Work on delay example

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Leon Vatthauer 2023-12-05 20:52:53 +01:00
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commit 64c4a4263d
Signed by: leonv
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3 changed files with 321 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
open import Level open import Level
open import Category.Ambient using (Ambient) open import Category.Ambient using (Ambient)
open import Categories.Category open import Categories.Category.Core
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Monad open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Instance.Setoids open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Instance.Setoids
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ open import Function.Base using (id)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_) open Eq using (_≡_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; ∃; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax) open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; ∃; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax)
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
import Category.Monad.Partiality
``` ```
--> -->
@ -33,125 +35,164 @@ module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.Delay {c } where
# Capretta's Delay Monad is an Instance of K in the Category of Setoids # Capretta's Delay Monad is an Instance of K in the Category of Setoids
```agda ```agda
record Delay (A : Set c) : Set c where data Delay (A : Set c) : Set c where
coinductive now : A → Delay A
field later : ∞ (Delay A) → Delay A
node : A ⊎ Delay A
open Delay module Equality {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} where
open Setoid A renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to __)
open IsEquivalence (Setoid.isEquivalence A) renaming (refl to -refl; sym to -sym; trans to -trans)
now : ∀ {A : Set c} → A → Delay A
node (now {A} a) = inj₁ a
later : ∀ {A : Set c} → Delay A → Delay A
node (later {A} a) = inj₂ a
never : ∀ {A : Set c} → Delay A
node (never {A}) = inj₂ never
module Equality {A : Setoid c } where
open Setoid A using () renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to __)
data _↓_ : Delay C → C → Set (c ⊔ ) where data _↓_ : Delay C → C → Set (c ⊔ ) where
now↓ : ∀ {x y} (p : x y) → now x ↓ y now↓ : ∀ {x y} (xy : x y) → now x ↓ y
later↓ : ∀ {x y} (p : _↓_ x y) → later x ↓ y later↓ : ∀ {x y} (x↓y : ♭ x ↓ y) → later x ↓ y
unique↓ : ∀ {c : Delay C} {x y : C} → c ↓ x → c ↓ y → x y
unique↓ (now↓ eq₁) (now↓ eq₂) = -trans (-sym eq₁) eq₂
unique↓ (later↓ p) (later↓ q) = unique↓ p q
data _≈_ : Delay C → Delay C → Set (c ⊔ ) where data _≈_ : Delay C → Delay C → Set (c ⊔ ) where
↓≈ : ∀ {x y z} → x ↓ z → y ↓ z → x ≈ y ↓≈ : ∀ {x y a b} (ab : a b) (x↓a : x ↓ a) (y↓b : y ↓ b) → x ≈ y
later-≈ : ∀ {x y} → x ≈ y → later x ≈ later y later≈ : ∀ {x y} → (∞ (♭ x ≈ ♭ y)) → later x ≈ later y
refl : ∀ {x} → x ≈ x ≈-refl : ∀ {x} → x ≈ x
refl {x} with node x ≈-refl {now x} = ↓≈ -refl (now↓ -refl) (now↓ -refl)
... | inj₁ z = ↓≈ {! !} {! !} ≈-refl {later x} = later≈ (♯ ≈-refl)
... | inj₂ z = {! !}
-- first try ≈-sym : ∀ {x y} → x ≈ y → y ≈ x
delay-eq-strong : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set ≈-sym (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) = ↓≈ (-sym ab) y↓b x↓a
delay-eq-strong A x y with node x | node y ≈-sym (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ ≈-sym (♭ x≈y))
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = Setoid._≈_ A a b
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = ⊥
