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️ Proof that rho is natural in X 2023-10-04 23:45:29 +02:00
️ Proof that quotiented D is a functor 2023-10-04 22:44:48 +02:00
2 changed files with 149 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -21,9 +21,17 @@ module Algebra.Search {o e} (ambient : Ambient o e) where
module _ (D : DelayM) where module _ (D : DelayM) where
open DelayM D open DelayM D
record IsSearchAlgebra (algebra : F-Algebra functor) : Set e where record Search-Algebra-on (A : Obj) : Set ( ⊔ e) where
open F-Algebra algebra using (A; α) field
α : F-Algebra-on functor A
field field
identity₁ : α ∘ now ≈ idC identity₁ : α ∘ now ≈ idC
identity₂ : α ∘ ▷ ≈ α identity₂ : α ∘ ▷ ≈ α
record Search-Algebra : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) where
A : Obj
search-algebra-on : Search-Algebra-on A
open Search-Algebra-on search-algebra-on public
``` ```

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@ -5,8 +5,14 @@ open import Level
open import Categories.Functor open import Categories.Functor
open import Category.Instance.AmbientCategory using (Ambient) open import Category.Instance.AmbientCategory using (Ambient)
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Monad.Construction.Kleisli open import Categories.Monad.Construction.Kleisli
open import Categories.Monad.Relative renaming (Monad to RMonad) open import Categories.Monad.Relative renaming (Monad to RMonad)
open import Data.Product using (_,_; Σ; Σ-syntax)
open import Categories.Functor.Algebra
open import Categories.Functor.Coalgebra
open import Categories.Object.Terminal
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Core
``` ```
--> -->
@ -15,6 +21,8 @@ module Monad.Instance.Delay.Quotienting {o e} (ambient : Ambient o e) wh
open Ambient ambient open Ambient ambient
open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer C open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer C
open import Monad.Instance.Delay ambient open import Monad.Instance.Delay ambient
open import Algebra.Search ambient
open F-Coalgebra-Morphism using () renaming (f to u; commutes to coalg-commutes)
``` ```
@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ Existence of the coequalizer doesn't suffice, we will need some conditions havin
```agda ```agda
preserves : ∀ {X Y} {f g : X ⇒ Y} → Endofunctor C → Coequalizer f g → Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) preserves : ∀ {X Y} {f g : X ⇒ Y} → Endofunctor C → Coequalizer f g → Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e)
preserves {X} {Y} {f} {g} F coeq = Coequalizer (Functor.₁ F f) (Functor.₁ F g) preserves {X} {Y} {f} {g} F coeq = IsCoequalizer (Functor.₁ F f) (Functor.₁ F g) (Functor.₁ F (Coequalizer.arr coeq))
``` ```
We will now show that the following conditions are equivalent: We will now show that the following conditions are equivalent:
@ -46,28 +54,150 @@ We will now show that the following conditions are equivalent:
```agda ```agda
module _ (D : DelayM) where module _ (D : DelayM) where
open DelayM D renaming (functor to D-Fun; monad to D-Monad; kleisli to D-Kleisli) open DelayM D renaming (functor to D-Functor; monad to D-Monad; kleisli to D-Kleisli)
open Functor D-Fun using () renaming (F₁ to D₁) open Functor D-Functor using () renaming (F₁ to D₁; homomorphism to D-homomorphism; F-resp-≈ to D-resp-≈; identity to D-identity)
open RMonad D-Kleisli open RMonad D-Kleisli using (extend; extend-≈) renaming (assoc to k-assoc; identityʳ to k-identityʳ)
open Monad D-Monad using () renaming (assoc to M-assoc; identityʳ to M-identityʳ)
open HomReasoning
open M C
open MR C
open Equiv
module _ (coeqs : ∀ X → Coequalizer (extend (ι {X})) (D₁ π₁)) where module _ (coeqs : ∀ X → Coequalizer (extend (ι {X})) (D₁ π₁)) where
Ď₀ : Obj → Obj Ď₀ : Obj → Obj
Ď₀ X = Coequalizer.obj (coeqs X) Ď₀ X = Coequalizer.obj (coeqs X)
ρ : ∀ {X} → D₀ X ⇒ Ď₀ X
ρ {X} = Coequalizer.arr (coeqs X)
ρ-epi : ∀ {X} → Epi (ρ {X})
ρ-epi {X} = Coequalizer⇒Epi (coeqs X)
-- TODO this belongs in different module
▷extend : ∀ {X} {Y} (f : X ⇒ D₀ Y) → ▷ ∘ extend f ≈ extend f ∘ ▷
▷extend {X} {Y} f = {! !}
helper₁ : [ f , extend (▷ ∘ f) ] ∘ out ≈ extend f
helper₁ = {! !}
-- TODO maybe needs that ρ is natural in X
ρ▷ : ∀ {X} → ρ ∘ ▷ ≈ ρ {X}
ρ▷ {X} = begin
ρ ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ coeq-universal {eq = eq'} ⟩
