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3 changed files with 42 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -99,18 +99,12 @@
% \setmainfont{STIX-Regular}
% \setmathfont{STIX Two Math Regular}
%\setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono}
% category C
@ -127,15 +121,10 @@
% free objects
% right stability
@ -153,7 +142,7 @@
% terminal coalgebra
\newcommand*{\coalg}[1]{\ensuremath{\llbracket #1 \rrbracket}}
@ -179,7 +168,6 @@ Erlangen, \today{} \rule{7cm}{1pt}\\
% for creating custom labels like (Fixpoint)

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@ -357,12 +357,11 @@ Finality of the coalgebras $(DX, out : DX \rightarrow X + DX)_{X \in \obj{\C}}$
\arrow["out", from=3-1, to=3-5]
\arrow["{id \times out}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["dstl", from=1-2, to=1-3]
\arrow["{\coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{\coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{f \times g + id}", from=1-3, to=1-5]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-5, to=3-5]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-5, to=3-5]
We write $\coalg{\text{-}}$ to abbreviate the used coalgebra, i.e.\ in the previous diagram
\[\coalg{\text{-}} = \coalg{(f\times g + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times out)}.\]
We write $\coalg{-}$ to abbreviate the used coalgebra, i.e.\ in this diagram $\coalg{-} = \coalg{(f\times g + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times out)}$
Next we check the strength laws:
@ -372,8 +371,8 @@ Finality of the coalgebras $(DX, out : DX \rightarrow X + DX)_{X \in \obj{\C}}$
{1 \times DX} \& {1 \times X + DX} \& {1 \times X + 1 \times DX} \& {X + 1 \times DX} \\
DX \&\&\& {X + DX}
\arrow["out", from=2-1, to=2-4]
\arrow["{\coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{\text{-}}}", from=1-4, to=2-4]
\arrow["{\coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{-}}", from=1-4, to=2-4]
\arrow["{id \times out}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["dstl", from=1-2, to=1-3]
\arrow["{\pi_2 + id}", from=1-3, to=1-4]
@ -397,11 +396,11 @@ Finality of the coalgebras $(DX, out : DX \rightarrow X + DX)_{X \in \obj{\C}}$
{X \times DDY} \& {X \times (DY + DDY)} \& {X \times DY + X \times DDY} \\
\&\& {X \times Y + X \times DDY} \\
{D(X\times Y)} \&\& {X \times Y + D(X \times Y)}
\arrow["{\coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{\coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{id \times out}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["dstl", from=1-2, to=1-3]
\arrow["out", from=3-1, to=3-3]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{\text{-}}}"', from=2-3, to=3-3]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{-}}"', from=2-3, to=3-3]
\arrow["{[ (id + (id \times now)) \circ dstl \circ (id \times out) , i_2 ]}"', from=1-3, to=2-3]
\item[\ref{S4}] To show $D\alpha \circ \tau = \tau \circ (id \times \tau) \circ \alpha$ by coinduction we take the coalgebra:
@ -410,9 +409,9 @@ Finality of the coalgebras $(DX, out : DX \rightarrow X + DX)_{X \in \obj{\C}}$
{(X \times Y) \times DZ} \& {(X \times Y) \times (Z+ DZ)} \& {(X\times Y) \times Z + (X \times Y) \times DZ} \\
\&\& {X \times Y \times Z + (X \times Y) \times DZ} \\
{D(X \times Y \times Z)} \&\& {X \times Y \times Z + D(X \times Y \times Z)}
\arrow["{\coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["{\coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-1]
\arrow["out", from=3-1, to=3-3]
\arrow["{id +\coalg{\text{-}}}"', from=2-3, to=3-3]
\arrow["{id +\coalg{-}}"', from=2-3, to=3-3]
\arrow["{id \times out}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["dstl", from=1-2, to=1-3]
\arrow["{\langle \pi_1 \circ \pi_1 , \langle \pi_2 \circ \pi_1 , \pi_2 \rangle \rangle + id}"', from=1-3, to=2-3]
@ -452,8 +451,8 @@ To prove that $\mathbf{D}$ is commutative we will use another proof principle pr
\arrow["out", from=2-1, to=2-4]
\arrow["out", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{[ [ i_1 , h ] , i_2 ]}", from=1-2, to=1-4]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{\text{-}}}", from=1-4, to=2-4]
\arrow["{\coalg{\text{-}}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["{id + \coalg{-}}", from=1-4, to=2-4]
\arrow["{\coalg{-}}", dashed, from=1-1, to=2-1]

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@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ A symmetrical variant of the previous definition is sometimes useful.