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = ⊥
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = {! !}
-- second try ∼↓ : ∀ {x y : C} {z : Delay C} → x y → z ↓ x → z ↓ y
record eq-strong (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set c where ∼↓ {x} {y} {.(now _)} xy (now↓ ax) = now↓ (-trans ax xy)
field ∼↓ {x} {y} {.(later _)} xy (later↓ z↓x) = later↓ (∼↓ xy z↓x)
node-eq₁ : (node x) ≡ (node y)
-- third try ≈↓ : ∀ {x y : Delay C} {z : C} → x ≈ y → x ↓ z → y ↓ z
mutual ≈↓ (↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) y↓b) (now↓ xz) = ∼↓ (-trans (-sym ab) (-trans (-sym xa) xz)) y↓b
node-eq : (A : Setoid c ) (x y : Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set ≈↓ (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) y↓b) (later↓ x↓z) with unique↓ x↓a x↓z
node-eq A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y ... | az = ∼↓ (-trans (-sym ab) az) y↓b
node-eq A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = ⊥ ≈↓ (later≈ x) (later↓ x↓z) = later↓ (≈↓ (♭ x) x↓z)
node-eq A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = ⊥
node-eq A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = delay-eq-strong' A x y
delay-eq-strong' : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set
delay-eq-strong' A x y = node-eq A {! !} {! !}
Delay-setoid : Setoid c → Setoid c ≈-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x ≈ y → y ≈ z → x ≈ z
Delay-setoid A = record { Carrier = Delay A.Carrier ; _≈_ = {! !} ; isEquivalence = {! !} } ≈-trans (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) (↓≈ cd y↓c z↓d) with unique↓ y↓b y↓c
... | bc = ↓≈ (-trans (-trans ab bc) cd) x↓a z↓d
≈-trans (↓≈ ab z↓a (later↓ x↓b)) (later≈ x≈y) = ↓≈ ab z↓a (later↓ (≈↓ (♭ x≈y) x↓b))
≈-trans (later≈ x≈y) (↓≈ ab (later↓ y↓a) z↓b) = ↓≈ ab (later↓ (≈↓ (≈-sym (♭ x≈y)) y↓a)) z↓b
≈-trans (later≈ x≈y) (later≈ y≈z) = later≈ (♯ ≈-trans (♭ x≈y) (♭ y≈z))
delaySetoid : Setoid c (c ⊔ ) → Setoid c (c ⊔ )
delaySetoid A = record { Carrier = Delay Carrier ; _≈_ = _≈_ ; isEquivalence = record { refl = ≈-refl ; sym = ≈-sym ; trans = ≈-trans } }
where where
module A = Setoid A open Setoid A using (Carrier)
open Equality {A}
open Equality using (↓≈; later≈; now↓; later↓; _↓_; ≈↓; ≈-refl; ≈-sym; ≈-trans)
_[_≈_] : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) → (x y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set (c ⊔ )
A [ x ≈ y ] = Equality._≈_ {A} x y
-- finally this should work _[__] : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) → (x y : Setoid.Carrier A) → Set (c ⊔ )
mutual A [ x y ] = Setoid._≈_ A x y
record eq-strong' (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set where
eq : eq-strong'' A (node x) (node y)
eq-strong'' : (A : Setoid c ) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set
eq-strong'' A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
eq-strong'' A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = ⊥
eq-strong'' A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = ⊥
eq-strong'' A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-strong' A x y
-refl : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) {x : Setoid.Carrier A} → A [ x x ]
-refl A = IsEquivalence.refl (Setoid.isEquivalence A)
-- this should also work -sym : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) {x y : Setoid.Carrier A} → A [ x y ] → A [ y x ]
mutual -sym A = IsEquivalence.sym (Setoid.isEquivalence A)
record eq-weak (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set where
eq : eq-weak' A (node x) (node y)
eq-weak' : (A : Setoid c ) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set
