minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
Leon Vatthauer 2023-08-19 12:37:03 +02:00
parent 64a1f120d0
commit a0f370b000
Signed by: leonv
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:G4+ddwoZmhLPRB1agvXzZMXIzkVJ36dUYZXf5NxT+u8
4 changed files with 4 additions and 358 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.PHONY: all clean
all: Everything.agda
agda --html --html-dir=out Everything.agda --html-highlight=auto
agda --html --html-dir=out Everything.agda --html-highlight=auto -i.
pandoc out/MonadK.md -s -c Agda.css -o out/MonadK.html
pandoc out/ElgotAlgebra.md -s -c Agda.css -o out/ElgotAlgebra.html
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ open:
firefox out/ElgotAlgebra.html
git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep '^src/[^\.]*.agda' | sed -e 's|^src/[/]*|import |' -e 's|/|.|g' -e 's/.agda//' -e '/import Everything/d' | LC_COLLATE='C' sort > Everything.agda
git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD | egrep '^src/[^\.]*.l?agda(\.md)?' | sed -e 's|^src/[/]*|import |' -e 's|/|.|g' -e 's/.agda//' -e '/import Everything/d' -e 's/..md//' | LC_COLLATE='C' sort > Everything.agda

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name: bsc
include: .
include: src/
depend: standard-library agda-categories

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Level
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian using (Cocartesian)

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@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
open import Level using (Level) renaming (suc to -suc)
open import Function using (id; _∘_; _$_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; _,_; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂)
open import CubicalIdentity using (_≡_; sym; trans; refl; cong; cong2; subst; subst-app)
open CubicalIdentity.≡-Reasoning
open import Category
open import Co-Cartesian
open import Functor
This module introduces the notion of Elgot iteration in a category.
module ElgotIteration { : Level} {Ob : Set (-suc )} {C : Category Ob} (CoC : Co-Cartesian C) where
open Co-Cartesian.Co-Cartesian CoC renaming (_⊎_ to _+_)
module †-axioms (_† : {X Y : Obj} (X Y + X) (X Y)) where
-- Fixpoint
Fix : Set (-suc )
Fix = {X Y : Obj} {f : X Y + X}
[ idm , f ] f f
-- Naturality
Nat : Set (-suc )
Nat = {X Y Z : Obj} {f : X Y + X} {g : Y Z}
((g idm) f) g f
-- Dinaturality
Din : Set (-suc )
Din = {X Y Z : Obj} {g : X Y + Z} {h : Z Y + X}
([ inl , h ] g) [ idm , ([ inl , g ] h) ] g
-- Codiagonal
Cod : Set (-suc )
Cod = {X Y : Obj} {f : X (Y + X) + X}
([ idm , inr ] f) f
module _ {D : Category Ob} {CoC-D : Co-Cartesian D}
{F : Functor D C id} (J : CoC-Functor CoC-D CoC F) where
open Co-Cartesian.Co-Cartesian CoC-D
using () renaming (_➔_ to _➔_; idm to idm; _⊕_ to _⊕_)
open Functor.CoC-Functor J
Uni : Set (-suc )
Uni = {X Y Z : Obj} {f : X Y + X} {g : Z Y + Z} {h : Z ➔′ X}
f (fmap h) (idm fmap h) g f (fmap h) g
open †-axioms
record ElgotIteration : Set (-suc ) where
_† : {X Y : Obj} (X Y + X) (X Y)
fix : Fix _†
record ConwayIteration (It : ElgotIteration) : Set (-suc ) where
open ElgotIteration It public
-- Naturality
