--- # Display name title: Leon Vatthauer # Full name (for SEO) first_name: Leon last_name: Vatthauer # Status emoji status: icon: 👽 # Is this the primary user of the site? superuser: true # Role/position/tagline role: Student # Organizations/Affiliations to show in About widget organizations: - name: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg url: https://www.fau.eu/ # Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts) # bio: My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter. # TODO bio bio: '' # Interests to show in About widget interests: - Programming Languages - Functional Programming - Proof Assistants - Type Theories # Education to show in About widget education: courses: - course: BSc in Computer Science institution: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg year: 2024 # Skills # For available icons, see: https://docs.hugoblox.com/getting-started/page-builder/#icons skills: - name: Technical items: - name: Agda description: '' percent: 100 icon: agda icon_pack: custom - name: Coq description: '' percent: 85 icon: coq icon_pack: custom - name: Haskell description: '' percent: 80 icon: haskell icon_pack: custom - name: Nix description: '' percent: 70 icon: nix icon_pack: custom - name: Hobbies color: '#eeac02' color_border: '#f0bf23' items: - name: Video Games description: '' percent: 100 icon: computer icon_pack: fas - name: Cooking description: '' percent: 90 icon: utensils icon_pack: fas - name: Cycling description: '' percent: 80 icon: person-biking icon_pack: fas # Social/Academic Networking social: - icon: envelope icon_pack: fas link: mailto:leon.vatthauer@fau.de - icon: linkedin icon_pack: fab link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leon-vatthauer-746743217/ - icon: github icon_pack: fab link: https://github.com/reijix display: header: true - icon: git-alt icon_pack: fab link: https://git.vatthauer.xyz/explore/repos display: header: true # TODO CV # Link to a PDF of your resume/CV. # To use: copy your resume to `static/uploads/resume.pdf`, enable `ai` icons in `params.yaml`, # and uncomment the lines below. # - icon: cv # icon_pack: ai # link: uploads/resume.pdf # Highlight the author in author lists? (true/false) highlight_name: true --- Hi! I'm Leon, and I am currently studying computer science at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. At the moment I am interested in the semantics of programming languages and the mathematical field of category theory as a suitable framework. {style="text-align: justify;"}