coequalize eq' ∘ ρ ≈⟨ ({! !} ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩
coequalize equality ∘ ρ ≈⟨ elimˡ (sym id-coequalize) ⟩
open Coequalizer (coeqs X) using (equality; coequalize; id-coequalize) renaming (universal to coeq-universal; unique to coeq-unique; unique to coeq-unique)
eq' = begin
(ρ ∘ ▷) ∘ extend ι ≈⟨ pullʳ (▷extend ι) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend ι ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ pullˡ equality ⟩
(ρ ∘ D₁ π₁) ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
ρ ∘ D₁ π₁ ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ sym (pullʳ (▷extend (now ∘ π₁))) ⟩
(ρ ∘ ▷) ∘ D₁ π₁ ∎
Ď-Functor : Endofunctor C
Ď-Functor = record
{ F₀ = Ď₀
; F₁ = F₁'
; identity = λ {X} → Coequalizer.coequalize-resp-≈ (coeqs X) (elimʳ D-identity) ○ sym ( (coeqs X))
; homomorphism = λ {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} → sym (Coequalizer.unique (coeqs X) (sym (begin
(F₁' g ∘ F₁' f) ∘ ρ ≈⟨ pullʳ (sym (Coequalizer.universal (coeqs X))) ⟩
F₁' g ∘ ρ ∘ D₁ f ≈⟨ pullˡ (sym (Coequalizer.universal (coeqs Y))) ⟩
(ρ ∘ D₁ g) ∘ D₁ f ≈⟨ pullʳ (sym D-homomorphism) ⟩
ρ ∘ D₁ (g ∘ f) ∎)))
; F-resp-≈ = λ {X} {Y} {f} {g} eq → Coequalizer.coequalize-resp-≈ (coeqs X) (refl⟩∘⟨ (D-resp-≈ eq))
F₁' : ∀ {X} {Y} (f : X ⇒ Y) → Ď₀ X ⇒ Ď₀ Y
F₁' {X} {Y} f = coequalize {h = ρ ∘ D₁ f} (begin
(ρ ∘ D₁ f) ∘ extend ι ≈⟨ pullʳ (sym k-assoc) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend (extend (now ∘ f) ∘ ι) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (extend-≈ (sym (Terminal.!-unique (coalgebras Y) (record { f = extend (now ∘ f) ∘ ι ; commutes = begin
out ∘ extend (now ∘ f) ∘ ι ≈⟨ pullˡ (extendlaw (now ∘ f)) ⟩
([ out ∘ now ∘ f , i₂ ∘ D₁ f ] ∘ out) ∘ ι ≈⟨ pullʳ (coalg-commutes (Terminal.! (coalgebras X) {A = record { A = X × N ; α = _≅_.from nno-iso }})) ⟩
[ out ∘ now ∘ f , i₂ ∘ D₁ f ] ∘ (idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ (([]-cong₂ (pullˡ unitlaw) refl) ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩
(f +₁ D₁ f) ∘ (idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ pullˡ +₁∘+₁ ⟩
(f ∘ idC +₁ D₁ f ∘ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ ((+₁-cong₂ id-comm (sym identityʳ)) ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩
(idC ∘ f +₁ (D₁ f ∘ ι) ∘ idC) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ sym (pullˡ +₁∘+₁) ⟩
(idC +₁ extend (now ∘ f) ∘ ι) ∘ (f +₁ idC) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∎ })))) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend (u (Terminal.! (coalgebras Y) {A = record { A = X × N ; α = (f +₁ idC) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso }})) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (extend-≈ (Terminal.!-unique (coalgebras Y) (record { f = ι ∘ (f ⁂ idC) ; commutes = begin
out ∘ ι ∘ (f ⁂ idC) ≈⟨ pullˡ (coalg-commutes (Terminal.! (coalgebras Y) {A = record { A = Y × N ; α = _≅_.from nno-iso }})) ⟩
((idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso) ∘ (f ⁂ idC) ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∘ (f ⁂ idC) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (introʳ (_≅_.isoˡ nno-iso))) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ (_≅_.from nno-iso ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ∘ [ ⟨ idC , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ⟩ , idC ⁂ s ] ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ ∘[])) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∘ [ (f ⁂ idC) ∘ ⟨ idC , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ⟩ , (f ⁂ idC) ∘ (idC ⁂ s) ] ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (([]-cong₂ (⁂∘⟨⟩ ○ ⟨⟩-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ) (⁂∘⁂ ○ ⁂-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ)) ⟩∘⟨refl))) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∘ [ ⟨ f , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ⟩ , (f ⁂ s) ] ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ []-cong₂ (⟨⟩-cong₂ refl (refl⟩∘⟨ Terminal.!-unique terminal (Terminal.! terminal ∘ f))) refl ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∘ [ ⟨ f , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ∘ f ⟩ , (f ⁂ s) ] ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ sym (refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ []-cong₂ (⟨⟩∘ ○ ⟨⟩-cong₂ identityˡ assoc) (⁂∘⁂ ○ ⁂-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ) ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∘ [ ⟨ idC , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ⟩ ∘ f , (idC ⁂ s) ∘ (f ⁂ idC) ] ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ sym (refl⟩∘⟨ (pullʳ (pullˡ []∘+₁))) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ (_≅_.from nno-iso ∘ [ ⟨ idC , z ∘ Terminal.! terminal ⟩ , idC ⁂ s ]) ∘ (f +₁ (f ⁂ idC)) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ sym (refl⟩∘⟨ introˡ (_≅_.isoʳ nno-iso)) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι) ∘ (f +₁ (f ⁂ idC)) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ pullˡ (+₁∘+₁ ○ +₁-cong₂ identityˡ refl) ⟩
