\section{Implementation in Agda} \begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Goals} \begin{itemize} \item Formalize the delay monad categorically and show that it is.. \begin{itemize} \item strong \item commutative \end{itemize} \item Formalize K and show that it is.. \begin{itemize} \item strong \item commutative \item an equational lifting monad \end{itemize} \item Take the category of setoids and show that $K$ instantiates to $D$ quotiented by weak-bisimilarity \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Category theory in Agda} agda-categories \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Resumee} On doing category theory in agda (pro/con) \end{frame}