This commit is contained in:
Leon Vatthauer 2024-01-05 18:56:30 +01:00
parent 32c479a027
commit f93083706b
Signed by: leonv
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:G4+ddwoZmhLPRB1agvXzZMXIzkVJ36dUYZXf5NxT+u8
2 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ open Bisimilarity renaming (_≈_ to [_][_≈_]; _≈_ to [_][_≈_]; _
module DelayMonad where
Delayₛ : Setoid c (c ⊔ ) → Setoid c (c ⊔ )
Delayₛ A = record { Carrier = Delay A ; _≈_ = [_][_≈_] A ; isEquivalence = record { refl = ≈-refl A ; sym = ≈-sym A ; trans = ≈-trans A } }
Delayₛ' : Setoid c (c ⊔ ) → Setoid c (c ⊔ )
Delayₛ' A = record { Carrier = Delay A ; _≈_ = [_][__] A ; isEquivalence = record { refl = -refl A ; sym = -sym A ; trans = -trans A } }
<_> = Π._⟨$⟩_
∼⇒≈ : ∀ {A : Setoid c (c ⊔ )} {x y : Delay A } → [ A ][ x y ] → [ A ][ x ≈ y ]

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --guardedness #-}
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]; [_,_])
open import Data.Sum.Function.Setoid
open import Data.Sum.Relation.Binary.Pointwise
open import Function.Equality as SΠ renaming (id to idₛ)
open import Function using (_∘_) renaming (_∘_ to _∘f_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_) renaming (sym to ≣-sym; refl to ≣-refl; trans to ≣-trans)
open import FreeObject
open import Categories.FreeObjects.Free
open import Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.NonDependent using (_×ₛ_)
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Properties.Setoids.Choice using ()
# The delay monad on the category of setoids is an instance of K
module Monad.Instance.Setoids.K' { : Level} where
open import Monad.Instance.K.Instance.D {} {}
open import Category.Ambient.Setoids
open import Monad.Instance.K (setoidAmbient {})
open import Algebra.Elgot (setoidAmbient {})
open import Algebra.Elgot.Free (setoidAmbient {})
open import Category.Construction.ElgotAlgebras (setoidAmbient {})
open import Monad.PreElgot (setoidAmbient {})
open Bisimilarity renaming (_≈_ to [_][_≈_]; _≈_ to [_][_≈_]; __ to [_][__]; __ to [_][__]; _↓_ to [_][_↓_])
open DelayMonad
open Setoid using () renaming (Carrier to _; _≈_ to [_][_≡_])
open eq using () renaming (refl to ≡-refl; sym to ≡-sym; trans to ≡-trans)
iter : ∀ {A X : Setoid } → ( X → (Delay A X )) → X → Delay A
iter : ∀ {A X : Setoid } → ( X → (Delay A X )) → X → Delay A
force (iter {A} {X} f x) = iter {A} {X} f x
iter {A} {X} f x with f x
... | inj₁ a = a
... | inj₂ b = later (iter {A} {X} f x)
conflict : ∀ {''} (X Y : Setoid ) {Z : Set ''}
{x : X } {y : Y } → [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ inj₁ x ≡ inj₂ y ] → Z
conflict X Y ()
inj₁-helper : ∀ {X Y : Setoid } (f : X ⟶ Y ⊎ₛ X) {x y : X } {a b : Y } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → f ⟨$⟩ x ≡ inj₁ a → f ⟨$⟩ y ≡ inj₁ b → [ Y ][ a ≡ b ]
inj₁-helper {X} {Y} f {x} {y} {a} {b} x≡y fi₁ fi₂ = drop-inj₁ {x = a} {y = b} helper
helper : [ Y ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₁ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym fi₁) | (≣-sym fi₂) = cong f x≡y
inj₂-helper : ∀ {X Y : Setoid } (f : X ⟶ Y ⊎ₛ X) {x y : X } {a b : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → f ⟨$⟩ x ≡ inj₂ a → f ⟨$⟩ y ≡ inj₂ b → [ X ][ a ≡ b ]
inj₂-helper {X} {Y} f {x} {y} {a} {b} x≡y fi₁ fi₂ = drop-inj₂ {x = a} {y = b} helper
helper : [ Y ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₂ a ≡ inj₂ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym fi₁) | (≣-sym fi₂) = cong f x≡y
absurd-helper : ∀ {'} {X Y : Setoid } {A : Set '} (f : X ⟶ Y ⊎ₛ X) {x y : X } {a : Y } {b : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → f ⟨$⟩ x ≡ inj₁ a → f ⟨$⟩ y ≡ inj₂ b → A
absurd-helper {'} {X} {Y} {A} f {x} {y} {a} {b} x≡y fi₁ fi₂ = conflict Y X helper
helper : [ Y ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₂ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym fi₁) | (≣-sym fi₂) = cong f x≡y
iter-cong : ∀ {A X : Setoid } (f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)) {x y : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ (iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) x) ≈ (iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) y) ]
iter-cong : ∀ {A X : Setoid } (f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)) {x y : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ (iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) x) ≈′ (iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) y) ]
force≈ (iter-cong {A} {X} f {x} {y} x≡y) = iter-cong f x≡y