(f +₁ ι ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ≈⟨ sym (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁ ○ +₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)) ⟩
(idC +₁ ι ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ∘ (f +₁ idC) ∘ _≅_.from nno-iso ∎ })))) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend (ι ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ extend-≈ (pushˡ (sym k-identityʳ))) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend (extend ι ∘ now ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ≈⟨ pushʳ k-assoc ⟩
(ρ ∘ extend ι) ∘ D₁ (f ⁂ idC) ≈⟨ pushˡ (Coequalizer.equality (coeqs Y)) ⟩
ρ ∘ D₁ π₁ ∘ D₁ (f ⁂ idC) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ sym D-homomorphism ⟩
ρ ∘ D₁ (π₁ ∘ (f ⁂ idC)) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (D-resp-≈ project₁)) ⟩
ρ ∘ D₁ (f ∘ π₁) ≈⟨ pushʳ D-homomorphism ⟩
(ρ ∘ D₁ f) ∘ D₁ π₁ ∎)
open Coequalizer (coeqs X) using (coequalize; equality) renaming (universal to coeq-universal)
ρ-natural : NaturalTransformation D-Functor Ď-Functor
ρ-natural = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ X → ρ {X}
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f → Coequalizer.universal (coeqs X)
cond-1 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) cond-1 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e)
cond-1 = ∀ {X} → preserves D-Fun (coeqs X) cond-1 = ∀ X → preserves D-Functor (coeqs X)
cond-2 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) cond-2 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e)
cond-2 = {! !} cond-2 = ∀ X → Σ[ s-alg-on ∈ Search-Algebra-on D (Ď₀ X) ] is-F-Algebra-Morphism {F = D-Functor} (record { A = D₀ X ; α = μ.η X }) (record { A = Ď₀ X ; α = Search-Algebra-on.α s-alg-on }) (ρ {X})
cond-3 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) cond-3 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e)
cond-3 = {! !} cond-3 = {! !}
cond-4 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e) cond-4 : Set (o ⊔ ⊔ e)
cond-4 = {! !} cond-4 = {! !}
1⇒2 : cond-1 → cond-2
1⇒2 c-1 X = s-alg-on , {! !}
open Coequalizer (coeqs X) renaming (universal to coeq-universal)
open IsCoequalizer (c-1 X) using () renaming (equality to D-equality; coequalize to D-coequalize; universal to D-universal; unique to D-unique)
s-alg-on : Search-Algebra-on D (Ď₀ X)
s-alg-on = record
{ α = α'
; identity₁ = ρ-epi (α' ∘ now) idC (begin
(α' ∘ now) ∘ ρ ≈⟨ pullʳ (η.commute ρ) ⟩
α' ∘ D₁ ρ ∘ now ≈⟨ pullˡ (sym D-universal) ⟩
(ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ now ≈⟨ cancelʳ M-identityʳ ⟩
ρ ≈⟨ sym identityˡ ⟩
idC ∘ ρ ∎)
; identity₂ = IsCoequalizer⇒Epi (c-1 X) (α' ∘ ▷) α' (begin
(α' ∘ ▷) ∘ D₁ ρ ≈⟨ {! !} ⟩
{! !} ≈⟨ {! !} ⟩
{! !} ≈⟨ {! !} ⟩
{! !} ≈⟨ {! !} ⟩
α' ∘ D₁ ρ ∎)
μ∘Dι : μ.η X ∘ D₁ ι ≈ extend ι
μ∘Dι = sym k-assoc ○ extend-≈ (cancelˡ k-identityʳ)
eq₁ : D₁ (extend ι) ≈ D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι)
eq₁ = sym (begin
D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ sym D-homomorphism ⟩
D₁ (μ.η X ∘ D₁ ι) ≈⟨ D-resp-≈ μ∘Dι
D₁ (extend ι) ∎)
α' = D-coequalize {h = ρ {X} ∘ μ.η X} (begin
(ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (extend ι) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ eq₁) ⟩
(ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ M-assoc) ⟩
ρ ∘ (μ.η X ∘ μ.η (D₀ X)) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ pullʳ (μ.commute ι)) ⟩
ρ ∘ μ.η X ∘ (D₁ ι) ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ pullˡ μ∘Dι) ⟩
ρ ∘ extend ι ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ pullˡ equality ⟩
(ρ ∘ D₁ π₁) ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ (pullʳ (sym (μ.commute π₁)) ○ sym-assoc) ⟩
(ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ π₁) ∎)
``` ```