\section{Partiality in Type Theory}
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality in Haskell}{}
    \item<1-> Haskell allows users to define arbitrary partial functions, some can be spotted easily by their definition:
    \vskip 1cm
head :: [a] -> a
head []     = error "empty list"
head (x:xs) = x
      \mycallout<2->{21, 1.5}{
        ghci> head []\\
        *** Exception: empty list\\
        CallStack (from HasCallStack):\\
        error, called at example.hs:2:9 in main:Main
    others might be more subtle:
    \vskip 1cm
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse l = reverseAcc l []
    reverseAcc []     a = a
    reverseAcc (x:xs) a = reverseAcc xs (x:a)
    \mycallout<4->{21, 2}{
    ghci> ones = 1 : ones\\
    ghci> reverse ones\\


\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality in Agda}{The Maybe Monad}
In Agda every function has to be total and terminating, so how do we model partial functions?

  \item Simple errors can be modelled with the maybe monad
data Maybe (A : Set) : Set where
  just : A → Maybe A
  nothing : Maybe A

  for head we can then do:

head : ∀ A → List A → Maybe A
head nil         = nothing
head (cons x xs) = just x

  \item What about \mintinline{agda}|reverse|?

\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{Partiality in Agda}{Capretta's Delay Monad}
    \item Capretta's Delay Monad is a \textbf{coinductive} data type whose inhabitants can be viewed as suspended computations. 
data Delay (A : Set) : Set where
  now : A → Delay A
  later : ∞ (Delay A) → Delay A
    \item The delay datatype contains a constant for non-termination:
never : Delay A
never = later (♯ never)
    \item and we can define a function for \textit{running} a computation (for some amount of steps):

run_for_steps : Delay A → ℕ → Delay A
run now   x for n     steps = now x
run later x for zero  steps = later x
run later x for suc n steps = run ♭ x for n steps

\begin{frame}[c, fragile]{Partiality in Agda}{Reversing (possibly infinite) lists}
reverse : ∀ {A : Set} → Colist A → Delay (Colist A)
reverse {A} = reverseAcc []
    reverseAcc : Colist A → Colist A → Delay (Colist A)
    reverseAcc [] a = now a
    reverseAcc (x ∷ xs) a = later (♯ reverseAcc (♭ xs) (x ∷ (♯ a)))