eq-weak' A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
eq-weak' A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-weak A (now x) y
eq-weak' A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = eq-weak A x (now y)
eq-weak' A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-weak A x y
open eq-weak
now-cong : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a b : Setoid.Carrier A} → Setoid._≈_ A a b → eq-weak A (now a) (now b) -trans : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) {x y z : Setoid.Carrier A} → A [ x y ] → A [ y z ] → A [ x z ]
eq (now-cong {A} {a} {b} a≈b) = a≈b -trans A = IsEquivalence.trans (Setoid.isEquivalence A)
now-inj : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a b : Setoid.Carrier A} → eq-weak A (now a) (now b) → Setoid._≈_ A a b now-cong : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} {x y : Setoid.Carrier A} → A [ x y ] → A [ now x ≈ now y ]
now-inj {A} {a} {b} na≈nb with (eq na≈nb) now-cong {A} {x} {y} xy = ↓≈ xy (now↓ (-refl A)) (now↓ (-refl A))
... | a≈b = a≈b
now-weak-eq : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a : Setoid.Carrier A} {b : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → eq-weak A (now a) b → Σ (Setoid.Carrier A) (λ c → Setoid._≈_ A a c) delayFun : ∀ {A B : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} → A ⟶ B → delaySetoid A ⟶ delaySetoid B
now-weak-eq {A} {a} {b} na≈b with node b | eq na≈b delayFun {A} {B} f = record { _⟨$⟩_ = app ; cong = cong' }
... | inj₁ x | a≈b = x , a≈b
... | inj₂ x | a≈b = {! !}
weak-setoid : Setoid c → Setoid c
weak-setoid A = record { Carrier = Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) ; _≈_ = eq-weak A ; isEquivalence = record { refl = refl' ; sym = sym' ; trans = trans' } }
where where
refl' : Reflexive (eq-weak A) app : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier B)
eq (refl' {a}) with node a app (now x) = now (f ⟨$⟩ x)
... | inj₁ x = IsEquivalence.refl (Setoid.isEquivalence A) app (later x) = later (♯ app (♭ x))
... | inj₂ x = refl' -- TODO a variant of this should be useful outside
sym' : Symmetric (eq-weak A) ↓-cong : ∀ {x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} {b : Setoid.Carrier A} → _↓_ {A} x b → _↓_ {B} (app x) (f ⟨$⟩ b)
eq (sym' {a} {b} a≈b) with node a | node b | eq a≈b ↓-cong {now x} {b} (now↓ xy) = now↓ (cong f xy)
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | z = IsEquivalence.sym (Setoid.isEquivalence A) z ↓-cong {later x} {b} (later↓ x↓b) = later↓ (↓-cong x↓b)
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | z = sym' z cong' : ∀ {x y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → A [ x ≈ y ] → B [ app x ≈ app y ]
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | z = sym' z cong' {now x} {now y} (↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) (now↓ yb)) = now-cong (cong f (-trans A xa (-trans A ab (-sym A yb))))
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | z = sym' z cong' {now x} {later y} (↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) (later↓ y↓b)) = ↓≈ (cong f (-trans A xa ab)) (now↓ (-refl B)) (later↓ (↓-cong y↓b))
trans' : Transitive (eq-weak A) cong' {later x} {now y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) (now↓ yb)) = ↓≈ (cong f (-trans A ab (-sym A yb))) (later↓ (↓-cong x↓a)) (now↓ (-refl B))
eq (trans' {a} {b} {c} a≈b b≈c) with node a | node b | node c | eq a≈b | eq b≈c cong' {later x} {later y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) (later↓ y↓b)) = later≈ (♯ cong' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b))