\\=\;&\ls{f \circ swap} \circ (h^{\#_y} \times id) \circ swap
\\=\;&((\ls{f \circ swap} + id) \circ dstr \circ (id \times h))^{\#_a} \circ swap
\\=\;&(((\ls{f \circ swap} \circ swap) + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h))^{\#_a}\tag{\ref{law:uniformity}}
\\=\;&(((\rs{f} + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h))^{\#_a},
\\=\;&(((\rs{f} + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h))^{\#_a}
for any $Z \in \obj{\C}, h : Z \rightarrow KY + Z$.
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ A symmetrical variant of the previous definition is sometimes useful.
\\=\;&(\ls{f \circ swap} + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id) \circ swap.
The requisite diagram commutes, since
The diagram commutes, since
&\rs{f} \circ (id \times \eta)
\\=\;&\ls{f \circ swap} \circ swap \circ (id \times \eta)
@ -342,20 +342,19 @@ A symmetrical variant of the previous definition is sometimes useful.
\\=\;&((g + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h))^{\#_a} \circ swap
\\=\;&(((g \circ swap) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_a},\tag{\ref{law:uniformity}}
for any $Z \in \obj{\C}, h : Z \rightarrow KY + Z$.
The application of \ref{law:uniformity} is justified by
where the application of \ref{law:uniformity} is justified by
&(id + swap) \circ ((g \circ swap) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id)
\\=\;&(g + id) \circ (swap + swap) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id)
\\=\;&(g + id) \circ dstl \circ swap \circ (h \times id)
\\=\;&(g + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h) \circ swap.
\\=\;&(g + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times h) \circ swap
This concludes one direction of the proof that left stability and right stability imply each other, the other direction follows symmetrically.
This concludes one direction of the proof that left stability and right stability imply each other, the other direction follows by a symmetrical proof.
In a less general setting stability indeed follows automatically.
The following theorem illustrates that stability of $KX$ indeed simulates the behavior of $KX$ in a cartesian closed category.
\todo[inline]{Fix proof, replace free object operator, fix references.}
@ -363,70 +362,31 @@ In a less general setting stability indeed follows automatically.
In a cartesian closed category every free Elgot algebra is stable.
Let $\C$ be cartesian closed and let $(KX, (-)^\#, \free{(-)})$ be a free Elgot algebra on some $X \in \obj{\C}$.
Let $X \in \obj{\C}$ and $((KX, (-)^\#), \llbracket - \rrbracket)$ be a free Elgot algebra on $X$.
To show left stability of $KX$ we define $\ls{f} := eval \circ (\free{curry\;f} \times id)$ for any $X \in \obj{\C}, A \in \vert\elgotalgs{\C}\vert$, and $f : Y \times X \rightarrow A$.
We will now verify that this does indeed satisfy the requisite properties, i.e.
&eval \circ (\free{curry\;f} \times id) \circ (\eta \times id)
\\=\;&eval \circ ((\free{curry\;f} \circ \eta) \times id)
\\=\;&eval \circ (curry\;f) \times id)
and for any $Z \in \obj{\C}, h : Z \rightarrow KY + Z$:
&eval \circ (\free{curry\;f} \times id) \circ (h^{\#_a} \times id)
\\=\;&eval \circ ((\free{curry\;f} \circ h^{\#_a}) \times id)
\\=\;&eval \circ (curry(((eval + id) \circ dstr \circ (((\free{curry\;f} + id) \circ h) \times id))^{\#_b})) \times id)
\\=\;&((eval + id) \circ dstr \circ (((\free{curry\;f} + id) \circ h) \times id))^{\#_b}
\\=\;&((eval + id) \circ dstr \circ ((\free{curry\;f} + id) \times id) \circ (h \times id))^{\#_b}
\\=\;&((eval + id) \circ ((\free{curry\;f} \times id) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_b}
\\=\;&(((eval \circ (\free{curry\;f} \times id)) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_b}.