iter-cong {A} {X} f {x} {y} x≡y with < f > x in eqx | < f > y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = inj₁-helper f x≡y eqx eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper f x≡y eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper f (≡-sym X x≡y) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = later≈ (iter-cong f x≡y)
iterₛ : ∀ {A X : Setoid } → (X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)) → X ⟶ Delayₛ A
iterₛ {A} {X} f = record { _⟨$⟩_ = iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) ; cong = iter-cong {A} {X} f }
iter-fixpoint : ∀ {A X : Setoid } {f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)} {x y : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) x ≈ [ , iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) ] ((f ._⟨$⟩_) y) ]
iter-fixpoint {A} {X} {f} {x} {y} x≡y with (f ._⟨$⟩_) x in eqx | (f ._⟨$⟩_) y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = inj₁-helper f x≡y eqx eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper f x≡y eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper f (≡-sym X x≡y) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = ≈-trans A (≈-sym A later-self) (iter-cong f {! !})
iter-resp-≈ : ∀ {A X : Setoid } (f g : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)) → f ≋ g → ∀ {x y : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) x ≈ iter {A} {X} (g ._⟨$⟩_) y ]
iter-resp-≈′ : ∀ {A X : Setoid } (f g : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)) → f ≋ g → ∀ {x y : X } → [ X ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) x ≈′ iter {A} {X} (g ._⟨$⟩_) y ]
force≈ (iter-resp-≈′ {A} {X} f g f≋g {x} {y} x≡y) = iter-resp-≈ f g f≋g x≡y
iter-resp-≈ {A} {X} f g f≋g {x} {y} x≡y with (f ._⟨$⟩_) x in eqx | (g ._⟨$⟩_) y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = drop-inj₁ helper
helper : [ Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₁ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqy) | (≣-sym eqx) = f≋g x≡y
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = conflict (Delayₛ A) X helper
helper : [ Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₂ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqy) | (≣-sym eqx) = f≋g x≡y
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = conflict (Delayₛ A) X (≡-sym (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X) helper)
helper : [ Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X ][ inj₂ a ≡ inj₁ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqy) | (≣-sym eqx) = f≋g x≡y
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = later≈ (iter-resp-≈′ f g f≋g x≡y)
iter-folding' : ∀ {A X Y : Setoid } {f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)} {h : Y ⟶ X ⊎ₛ Y} {x y : X ⊎ₛ Y } → [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ inj₁ ∘f iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) , inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_) ] x ≈ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘f (f ._⟨$⟩_) , (inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_)) ] y ]
iter-folding : ∀ {A X Y : Setoid } {f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)} {h : Y ⟶ X ⊎ₛ Y} {x y : X ⊎ₛ Y } → [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ inj₁ ∘f iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) , inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_) ] x ≈′ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘f (f ._⟨$⟩_) , (inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_)) ] y ]
force≈ (iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {x} {y} x≡y) = iter-folding' {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} x≡y
iter-folding' {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₁ x} {inj₁ y} ix≡iy with f ⟨$⟩ x in eqx | f ⟨$⟩ y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = inj₁-helper f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper f (≡-sym X (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy)) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = later≈ helper
helper' : ∀ (b : X ) → [ A ][ iter < f > b ≈′ iter [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘′ < f > , inj₂ ∘′ < h > ] (inj₁ b) ]
helper'' : ∀ (b : X ) → [ A ][ iter < f > b ≈ iter [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘′ < f > , inj₂ ∘′ < h > ] (inj₁ b) ]
helper'' b with f ⟨$⟩ b in eqb
... | inj₁ c = ≈-refl A
... | inj₂ c = later≈ (helper' b)
force≈ (helper' b) with f ⟨$⟩ b in eqb
... | inj₁ c = ≈-refl A
... | inj₂ c = later≈ (helper' b)
helper : [ A ][ iter < f > x ≈′ iter [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘′ < f > , inj₂ ∘′ < h > ] (inj₁ y) ]