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂ cong' {later x} {later y} (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ cong' (♭ x≈y))
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂ -- ↓-delay : ∀ {A B : Setoid c } (f : A ⟶ B) {x : Setoid.Carrier → f ⟨$⟩ x
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' (now-cong eq₁) eq₂ -- trans' (now-cong eq₁) eq₂
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂ -- this needs polymorphic universe levels
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = {! !} -- now-inj {A} {x} {z} (trans' eq₁ eq₂) _≋_ : ∀ {c' '} {A B : Setoid c' '} → A ⟶ B → A ⟶ B → Set (c' ⊔ ')
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ (now-cong eq₂) _≋_ {c'} {'} {A} {B} f g = Setoid._≈_ (A ⇨ B) f g
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = IsEquivalence.trans (Setoid.isEquivalence A) eq₁ eq₂
later-eq : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} {x y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → A [ later (♯ x) ≈ y ] → A [ x ≈ y ]
later-eq {A} {x} {y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) y↓b) = ↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b
later-eq {A} {now x} {later y} (later≈ x≈y) = ↓≈ (-refl A) (now↓ (-refl A)) (later↓ (≈↓ (♭ x≈y) (now↓ (-refl A))))
later-eq {A} {later x} {later y} (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ later-eq (≈-trans (later≈ (♯ ≈-refl)) (♭ x≈y)))
later-self : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} {x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → A [ x ≈ later (♯ x) ]
later-self {A} {now x} = ↓≈ (-refl A) (now↓ (-refl A)) (later↓ (now↓ (-refl A)))
later-self {A} {later x} = later-eq (later≈ (♯ ≈-refl))
delayFun↓ : ∀ {A B : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} (f : A ⟶ B) {x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} {y : Setoid.Carrier A} → _↓_ {A} x y → _↓_ {B} (delayFun f ⟨$⟩ x) (f ⟨$⟩ y)
delayFun↓ {A} {B} f {now x} {y} (now↓ xy) = now↓ (cong f xy)
delayFun↓ {A} {B} f {later x} {y} (later↓ x↓y) = later↓ (delayFun↓ f x↓y)
delayFun-id : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} → (delayFun idₛ) ≋ (idₛ {A = delaySetoid A})
delayFun-id {A} {now x} {now y} (↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) (now↓ yb)) = ↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) (now↓ yb)
delayFun-id {A} {now x} {later y} x≈y = x≈y
delayFun-id {A} {later x} {now y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) (now↓ yb)) = ↓≈ ab (later↓ (delayFun↓ idₛ x↓a)) (now↓ yb)
delayFun-id {A} {later x} {later y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) (later↓ y↓b)) = later≈ (♯ delayFun-id (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b))
delayFun-id {A} {later x} {later y} (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ delayFun-id (♭ x≈y))
η : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) → A ⟶ delaySetoid A
η A = record { _⟨$⟩_ = now ; cong = id λ xy → now-cong xy }
η-natural : ∀ {A B : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} (f : A ⟶ B) → (η B ∘ f) ≋ (delayFun f ∘ η A)
η-natural {A} {B} f {x} {y} x≈y = now-cong (cong f x≈y)
μ' : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} → Setoid.Carrier (delaySetoid (delaySetoid A)) → Setoid.Carrier (delaySetoid A)
μ' {A} (now x) = x
μ' {A} (later x) = later (♯ μ' {A} (♭ x))
μ↓ : ∀ {A B : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} (f : A ⟶ B) {x : Delay (Delay (Setoid.Carrier A))} {y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → _↓_ {delaySetoid A} x y → A [ (μ' {A} x) ≈ y ]
μ↓ {A} {B} f {now x} {y} (now↓ x≈y) = x≈y
μ↓ {A} {B} f {later x} {y} (later↓ x↓y) = ≈-trans (later≈ (♯ μ↓ f x↓y)) (≈-sym later-self)