nat : Nat _†
-- Dinaturality
din : Din _†
-- Codiagonal
cod : Cod _†
record TotalUniConway (It : ElgotIteration) {D : Category Ob} {CoC-D : Co-Cartesian D}
{F : Functor D C id} (J : CoC-Functor CoC-D CoC F) : Set (-suc ) where
-- added uniformity, removed dinaturality;
-- the latter is derivable, which is shown below
open ElgotIteration It public
-- Naturality
nat : Nat _†
-- Codiagonal
cod : Cod _†
-- Uniformity
uni : Uni _† J
open Co-Cartesian.Co-Cartesian CoC-D
using () renaming (inl to inl; inr to inr
; _⊚_ to _⊚_; idm to idm; _➔_ to _➔_
; _⊎_ to _+_ ; _⊕_ to _⊕_; [_,_] to [_,_])
open CoC-Functor J
-- some coherence properties of injections,
-- using the fact that J is identical on objects
fmap-⊎F-inl : {X Y : Obj} fmap (⊎F→ {X} {Y} (X _) inl) inl
fmap-⊎F-inl{X}{Y} = trans (sym $ subst-app (X _) {B₂ = X ➔_} (λ _ fmap) ⊎F) $ sym inlF
fmap-⊎F-inr : {X Y : Obj} fmap (⊎F→ {X} {Y} (Y _) inr) inr
fmap-⊎F-inr{X}{Y} = trans (sym $ subst-app (Y _) {B₂ = Y ➔_} (λ _ fmap) ⊎F) $ sym inrF
-- an instance of uniformity for inl
†-inl : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : (X + Z) Y + (X + Z)} {g : X Y + X}
f inl (idm inl) g f inl g
†-inl {X} {Y} {Z} {f = f} {g = g} p =
f inl
≡˘⟨ cong (_⊚_ (f )) fmap-⊎F-inl
f fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inl)
≡⟨ uni p
p : f fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inl) (idm fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inl)) g
p = trans (cong (_⊚_ f) fmap-⊎F-inl) (trans p (cong (λ w (idm w) g) $ sym fmap-⊎F-inl))
-- an instance of uniformity for inr
†-inr : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : (Z + X) Y + (Z + X)} {g : X Y + X}
f inr (idm inr) g f inr g
†-inr {X} {Y} {Z} {f = f} {g = g} p =
f inr
≡˘⟨ cong (_⊚_ (f )) fmap-⊎F-inr
f fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inr)
≡⟨ uni p
p : f fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inr) (idm fmap (⊎F→ (X _) inr)) g
p = trans (cong (_⊚_ f) fmap-⊎F-inr) $ trans p (cong (λ w (idm w) g) (sym fmap-⊎F-inr))
-- an instance of uniformity for swap
†-swap : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : (X + Y) Z + (X + Y)}
f swap ((idm swap) (f swap))
†-swap {X} {Y} {Z} {f = f} =
f swap
≡˘⟨ ⊚-cong₂ fmap-swap
f (fmap swap)
uni (trans (sym ⊚-unitˡ) $ trans
(⊚-cong₁ $ trans (trans (sym [inl,inr]) $
(trans (sym ⊚-unitʳ) $ ⊚-cong₂ $ sym ⊚-unitˡ)
(trans (sym ⊚-unitʳ) $ ⊚-cong₂ $ trans (sym swap-swap) $
⊚-cong (sym fmap-swap) (sym fmap-swap))
(sym ⊕-⊕)) $ sym ⊚-assoc)
((idm fmap swap) (f fmap swap))
≡⟨ cong2 (λ w w ((idm w) (f w)) ) fmap-swap fmap-swap
((idm swap) (f swap))
swap : {X Y : Obj} X + Y ➔′ Y + X
swap {X} {Y} = ⊎F→ ((X + Y) _) (⊎F→ (_➔ Y + X) [ inr , inl ])
fmap-swap : {X Y : Obj} fmap (swap{X}{Y}) swap{X}{Y}
fmap-swap{X}{Y} =
fmap (swap{X}{Y})
≡˘⟨ subst-app ((X + Y) _) {B₂ = (X + Y) ➔_} (λ _ fmap) ⊎F
⊎F→ (X + Y ➔_) (fmap (⊎F→ (_➔ Y + X) [ inr , inl ]))
≡˘⟨ cong (⊎F→ (X + Y ➔_)) (subst-app (_➔ Y + X) {B₂ = _➔ Y + X} (λ _ fmap) ⊎F)
⊎F→ (X + Y ➔_) (⊎F→ (_➔ Y + X) (fmap [ inr , inl ]))
≡˘⟨ cong (⊎F→ (X + Y ➔_)) []F
⊎F→ (X + Y ➔_) ([ fmap inr , fmap inl ])
≡˘⟨ ⊎-destruct (trans []-inl (⊎F→⊚ h inl)) (trans []-inr (⊎F→⊚ h inr))
