```agda module Monad.Instance.Delay.Properties {o ℓ e} (ambient : Ambient o ℓ e) where open Ambient ambient open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer C open import Monad.Instance.Delay ambient open import Algebra.Search ambient open import Algebra.ElgotAlgebra ambient open import Algebra.Properties ambient open F-Coalgebra-Morphism using () renaming (f to u; commutes to coalg-commutes) open import Monad.Instance.Delay.Quotienting ambient ``` # Properties of the quotiented delay monad ```agda module _ (D : DelayM) where open DelayM D renaming (functor to D-Functor; monad to D-Monad; kleisli to D-Kleisli) open Functor D-Functor using () renaming (F₁ to D₁; homomorphism to D-homomorphism; F-resp-≈ to D-resp-≈; identity to D-identity) open RMonad D-Kleisli using (extend; extend-≈) renaming (assoc to k-assoc; identityʳ to k-identityʳ; identityˡ to k-identityˡ) open Monad D-Monad using () renaming (assoc to M-assoc; identityʳ to M-identityʳ) open HomReasoning open M C open MR C open Equiv module _ (coeqs : ∀ X → Coequalizer (extend (ι {X})) (D₁ π₁)) where open Quotiented D coeqs cond-1 : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) cond-1 = ∀ X → preserves D-Functor (coeqs X) -- cond-2' : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) -- cond-2' = ∀ X → Σ[ s-alg-on ∈ Search-Algebra-on D (Ď₀ X) ] is-F-Algebra-Morphism {F = D-Functor} (record { A = D₀ X ; α = μ.η X }) (record { A = Ď₀ X ; α = Search-Algebra-on.α s-alg-on }) (ρ {X}) record cond-2' (X : Obj) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where field s-alg-on : Search-Algebra-on D (Ď₀ X) ρ-algebra-morphism : is-F-Algebra-Morphism {F = D-Functor} (record { A = D₀ X ; α = μ.η X }) (record { A = Ď₀ X ; α = Search-Algebra-on.α s-alg-on }) (ρ {X}) cond-2 = ∀ X → cond-2' X record cond-3' (X : Obj) : Set (suc o ⊔ suc ℓ ⊔ suc e) where -- Ď₀ X is stable free elgot algebra field elgot : Elgot-Algebra-on (Ď₀ X) elgot-alg = record { A = Ď₀ X ; algebra = elgot } open Elgot-Algebra-on elgot field isFO : IsFreeObject elgotForgetfulF X elgot-alg freeobject = IsFreeObject⇒FreeObject elgotForgetfulF X elgot-alg isFO field isStable : IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra freeobject -- ρ is D-algebra morphism field ρ-algebra-morphism : is-F-Algebra-Morphism {F = D-Functor} (record { A = D₀ X ; α = μ.η X }) (record { A = Ď₀ X ; α = out # }) (ρ {X}) ρ-law : ρ ≈ ((ρ ∘ now +₁ idC) ∘ out) # cond-3 = ∀ X → cond-3' X record cond-4 : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where 2⇒3 : cond-2 → cond-3 2⇒3 c-2 X = record { elgot = {! !} ; isFO = {! !} ; isStable = {! !} ; ρ-algebra-morphism = {! !} ; ρ-law = {! !} } 1⇒2 : cond-1 → cond-2 1⇒2 c-1 X = record { s-alg-on = s-alg-on ; ρ-algebra-morphism = begin ρ ∘ μ.η X ≈⟨ D-universal ⟩ Search-Algebra-on.α s-alg-on ∘ D₁ ρ ∎ } where open Coequalizer (coeqs X) renaming (universal to coeq-universal) open IsCoequalizer (c-1 X) using () renaming (equality to D-equality; coequalize to D-coequalize; universal to D-universal; unique to D-unique) s-alg-on : Search-Algebra-on D (Ď₀ X) s-alg-on = record { α = α' ; identity₁ = ρ-epi (α' ∘ now) idC (begin (α' ∘ now) ∘ ρ ≈⟨ pullʳ (η.commute ρ) ⟩ α' ∘ D₁ ρ ∘ now ≈⟨ pullˡ (sym D-universal) ⟩ (ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ now ≈⟨ cancelʳ M-identityʳ ⟩ ρ ≈⟨ sym identityˡ ⟩ idC ∘ ρ ∎) ; identity₂ = IsCoequalizer⇒Epi (c-1 X) (α' ∘ ▷) α' (begin (α' ∘ ▷) ∘ D₁ ρ ≈⟨ pullʳ (▷∘extend-comm (now ∘ ρ)) ⟩ α' ∘ D₁ ρ ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ pullˡ (sym D-universal) ⟩ (ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ ▷ ≈⟨ pullʳ (sym (▷∘extend-comm idC)) ⟩ ρ ∘ ▷ ∘ extend idC ≈⟨ pullˡ ρ▷ ⟩ ρ ∘ extend idC ≈⟨ D-universal ⟩ α' ∘ D₁ ρ ∎) } where μ∘Dι : μ.η X ∘ D₁ ι ≈ extend ι μ∘Dι = sym k-assoc ○ extend-≈ (cancelˡ k-identityʳ) eq₁ : D₁ (extend ι) ≈ D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) eq₁ = sym (begin D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ sym D-homomorphism ⟩ D₁ (μ.η X ∘ D₁ ι) ≈⟨ D-resp-≈ μ∘Dι ⟩ D₁ (extend ι) ∎) α' = D-coequalize {h = ρ {X} ∘ μ.η X} (begin (ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (extend ι) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ eq₁) ⟩ (ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullˡ M-assoc) ⟩ ρ ∘ (μ.η X ∘ μ.η (D₀ X)) ∘ D₁ (D₁ ι) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ pullʳ (μ.commute ι)) ⟩ ρ ∘ μ.η X ∘ (D₁ ι) ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ pullˡ μ∘Dι) ⟩ ρ ∘ extend ι ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ pullˡ equality ⟩ (ρ ∘ D₁ π₁) ∘ μ.η (X × N) ≈⟨ (pullʳ (sym (μ.commute π₁)) ○ sym-assoc) ⟩ (ρ ∘ μ.η X) ∘ D₁ (D₁ π₁) ∎) ```