-- TODO μ≈
-- TODO do delayFun and η in the same style as μ
μ : ∀ (A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )) → delaySetoid (delaySetoid A) ⟶ delaySetoid A
μ A = record { _⟨$⟩_ = μ' {A} ; cong = {! !} }
cong' : ∀ {x y : Delay (Delay (Setoid.Carrier A))} → (delaySetoid A) [ x ≈ y ] → A [ μ' x ≈ μ' y ]
cong' {now x} {now y} (↓≈ a≈b (now↓ x≈a) (now↓ y≈b)) = ≈-trans x≈a (≈-trans a≈b (≈-sym y≈b))
cong' {now x} {later y} (↓≈ a≈b (now↓ x≈a) (later↓ y↓b)) = ↓≈ {A} {! a≈b !} {! !} (later↓ {! !})
cong' {later x} {now y} (↓≈ a≈b (later↓ x↓a) (now↓ (↓≈ ab x↓a₁ y↓b))) = ↓≈ {! !} (later↓ {! !}) x↓a₁
cong' {later x} {now .(later _)} (↓≈ a≈b (later↓ x↓a) (now↓ (later≈ x₁))) = ↓≈ {! !} {! !} {! !}
cong' {later x} {later y} (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) (later↓ y↓b)) = later≈ (♯ cong' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b))
cong' {later x} {later y} (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ cong' (♭ x≈y))
delayMonad : Monad (Setoids c (c ⊔ ))
delayMonad = record
{ F = record
{ F₀ = delaySetoid
; F₁ = delayFun
; identity = delayFun-id
; homomorphism = {! !}
; F-resp-≈ = {! !}
; η = ntHelper (record { η = η ; commute = η-natural })
; μ = {! !}
; assoc = {! !}
; sym-assoc = {! !}
; identityˡ = {! !}
; identityʳ = {! !}
``` ```

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Category.Monad.Partiality
--> -->
```agda ```agda
module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.Delay' {c } where module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.DelayOld {c } where
``` ```
# Capretta's Delay Monad is an Instance of K in the Category of Setoids # Capretta's Delay Monad is an Instance of K in the Category of Setoids
@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.Delay' {c } where
now : A → Delay A now : A → Delay A
later : ∞ (Delay A) → Delay A later : ∞ (Delay A) → Delay A
data _≈s_ {A : Setoid c } : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set (c ⊔ ) where
now : ∀ {x y} → Setoid._≈_ A x y → (now x) ≈s (now y)
later : ∀ {x y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → _≈s_ {A} x y → (later (♯ x)) ≈s (later (♯ y))
module Equality {A : Setoid c } where module Equality {A : Setoid c } where
open Setoid A renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to __) open Setoid A renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to __)
data _≈_ : Delay C → Delay C → Set where data _≈_ : Delay C → Delay C → Set where
@ -130,20 +125,22 @@ module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.Delay' {c } where
sym' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) = ↓≈ (-sym ab) y↓b x↓a sym' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) = ↓≈ (-sym ab) y↓b x↓a
sym' (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ sym' (♭ x≈y)) sym' (later≈ x≈y) = later≈ (♯ sym' (♭ x≈y))
-- TODO needed for trans' ∼↓ : ∀ {x y : C} {z : Delay C} → x y → z ↓ x → z ↓ y
∼↓ {x} {y} {.(now _)} xy (now↓ ax) = now↓ (-trans ax xy)
∼↓ {x} {y} {.(later _)} xy (later↓ z↓x) = later↓ (∼↓ xy z↓x)
≈↓ : ∀ {x y : Delay C} {z : C} → x ≈ y → x ↓ z → y ↓ z ≈↓ : ∀ {x y : Delay C} {z : C} → x ≈ y → x ↓ z → y ↓ z
≈↓ x≈y x↓z = {! !} ≈↓ (↓≈ ab (now↓ xa) y↓b) (now↓ xz) = ∼↓ (-trans (-sym ab) (-trans (-sym xa) xz)) y↓b
-- ≈↓ (↓≈ a(now↓ refl) q) (now↓ refl) = q ≈↓ (↓≈ ab (later↓ x↓a) y↓b) (later↓ x↓z) with unique↓ x↓a x↓z
-- ≈↓ (↓≈ (later↓ p) r) (later↓ q) with unique↓ p q ... | az = ∼↓ (-trans (-sym ab) az) y↓b
-- ≈↓ (↓≈ (later↓ p) r) (later↓ q) | refl = r ≈↓ (later≈ x) (later↓ x↓z) = later↓ (≈↓ (♭ x) x↓z)
-- ≈↓ (later≈ p) (later↓ q) = later↓ (≈↓ (♭ p) q)
