.PHONY: all clean pandoc all: agda make pandoc pandoc: public/*.md @$(foreach file,$^, \ pandoc $(file) -s --to=html+TEX_MATH_DOLLARS --mathjax -c Agda.css -o $(file:.md=.html) ; \ ) agda: Everything.agda agda --html --html-dir=public src/index.lagda.md --html-highlight=auto -i. rm -f public/Agda.css cp Agda.css public/Agda.css clean: rm -f Everything.agda rm -rf public/* find . -name '*.agdai' -exec rm \{\} \; # push compiled html to my cip directory push: all push' # just push to CIP without rebuilding push': chmod +w public/Agda.css mv public bsc-thesis scp -r bsc-thesis hy84coky@cip2a7.cip.cs.fau.de:.www/ mv bsc-thesis public Everything.agda: git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD | egrep '^src/[^\.]*.l?agda(\.md)?' | grep -v 'index.lagda.md' | sed -e 's|^src/[/]*|import |' -e 's|/|.|g' -e 's/.agda//' -e '/import Everything/d' -e 's/..md//' | LC_COLLATE='C' sort > src/Everything.agda open: firefox public/index.html