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Leon Vatthauer 2024-01-21 17:19:14 +01:00
parent d351a89e35
commit 2a152eb6f4
Signed by: leonv
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:G4+ddwoZmhLPRB1agvXzZMXIzkVJ36dUYZXf5NxT+u8
3 changed files with 8 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
-- open import Codata.Musical.Colist hiding (_++_)
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Show renaming (show to show)

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@ -55,13 +55,18 @@
\item What about \mintinline{agda}|reverse|?
\item What about \mintinline{agda}|reverse| for (possibly) infinite lists:
data Colist (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Colist A
__ : A → ∞ (Colist A) → Colist A
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality in Agda}{Capretta's Delay Monad}
\item Capretta's Delay Monad is a \textbf{coinductive} data type whose inhabitants can be viewed as suspended computations.
\vskip 0.5cm
@ -92,13 +97,6 @@
\item Now we can define a reverse function for possibly infinite lists:
\vskip 0.5cm
data Colist (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Colist A
__ : A → ∞ (Colist A) → Colist A
\vskip 0.5cm
reverse : ∀ {A : Set} → Colist A → Delay (Colist A)
reverse {A} = revAcc []

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@ -13,21 +13,6 @@ What properties should a monad $T$ for modelling partiality have?
\item<5-> Commutativity (also entails strength)
% , i.e. the following programs should yield equal results:
% \begin{multicols}{2}
% \begin{minted}{haskell}
% do x <- p
% y <- q
% return (x, y)
% \end{minted}
% \begin{minted}{haskell}
% do y <- q
% x <- p
% return (x, y)
% \end{minted}
% \end{multicols}
% where p and q are programs.
\item<6-> Morphisms in $\mathcal{C}_T$ should be partial maps
\item<7-> There should be no other effect besides partiality
@ -99,9 +84,6 @@ Intuitively $\tdom f$ captures the domain of definedness of $f$.
% write on board:
% equational lifting: do x <- p; return (return x, x) = do x <- p; return (p, x)
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Capturing Partiality Categorically}{The Maybe Monad}
\item $MX = X + 1$
@ -143,10 +125,6 @@ Intuitively $\tdom f$ captures the domain of definedness of $f$.
% write on board:
% \eta = now
% given f : X \rightarrow TY, f* is defined by corecursion.
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Capturing Partiality Categorically}{Quotienting the Delay Monad~\cite{quotienting}}
Following the work by Chapman, Uustalu and Veltri we can quotient $D$ by the 'correct' kind of equality:
@ -171,7 +149,6 @@ Intuitively $\tdom f$ captures the domain of definedness of $f$.
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality from Iteration}{Elgot Algebras}
The following is an adaptation of Ad\'amek, Milius and Velebil's \textit{complete Elgot Algebras}~\cite{elgotalgebras}:
A (unguarded) Elgot Algebra~\cite{uniformelgot} consists of:
@ -214,9 +191,6 @@ Strong Elgot Monads are regarded as minimal semantic structures for interpreting
% maybe dont talk about elgot monads at all, give intuition for the initial pre Elgot monad.
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality from Iteration}{pre-Elgot Monads~\cite{uniformelgot}}
Relaxing the requirements for Elgot monads we get the following weaker concept:
@ -250,7 +224,6 @@ Strong Elgot Monads are regarded as minimal semantic structures for interpreting
\item $X + 1$ is the initial (pre-)Elgot monad ($\Rightarrow K \cong (-)+1 \cong D_\approx$)
% \\$\Rightarrow$ $X+1$ is the initial pre-Elgot Monad and also the initial Elgot Monad.
\item \textbf{Assuming countable choice:}
\item The initial pre-Elgot monad and the initial Elgot monad coincide
@ -258,9 +231,4 @@ Strong Elgot Monads are regarded as minimal semantic structures for interpreting
%% TODOs:
% cite stefan
% cite sergey