force≈ helper = ≈-trans A (iter-cong f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy)) (helper'' y)
iter-folding' {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₂ x} {inj₂ y} ix≡iy with h ⟨$⟩ x in eqx | h ⟨$⟩ y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = later≈ {! iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₁ a} {inj₁ b} helper !}
helper : [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₁ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqx) | (≣-sym eqy) = cong h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper h (≡-sym Y (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = later≈ {! !}
helper' : [ A ][ iter [ inj₁ ∘′ iter < f > , inj₂ ∘′ < h > ] (inj₂ x) ≈′ iter [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘′ < f > , inj₂ ∘′ < h > ] (inj₂ y) ]
force≈ helper' = later≈ {! iter-folding' {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₂ a} {inj₂ b} ? !}
helper : [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ inj₂ a ≡ inj₂ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqx) | (≣-sym eqy) = cong h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)
iter-folding : ∀ {A X Y : Setoid } {f : X ⟶ (Delayₛ A ⊎ₛ X)} {h : Y ⟶ X ⊎ₛ Y} {x y : X ⊎ₛ Y } → [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ x ≡ y ] → [ A ][ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ inj₁ ∘f iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) , inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_) ] x ≈ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘f (f ._⟨$⟩_) , (inj₂ ∘f (h ._⟨$⟩_)) ] y ]
iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₁ x} {inj₁ y} ix≡iy with f ⟨$⟩ x in eqx | f ⟨$⟩ y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = inj₁-helper f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper f (≡-sym X (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy)) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = later≈ {! !} -- later≈ (♯ ≈-trans A (iter-cong f (inj₂-helper f (drop-inj₁ ix≡iy) eqx eqy)) (helper b))
helper : ∀ (b : X ) → [ A ][ iter {A} {X} (f ._⟨$⟩_) b ≈ iter {A} {X ⊎ₛ Y} [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ] ∘′ (f ._⟨$⟩_) , inj₂ ∘′ (h ._⟨$⟩_) ] (inj₁ b) ]
helper b with f ⟨$⟩ b in eqb
... | inj₁ c = ≡-refl (Delayₛ A)
... | inj₂ c = later≈ {! !} -- later≈ (♯ helper c)
iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₂ x} {inj₂ y} ix≡iy with h ⟨$⟩ x in eqx | h ⟨$⟩ y in eqy
... | inj₁ a | inj₁ b = {! !} -- later≈ (♯ iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₁ a} {inj₁ b} helper)
helper : [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ inj₁ a ≡ inj₁ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqx) | (≣-sym eqy) = cong h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)
... | inj₁ a | inj₂ b = absurd-helper h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy) eqx eqy
... | inj₂ a | inj₁ b = absurd-helper h (≡-sym Y (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)) eqy eqx
... | inj₂ a | inj₂ b = {! !} -- later≈ (♯ iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {inj₂ a} {inj₂ b} helper)
helper : [ X ⊎ₛ Y ][ inj₂ a ≡ inj₂ b ]
helper rewrite (≣-sym eqx) | (≣-sym eqy) = cong h (drop-inj₂ ix≡iy)
delay-algebras-on : ∀ {A : Setoid } → Elgot-Algebra-on (Delayₛ A)
delay-algebras-on {A} = record
{ _# = iterₛ {A}
; #-Fixpoint = λ {X} {f} → iter-fixpoint {A} {X} {f}
; #-Uniformity = {! !} -- λ {X} {Y} {f} {g} {h} → iter-uni {A} {X} {Y} {f} {g} {h}
; #-Folding = λ {X} {Y} {f} {h} {x} {y} x≡y → iter-folding {A} {X} {Y} {f} {h} {x} {y} x≡y
; #-resp-≈ = λ {X} {f} {g} → iter-resp-≈ {A} {X} f g
delay-algebras : ∀ (A : Setoid ) → Elgot-Algebra
delay-algebras A = record { A = Delayₛ A ; algebra = delay-algebras-on {A}}
open Elgot-Algebra using () renaming (A to ⟦_⟧)
delay-lift : ∀ {A : Setoid } {B : Elgot-Algebra} → A ⟶ ⟦ B ⟧ → Elgot-Algebra-Morphism (delay-algebras A) B
delay-lift {A} {B} f = record { h = record { _⟨$⟩_ = ((B Elgot-Algebra.#) helper) ._⟨$⟩_ ; cong = λ {x} {y} x≈y → {! !} } ; preserves = {! !} }
-- (f + id) ∘ out
helper₁ : Delay A ⟦ B ⟧ ⊎ Delay A
helper₁ (now x) = inj₁ (< f > x)
helper₁ (later x) = inj₂ (force x)
-- -- setoid-morphism that preserves strong-bisimilarity
helper : Delayₛ' A ⟶ ⟦ B ⟧ ⊎ₛ Delayₛ' A
helper = record { _⟨$⟩_ = helper₁ ; cong = {! !} }
freeAlgebra : ∀ (A : Setoid ) → FreeObject elgotForgetfulF A
freeAlgebra A = record
{ FX = delay-algebras A
; η = ηₛ A
; _* = delay-lift
; *-lift = {! !}
; *-uniq = {! !}