# Refer to https://docs.hugoblox.com/customization/#date-format
date_format: Jan 2006
# Experiences.
# Add/remove as many `experience` items below as you like.
# Required fields are `title`, `company`, and `date_start`.
# Leave `date_end` empty if it's your current employer.
# Begin multi-line descriptions with YAML's `|2-` multi-line prefix.
- title: Peer Tutor
company: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
company_url: 'https://www.fau.eu'
company_logo: fau
location: Erlangen, Germany
date_start: '2022-10-01'
date_end: '2023-03-31'
description: |2-
Teaching students the basics of logic in computer science (the first course is called "Grundlagen der Logik in der Informatik") and the basics of functional programming languages ("Theorie der Programmierung").
- title: Midlands Graduate School
company: University of Leicester
company_url: 'https://le.ac.uk/'
company_logo: leicester
location: Leicester, UK
date_start: '2024-04-08'
date_end: '2024-04-12'
description: |2-
Visiting a graduate school on the Mathematical Foundations of Computing Science.
- title: Student Research Assistant
company: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
company_url: 'https://www.fau.eu'
company_logo: fau
location: Erlangen, Germany
date_start: '2024-04-01'
date_end: '2025-03-31'
description: Formalizing results of recent research in the proof assistant Agda.