\unsure[inline]{Maybe prove that curry is injective in preliminaries.}
Lastly, we need to check uniqueness of $\ls{f}$. Let us consider a left iteration preserving morphism $g : KY \times X \rightarrow A$ that satisfies $g \circ (\eta \times id) = f$. Since $curry$ is an injective mapping it suffices to show that
\\=\;&curry(eval \circ (\free{curry\;f} \times id))
Where the last step is the only non-trivial one. Since $\free{curry\;f}$ is a unique iteration preserving morphism satisfying $\free{curry\;f} \circ \eta = curry\;f$, we are left to show that $g$ is also iteration preserving and satisfies the same property.
\unsure[inline]{Maybe prove helper lemmas about exponentials in preliminaries, like subst, beta and eta.}
&curry\;g \circ h^{\#}
\\=\;&curry\;(g \circ (h^{\#} \times id))
\\=\;&curry\;(((g + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_a})
\\=\;&curry\;((((eval \circ (curry\; g \times id)) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_a})
\\=\;&curry\;(((eval + id) \circ ((curry\; g \times id) + id) \circ dstr \circ (h \times id))^{\#_a})
\\=\;&curry\;(((eval + id) \circ dstr \circ ((curry\;g + id) \times id) \circ (h \times id))^{\#_a})
\\=\;&curry\;(((eval + id) \circ dstr \circ (((curry\;g + id) \circ h) \times id))^{\#_a})
for any $Z \in \obj{\C}, h : Z \rightarrow KY + Z$, and
&curry\;g \circ \eta
\\=\;&curry(g \circ (\eta \times id))
This completes the proof.
We will show that $KX$ is left-stable, i.e. given $X \in \obj{\C}, A \in \vert\elgotalgs{\C}\vert$ and $f : Y \times X \rightarrow A$ we define
$\ls{f} := eval \circ (\llbracket curry\;f \rrbracket \times id)$.
Note that we are using the universal property of a free object over $\textit{Elgot}(\C)$ which when spelled out requires us to show that $A^X$ is an Elgot algebra, for that we reference lemma~\ref{lem:elgotexp}.
\ref{sharpl1} and \ref{sharpl2} then follow by properties of the exponential and of distributive categories, uniqueness is more interesting:
Let $g : KY \times X \rightarrow A$ be a morphism satisfying \ref{sharpl1} and \ref{sharpl2}, we need to show that $g = eval \circ (\llbracket curry\;f \rrbracket \times id)$. We use that fact that $curry$ is an injective mapping, i.e. it suffices to show that:
\[curry\; g = \llbracket curry\;f \rrbracket = curry (eval \circ (\llbracket curry\;f \rrbracket \times id))\]
Where the second step holds for any exponential and the first step is proven by the universal property of free objects, i.e. we need to show that $curry\;g \circ \eta = curry\;f$ which follows by \ref{sharpl1}, and we need to check that $curry\;g$ is left iteration preserving which follows from \ref{sharpl2}.
For the rest of this chapter we will assume every $KX$ to exist and be stable. Under these assumptions we show that $\mathbf{K}$ is an equational lifting monad and in fact the initial strong pre-Elgot monad.
For the rest of this chapter we will assume every $KX$ to exist and be stable to show that it is an equational lifting monad and in fact the initial strong pre-Elgot monad.
Let us first introduce a proof principle similar to \autoref{rem:coinduction}.
\begin{remark}[Proof by right-stability]~\label{rem:proofbystability}
Given two morphisms $g, h : X \times KY \rightarrow A$ where $X, Y \in \obj{\C}, A \in \obj{\elgotalgs{\C}}$ to show that $g = h$ it suffices to show that $g$ and $h$ are right iteration preserving and there exists a morphism $f : X \times Y \rightarrow A$ such that $g \circ (id \times \eta) = f$ and $h \circ (id \times \eta) = f$.
Before proving strength, we will introduce a proof principle similar to remark~\ref{rem:coinduction}.
\begin{remark}[Proof by stability]~\label{rem:proofbystability}
Given two morphisms $g, h : X \times KY \rightarrow A$ where $X, Y \in \obj{\C}, A \in \obj{\elgotalgs{\C}}$ to show that $g = h$ it suffices to find a morphism $f : X \times Y \rightarrow A$ such that $g$ and $h$ satisfy \ref{sharpr1} and \ref{sharpr2}.