[ ⊎F→ (_➔_ X) (h inl) , ⊎F→ (_➔_ Y) (h inr) ]
(trans (cong (⊎F→ (_➔_ X)) []-inl) $ sym inrF)
(trans (cong (⊎F→ (_➔_ Y)) []-inr) $ sym inlF)
[ inr , inl ]
where h = [ fmap inr , fmap inl ]
bekić : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : X (Y + X) + Z} {g : Z (Y + X) + Z}
[([ idm , g ] f) , [ idm , ([ idm , g ] f) ] g ]
([ idm inl , inr inr ] [ f , g ])
bekić {f = f} {g = g} =
[ ([ idm , g ] f) , [ idm , ([ idm , g ] f) ] g ]
-- using bekić₁
≡⟨ bekić₁
([ (idm inl) ([ idm , g ] f) , (idm inl) g ] )
≡⟨ cong _† $ []-cong₁ ⊚-assoc
([ ((idm inl) [ idm , g ]) f , (idm inl) g ] )
≡⟨ cong _† $ []-cong₁ $ trans (⊚-cong₁ ⊚-distrib-[]) $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₁ ⊚-unitʳ
[ [ idm inl , (idm inl) g ] f , (idm inl) g ]
≡˘⟨ cong _† $ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ trans []-⊕ ([]-destruct ⊚-unitˡ ⊚-unitʳ)
[ ([ idm , (idm inl) g ] ((idm inl) idm)) f , (idm inl) g ]
≡˘⟨ cong _† $ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-assoc
[ [ idm , (idm inl) g ] (((idm inl) idm) f) , (idm inl) g ]
-- using naturality
≡⟨ cong _† $ []-destruct (⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₂ $ sym nat) (sym nat)
[ [ idm , (((idm inl) idm) g) ] (((idm inl) idm) f) , (((idm inl) idm) g) ]
-- using bekić₂
≡⟨ cong _† $ trans bekić₂ $ cong _† $ sym ⊚-distrib-[]
((idm inr) [ ((idm inl) idm) f , ((idm inl) idm) g ])
≡⟨ cong (_† _†) $ ⊚-cong₂ $ sym ⊚-distrib-[]
((idm inr) (((idm inl) idm) [ f , g ]))
≡⟨ cong (_† _†) $ trans ⊚-assoc $ ⊚-cong₁ $ trans ⊕-⊕ $
[]-destruct (⊚-cong₂ ⊚-unitˡ) (⊚-cong₂ ⊚-unitʳ)
(((idm inl) inr) [ f , g ])
-- using codiagonal
≡˘⟨ cod
([ idm , inr ] (((idm inl) inr) [ f , g ]))
≡⟨ cong _† ⊚-assoc
(([ idm , inr ] ((idm inl) inr)) [ f , g ])
≡⟨ cong _† $ ⊚-cong₁ $ trans []-⊕ $ []-cong₁ ⊚-unitˡ
([(idm inl) , inr inr ] [ f , g ])
-- one instance of the Bekić law
bekić₁ : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : X Y + X}{g : Z Y + X}
[ f , [ idm , f ] g ] [ (idm inl) f , (idm inl) g ]
bekić₁ {f = f} {g = g} =
[ f , [ idm , f ] g ]
≡˘⟨ []-destruct (†-inl []-inl) $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₂ $ †-inl []-inl
[ h inl , [ idm , h inl ] g ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-unitʳ
[ h inl , [ idm idm , h inl ] g ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-⊕
[ h inl , ([ idm , h ] (idm inl)) g ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-assoc
[ h inl , [ idm , h ] ((idm inl) g) ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-cong₂ $ []-inr
[ h inl , [ idm , h ] (h inr) ]
≡⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-assoc
[ h inl , ([ idm , h ] h) inr ]
≡⟨ []-cong₂ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ fix
[ h inl , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ ⊚-distrib-[]
h [ inl , inr ]
≡⟨ ⊚-cong₂ [inl,inr]
h idm
≡⟨ ⊚-unitʳ
where h = [ (idm inl) f , (idm inl) g ]
-- another instance of the Bekić law
bekić₂ : {X Y Z : Obj} {f : X Y + X} {g : Z Y + X}
[ [ idm , f ] g , f ] [ (idm inr) g , (idm inr) f ]
bekić₂ {f = f} {g = g} =
[ [ idm , f ] g , f ]
≡˘⟨ []-destruct (⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₂ $ †-inr []-inr) (†-inr []-inr)
