶ maybeSetoid B
maybeFun {A} {B} f = record { _⟨$⟩_ = app ; cong = λ {i} {j} → cong' i j }
app : Setoid.Carrier (maybeSetoid A) → Setoid.Carrier (maybeSetoid B)
app nothing = nothing
app (just x) = just (f ⟨$⟩ x)
cong' : ∀ (i j : Maybe (Setoid.Carrier A)) → maybe-eq A i j → maybe-eq B (app i) (app j)
cong' nothing nothing i≈j = i≈j
cong' (just _) (just _) i≈j = cong f i≈j
-- TODO this is completely wrong...
maybe : Monad Setoids
maybe = record
_≋_ : ∀ {A B : Setoid c } → A ⟶ B → A ⟶ B → Set (c ⊔ )
_≋_ {A} {B} f g = Setoid._≈_ (A ⇨ B) f g
maybeFun-id : ∀ {A : Setoid c } → (maybeFun idₛ) ≋ idₛ {A = maybeSetoid A}
maybeFun-id {A} {nothing} {nothing} i≈j = i≈j
maybeFun-id {A} {just _} {just _} i≈j = i≈j
η : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → A ⟶ maybeSetoid A
η A = record { _⟨$⟩_ = just ; cong = id }
μ : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → maybeSetoid (maybeSetoid A) ⟶ maybeSetoid A
μ A = record { _⟨$⟩_ = app ; cong = λ {i} {j} → cong' i j }
app : Setoid.Carrier (maybeSetoid (maybeSetoid A)) → Setoid.Carrier (maybeSetoid A)
app nothing = nothing
app (just x) = x
cong' : ∀ (i j : Maybe (Maybe (Setoid.Carrier A))) → maybe-eq (maybeSetoid A) i j → maybe-eq A (app i) (app j)
cong' nothing nothing i≈j = i≈j
cong' (just i) (just j) i≈j = i≈j
maybeMonad : Monad (Setoids c )
maybeMonad = record
{ F = record
{ F₀ = λ X → X ⊎ₛ
; F₁ = λ {A} {B} f → f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id
; identity = λ {A} → id+id {A}
; homomorphism = λ {A} {B} {C} {f} {g} → homomorphism' {f = f} {g = g}
; F-resp-≈ = λ {A} {B} {f} {g} f≈g → F-resp-≈' f g f≈g
{ F₀ = maybeSetoid
; F₁ = maybeFun
; identity = λ {A} {x} {y} → maybeFun-id {A = A} {x} {y}
; homomorphism = {! !}
; F-resp-≈ = {! !}
; η = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ X → inj₁ₛ
; commute = η-commute
{ η = η
; commute = {! !}
; μ = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ X → mult
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f → μ-commute f
{ η = μ
; commute = {! !}
; assoc = assoc'
; sym-assoc = sym-assoc'
; identityˡ = identityˡ'
; identityʳ = λ {X} → identityʳ' {X}
; assoc = {! !}
; sym-assoc = {! !}
; identityˡ = {! !}
; identityʳ = {! !}
id+id : ∀ {A B : Setoid} → ⟶-id {A = A} ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id {A = B} ≈ ⟶-id
id+id (inj₁ x) = inj₁ x
id+id (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
F-resp-≈' : ∀ {A B : Setoid} (f g : A ⟶ B) → f ≈ g → f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id {A = } ≈ g ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id
F-resp-≈' {A} {B} f g f≈g (inj₁ x) = inj₁ (f≈g x)
F-resp-≈' {A} {B} f g f≈g (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
homomorphism' : ∀ {A B C : Setoid } {f : A ⟶ B} {g : B ⟶ C} → (g ∘ f) ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id {A = } ≈ g ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id ∘ f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id
homomorphism' {A} {B} {C} {f} {g} (inj₁ x) = inj₁ (refl {A} {C} {g ∘ f} x)
homomorphism' {A} {B} {C} {f} {g} (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
η-commute : ∀ {A B : Setoid} (f : A ⟶ B) → f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id ∘ inj₁ₛ {B = } ≈ inj₁ₛ ∘ f
η-commute {A} {B} f x = inj₁ (refl {A} {B} {f} x)
mult : ∀ {A B : Setoid} → (A ⊎ₛ B) ⊎ₛ B ⟶ A ⊎ₛ B
mult {A} {B} = record { _⟨$⟩_ = λ { (inj₁ x) → x ; (inj₂ x) → inj₂ x } ; cong = λ { (inj₁ x) → x ; (inj₂ x) → inj₂ x } }
μ-commute : ∀ {A B : Setoid} (f : A ⟶ B) → mult {B} {} ∘ (f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id) ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id ≈ f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id {A = } ∘ mult
μ-commute {A} {B} f (inj₁ x) = refl {A ⊎ₛ } {B ⊎ₛ } {f ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id} x
μ-commute {A} {B} f (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
assoc' : ∀ {A : Setoid} → mult {A = A} {B = } ∘ (mult ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id) ≈ mult ∘ mult
assoc' {A} (inj₁ x) = refl {(A ⊎ₛ ) ⊎ₛ } {A ⊎ₛ } {mult} x
assoc' {A} (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
sym-assoc' : ∀ {A : Setoid} → mult ∘ mult ≈ mult {A = A} {B = } ∘ (mult ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id)
sym-assoc' {A} (inj₁ x) = refl {(A ⊎ₛ ) ⊎ₛ } {A ⊎ₛ } {mult} x
sym-assoc' {A} (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
identityˡ' : ∀ {A : Setoid} → mult {A = A} {B = } ∘ inj₁ₛ ⊎-⟶ ⟶-id ≈ ⟶-id
identityˡ' {A} (inj₁ x) = inj₁ x
identityˡ' {A} (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x
identityʳ' : ∀ {A : Setoid} → mult {A = A} {B = } ∘ inj₁ₛ ≈ ⟶-id
identityʳ' {A} (inj₁ x) = inj₁ x
identityʳ' {A} (inj₂ x) = inj₂ x