Of course there is also a symmetric version of this.
Of course there is also a symmetric version of this:
\begin{remark}[Proof by left-stability]~\label{rem:proofbyleftstability}
Given two morphisms $g, h : X \times KY \rightarrow A$ where $X, Y \in \obj{\C}, A \in \obj{\elgotalgs{\C}}$ to show that $g = h$ it suffices to show that $g$ and $h$ are left iteration preserving and there exists a morphism $f : Y \times X \rightarrow A$ such that $g \circ (\eta \times id) = f$ and $h \circ (\eta \times id) = f$.
Given two morphisms $g, h : KY \times X \rightarrow A$ where $X, Y \in \obj{\C}, A \in \obj{\elgotalgs{\C}}$ to show that $g = h$ it suffices to find a morphism $f : Y \times X \rightarrow A$ such that $g$ and $h$ satisfy \ref{sharpl1} and \ref{sharpl2}.
\todo[inline]{Maybe do a helper proposition first that characterizes tau with the three laws in the file}
@ -437,7 +397,7 @@ Of course there is also a symmetric version of this.
\change[inline]{Maybe put complete proof}
To check naturality and the strength laws we will use \autoref{rem:proofbystability} and for brevity only state the needed unifying morphism by pasting \ref{sharpl1} into the required diagram. The proofs of \ref{sharpr1} and \ref{sharpr2} can then be looked up in the formalization.
To check naturality and the strength laws we will use remark~\ref{rem:proofbystability} and for brevity only state the needed unifying morphism by pasting \ref{sharpl1} into the required diagram. The proofs of \ref{sharpr1} and \ref{sharpr2} can then be looked up in the formalization.
For naturality of $\tau$ we use:
@ -547,38 +507,7 @@ Of course there is also a symmetric version of this.
We need to show that $\tau \circ \Delta = K \langle \eta , id \rangle$. Note that $K \langle \eta , id \rangle = \free{\eta \circ \langle \eta , id \rangle}$, which is a unique Elgot algebra morphism satisfying $K \langle \eta , id \rangle \circ \eta = \eta \circ \langle \eta , id \rangle$. It thus suffices to show that $\tau \circ \Delta$ satisfies the same identity and is iteration preserving.
The identity follows easily
\todo[inline]{Reference $\tau-\eta$ in last step:}
&\tau \circ \Delta \circ \eta
\\=\;&\tau \circ \langle \eta , \eta \rangle
\\=\;&\tau \circ (id \times \eta) \circ \langle \eta , id \rangle
\\=\;&\eta \circ \langle \eta , id \rangle.
For iteration preservation of $\tau \circ \Delta$ consider $Z \in \obj{\C}$ and $h : Z \rightarrow KX + Z$, then
&\tau \circ \Delta \circ h^{\#}
\\=\;&\tau \circ \langle h^{\#} , h^{\#} \rangle
\\=\;&\tau \circ (id \times h^{\#}) \circ \langle h^{\#} , id \rangle
\\=\;&((\tau + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times f))^\# \circ \langle h^{\#} , id \rangle
\\=\;&(((\tau \circ \Delta) + id) \circ f)^\#.\tag{\ref{law:uniformity}}
Note that by monicity of $dstl^{-1}$ and by \ref{law:fixpoint}
\[(\Delta + \langle f^\# , id \rangle) \circ f = dstl \circ \langle f^\# , f \rangle. \]
The application of \ref{law:uniformity} is then justified by
&(id + \langle f^\# , id \rangle) \circ ((\tau \circ \Delta) + id) \circ f
\\=\;&((\tau \circ \Delta) + \langle f^\# , id \rangle) \circ f
\\=\;&(\tau + id) \circ (\Delta + \langle f^\# , id \rangle) \circ f
\\=\;&(\tau + id) \circ dstl \circ \langle f^\# , f \rangle
\\=\;&(\tau + id) \circ dstl \circ (id \times f) \circ \langle f^\# , id \rangle.
\todo[inline]{Proof that K is equational lifting}