[ [ idm , h inr ] g , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-unitʳ
[ [ idm idm , h inr ] g , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-⊕
[ ([ idm , h ] (idm inr)) g , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-assoc
[ [ idm , h ] ((idm inr) g) , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₂ $ []-inl
[ [ idm , h ] (h inl) , h inr ]
≡⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-assoc
[ ([ idm , h ] h) inl , h inr ]
≡⟨ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ fix
[ h inl , h inr ]
≡˘⟨ ⊚-distrib-[]
h [ inl , inr ]
≡⟨ ⊚-cong₂ [inl,inr]
h idm
≡⟨ ⊚-unitʳ
where h = [ (idm inr) g , (idm inr) f ]
-- Dinaturality
din : Din _†
din {g = g} {h = h} =
([ inl , h ] g)
≡˘⟨ []-inl
[([ inl , h ] g) , [ idm , ([ inl , h ] g) ] h ] inl
≡˘⟨ ⊚-cong₁ helper₁
[ (idm inr) g , (idm inl) h ] inl
≡⟨ trans (⊚-cong₁ (sym helper₂)) (trans (sym ⊚-assoc) (⊚-cong₂ []-inl))
[ (idm inr) h , (idm inl) g ] inr
-- using fix
≡⟨ trans (⊚-cong₁ (sym fix)) (trans (sym ⊚-assoc) (trans (⊚-cong₂ []-inr) ⊚-assoc))
([ idm , [ (idm inr) h , (idm inl) g ] ] (idm inl)) g
≡⟨ ⊚-cong₁ (trans []-⊕ ([]-cong₁ ⊚-unitˡ))
[ idm , [ (idm inr) h , (idm inl) g ] inl ] g
≡⟨ trans (cong (λ w [ idm , w inl ] g) helper₁) (cong (λ w [ idm , w ] g) []-inl)
[ idm , ([ inl , g ] h) ] g
helper₁ : {X Y Z : Obj} {g : X Y + Z} {h : Z Y + X}
[ (idm inr) g , (idm inl) h ] [([ inl , h ] g) , [ idm , ([ inl , h ] g) ] h ]
helper₁{X}{Y}{Z}{g = g}{h = h} =
[ (idm inr) g , (idm inl) h ]
≡˘⟨ cong _† $ []-cong₁ $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-destruct []-inl ⊚-unitʳ
([ [ (idm inl) inl , (inr inr) idm ] g , (idm inl) h ] )
≡˘⟨ cong _† $ trans ⊚-distrib-[] $
(trans ⊚-assoc $ ⊚-cong₁ []-⊕)
(trans ⊚-assoc $ ⊚-cong₁ []-inl)
(([ idm inl , inr inr ] [ (inl idm) g , inl h ]) )
≡˘⟨ bekić{f = (inl idm) g}{g = inl h}
[ ([ idm , (inl h) ] ((inl idm) g)) ,
[ idm , ([ idm , (inl h) ] ((inl idm) g)) ] ((inl h) ) ]
≡⟨ cong2 (λ w₁ w₂ [ w₁ , [ idm , w₂ ] ((inl h) ) ])
(trans ⊚-assoc $ cong (_⊚ g) $ trans []-⊕ $ []-destruct ⊚-unitˡ ⊚-unitʳ)
(trans ⊚-assoc $ cong (_⊚ g) $ trans []-⊕ $ []-destruct ⊚-unitˡ ⊚-unitʳ)
[ ([ inl , (inl h) ] g) , [ idm , ([ inl , (inl h) ] g) ] ((inl h) ) ]
≡⟨ []-destruct
(cong _† $ ⊚-cong₁ $ []-cong₂ inl-h†)
(cong2 (λ w₁ w₂ [ idm , ([ inl , w₁ ] g) ] w₂) inl-h† inl-h†)
[([ inl , h ] g) , [ idm , ([ inl , h ] g) ] h ]
inl-h† : (inl h) h
inl-h† = trans (sym fix) $ trans ⊚-assoc $ trans (⊚-cong₁ []-inl) ⊚-unitˡ
helper₂ : {X Y Z : Obj} {g : X Y + Z} {h : Z Y + X}
[ (idm inr) g , (idm inl) h ] swap [ (idm inr) h , (idm inl) g ]
helper₂ = trans †-swap $
cong _† $ trans (⊚-cong₂ []-swap) (trans ⊚-distrib-[] $ []-destruct
(trans ⊚-assoc $ ⊚-cong₁ $ trans ⊕-⊕ $ []-destruct (⊚-cong₂ ⊚-unitˡ) $ ⊚-cong₂ []-inl)
(trans ⊚-assoc $ ⊚-cong₁ $ trans ⊕-⊕ $ []-destruct (⊚-cong₂ ⊚-unitˡ) $ ⊚-cong₂ []-inr))
module _ (It : ElgotIteration) {D : Category Ob} {CoC-D : Co-Cartesian D}
{F : Functor D C id} (J : CoC-Functor CoC-D CoC F) where
TotalUniConway→ConwayIteration : TotalUniConway It J ConwayIteration It
TotalUniConway→ConwayIteration TC =
record {
nat = nat ;
din = din ;
cod = cod
open TotalUniConway TC