trans' : ∀ {x y z} → x ≈ y → y ≈ z → x ≈ z trans' : ∀ {x y z} → x ≈ y → y ≈ z → x ≈ z
trans' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) (↓≈ cd y↓c z↓d) with unique↓ y↓b y↓c trans' (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) (↓≈ cd y↓c z↓d) with unique↓ y↓b y↓c
... | bc = ↓≈ (-trans (-trans ab bc) cd) x↓a z↓d ... | bc = ↓≈ (-trans (-trans ab bc) cd) x↓a z↓d
trans' (↓≈ ab x↓a (later↓ y↓b)) (later≈ x) = ↓≈ ab x↓a {! !} trans' (↓≈ ab z↓a (later↓ x↓b)) (later≈ x≈y) = ↓≈ ab z↓a (later↓ (≈↓ (♭ x≈y) x↓b))
trans' (later≈ x) (↓≈ ab x↓a y↓b) = {! !} trans' (later≈ x≈y) (↓≈ ab (later↓ y↓a) z↓b) = ↓≈ ab (later↓ (≈↓ (sym' (♭ x≈y)) y↓a)) z↓b
trans' (later≈ x) (later≈ y) = {! !} trans' (later≈ x≈y) (later≈ y≈z) = later≈ (♯ trans' (♭ x≈y) (♭ y≈z))
delay-setoid' : Setoid c → Setoid c (c ⊔ ) delay-setoid' : Setoid c → Setoid c (c ⊔ )
delay-setoid' A = record { Carrier = Delay Carrier ; _≈_ = _≈_ ; isEquivalence = record { refl = λ {x} → {! !} ; sym = λ {x y} → {! !} ; trans = λ {x y z} → {! !} } } delay-setoid' A = record { Carrier = Delay Carrier ; _≈_ = _≈_ ; isEquivalence = record { refl = λ {x} → {! !} ; sym = λ {x y} → {! !} ; trans = λ {x y z} → {! !} } }

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{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --guardedness #-}
open import Level
open import Category.Ambient using (Ambient)
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian
open import Categories.Object.Terminal
open import Function.Equality as SΠ renaming (id to idₛ)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Setoid
open import Data.Sum.Relation.Binary.Pointwise
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (tt; )
open import Data.Empty.Polymorphic using (⊥)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (ntHelper)
open import Function.Base using (id)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; ∃; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax)
module Monad.Instance.K.Instance.DelayRecord {c } where
# Capretta's Delay Monad is an Instance of K in the Category of Setoids
record Delay (A : Set c) : Set c where
node : A ⊎ Delay A
open Delay
now : ∀ {A : Set c} → A → Delay A
node (now {A} a) = inj₁ a
later : ∀ {A : Set c} → Delay A → Delay A
node (later {A} a) = inj₂ a
never : ∀ {A : Set c} → Delay A
node (never {A}) = inj₂ never
module Equality {A : Setoid c } where
open Setoid A using () renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to __)
data _↓_ : Delay C → C → Set (c ⊔ ) where
now↓ : ∀ {x y} (p : x y) → now x ↓ y
later↓ : ∀ {x y} (p : _↓_ x y) → later x ↓ y
data _≈_ : Delay C → Delay C → Set (c ⊔ ) where
↓≈ : ∀ {x y z} → x ↓ z → y ↓ z → x ≈ y
later-≈ : ∀ {x y} → x ≈ y → later x ≈ later y
refl : ∀ {x} → x ≈ x
refl {x} with node x
... | inj₁ z = ↓≈ {! !} {! !}
... | inj₂ z = {! !}
-- first try
delay-eq-strong : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set
delay-eq-strong A x y with node x | node y
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = Setoid._≈_ A a b
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = ⊥
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = ⊥
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = {! !}
-- second try
record eq-strong (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set c where
node-eq₁ : (node x) ≡ (node y)
-- third try
node-eq : (A : Setoid c ) (x y : Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set
node-eq A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
node-eq A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = ⊥
node-eq A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = ⊥
node-eq A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = delay-eq-strong' A x y
delay-eq-strong' : ∀ (A : Setoid c ) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) → Set
delay-eq-strong' A x y = node-eq A {! !} {! !}
Delay-setoid : Setoid c → Setoid c
Delay-setoid A = record { Carrier = Delay A.Carrier ; _≈_ = {! !} ; isEquivalence = {! !} }
module A = Setoid A
-- finally this should work
record eq-strong' (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set where
eq : eq-strong'' A (node x) (node y)
eq-strong'' : (A : Setoid c ) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set
eq-strong'' A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
eq-strong'' A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = ⊥
eq-strong'' A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = ⊥
eq-strong'' A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-strong' A x y
-- this should also work
record eq-weak (A : Setoid c ) (x : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) (y : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) : Set where
eq : eq-weak' A (node x) (node y)
eq-weak' : (A : Setoid c ) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → (Setoid.Carrier A ⊎ Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)) → Set
eq-weak' A (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = Setoid._≈_ A x y
eq-weak' A (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-weak A (now x) y
eq-weak' A (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) = eq-weak A x (now y)
eq-weak' A (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) = eq-weak A x y
open eq-weak
now-cong : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a b : Setoid.Carrier A} → Setoid._≈_ A a b → eq-weak A (now a) (now b)
eq (now-cong {A} {a} {b} a≈b) = a≈b
now-inj : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a b : Setoid.Carrier A} → eq-weak A (now a) (now b) → Setoid._≈_ A a b
now-inj {A} {a} {b} na≈nb with (eq na≈nb)
... | a≈b = a≈b
now-weak-eq : ∀ {A : Setoid c } {a : Setoid.Carrier A} {b : Delay (Setoid.Carrier A)} → eq-weak A (now a) b → Σ (Setoid.Carrier A) (λ c → Setoid._≈_ A a c)
now-weak-eq {A} {a} {b} na≈b with node b | eq na≈b
... | inj₁ x | a≈b = x , a≈b
... | inj₂ x | a≈b = {! !}
weak-setoid : Setoid c → Setoid c
weak-setoid A = record { Carrier = Delay (Setoid.Carrier A) ; _≈_ = eq-weak A ; isEquivalence = record { refl = refl' ; sym = sym' ; trans = trans' } }
refl' : Reflexive (eq-weak A)
eq (refl' {a}) with node a
... | inj₁ x = IsEquivalence.refl (Setoid.isEquivalence A)
... | inj₂ x = refl'
sym' : Symmetric (eq-weak A)
eq (sym' {a} {b} a≈b) with node a | node b | eq a≈b
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | z = IsEquivalence.sym (Setoid.isEquivalence A) z
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | z = sym' z
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | z = sym' z
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | z = sym' z
trans' : Transitive (eq-weak A)
eq (trans' {a} {b} {c} a≈b b≈c) with node a | node b | node c | eq a≈b | eq b≈c
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | inj₂ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' (now-cong eq₁) eq₂ -- trans' (now-cong eq₁) eq₂
... | inj₂ x | inj₂ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ eq₂
... | inj₁ x | inj₂ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = {! !} -- now-inj {A} {x} {z} (trans' eq₁ eq₂)
... | inj₂ x | inj₁ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = trans' eq₁ (now-cong eq₂)
... | inj₁ x | inj₁ y | inj₁ z | eq₁ | eq₂ = IsEquivalence.trans (Setoid.isEquivalence A) eq₁ eq₂