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module ExtensionSystem where
open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Data.Product renaming (_×_ to _∧_)
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to Id)
open import Categories.Monad.Relative renaming (Monad to RMonad)
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
-- formalizing the notion 'extension system', formerly known as 'kleisli-triple' and proving that it is equivalent to a monad
o e : Level
-- typedef, an extensionsystem is a specilization of RMonad
ExtensionSystem : (𝒞 : Category o e) Set (o e)
ExtensionSystem 𝒞 = (RMonad (Id {C = 𝒞}))
-- Proposition: ExtensionSystem is an equivalent definition of monad
-- '→'
ExtensionSystem→Monad : {𝒞 : Category o e} ExtensionSystem 𝒞 Monad 𝒞
ExtensionSystem→Monad {𝒞 = 𝒞} 𝐾 = record
{ F = T
; η = η'
; μ = μ'
-- M3
; identityˡ = Identityˡ
-- M2
; identityʳ = K2
-- M1
; assoc = assoc'
; sym-assoc = sym assoc'
open RMonad 𝐾 using (unit) renaming (extend to _ᵀ; F₀ to T₀; extend-≈ to ᵀ-≈; identityˡ to K1; identityʳ to K2; assoc to K3)
open Category 𝒞 renaming (id to idC)
open HomReasoning
T : Endofunctor 𝒞
T = RMonad⇒Functor 𝐾
open Functor T renaming (F₁ to T₁)
open Equiv
-- constructing the natural transformation η from the given family of morphisms 'unit'
η' = ntHelper {F = Id} {G = T} record
{ η = λ X unit
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f sym K2
-- constructing the natural transformation μ
μ' = ntHelper {F = T ∘F T} {G = T} record
{ η = λ X (idC {A = T₀ X})
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f begin
((idC ) (unit (unit f))) ≈⟨ (sym $ K3)
(((idC ) unit ((unit f) )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ sym-assoc
((((idC ) unit) ((unit f) )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ K2)
((idC ((unit f) )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ identityˡ
(((unit f) ) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ (sym identityʳ)
((((unit f) ) idC) ) ≈⟨ K3
(unit f) (idC )
open NaturalTransformation η' using () renaming (η to η)
open NaturalTransformation μ' using () renaming (η to μ)
Identityˡ = λ {X} begin
(μ X ((η (T₀ X)) (η X))) ≈⟨ (sym $ K3)
(((idC ) η (T₀ X) η X) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ sym-assoc
((((idC ) η (T₀ X)) η X) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ K2)
((idC η X) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ identityˡ
(η X ) ≈⟨ K1
assoc' = λ {X} begin
idC (η _ idC ) ≈⟨ sym K3
(((idC ) η (T₀ X) (idC )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ sym-assoc
((((idC ) η (T₀ X)) (idC )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ K2)
((idC (idC )) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ identityˡ
((idC ) ) ≈⟨ ᵀ-≈ (sym identityʳ)
(((idC ) idC) ) ≈⟨ K3
idC idC
-- '←'
Monad→ExtensionSystem : {𝒞 : Category o e} Monad 𝒞 ExtensionSystem 𝒞
Monad→ExtensionSystem {𝒞 = 𝒞} 𝑀 = record
{ F₀ = T₀
; unit = η _
; extend = λ {X} {Y} f μ Y T₁ f
-- K1
; identityˡ = M3
-- K2
; identityʳ = λ {X} {Y} {f} begin
(μ Y T₁ f) η X ≈⟨ assoc
(μ Y T₁ f η X) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ (sym (η-commute _))
(μ Y η (T₀ Y) f) ≈⟨ sym-assoc
((μ Y η (T₀ Y)) f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ M2
(idC f) ≈⟨ identityˡ
-- K3
; assoc = λ {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} begin
μ Z T₁ ((μ Z T₁ g) f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ homomorphism
(μ Z (T₁ (μ Z T₁ g) T₁ f)) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ (∘-resp-≈ˡ homomorphism)
(μ Z (T₁ (μ Z) T₁ (T₁ g)) T₁ f) ≈⟨ sym-assoc
((μ Z T₁ (μ Z) T₁ (T₁ g)) T₁ f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ sym-assoc
(((μ Z T₁ (μ Z)) T₁ (T₁ g)) T₁ f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ (∘-resp-≈ˡ M1)
(((μ Z μ (T₀ Z)) T₁ (T₁ g)) T₁ f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ assoc
((μ Z μ (T₀ Z) T₁ (T₁ g)) T₁ f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ (∘-resp-≈ʳ (μ-commute g))
((μ Z T₁ g μ Y) T₁ f) ≈⟨ assoc
(μ Z (T₁ g μ Y) T₁ f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ assoc
(μ Z T₁ g μ Y T₁ f) ≈⟨ sym-assoc
(μ Z T₁ g) μ Y T₁ f
; extend-≈ = λ fg ∘-resp-≈ʳ (T-resp-≈ fg)
open Category 𝒞 renaming (id to idC)
open Monad 𝑀 using () renaming (F to T; η to η'; μ to μ'; assoc to M1; identityʳ to M2; identityˡ to M3)
open Functor T renaming (F₀ to T₀; F₁ to T₁; F-resp-≈ to T-resp-≈)
open NaturalTransformation η' using (η) renaming (commute to η-commute)
open NaturalTransformation μ' renaming (η to μ; commute to μ-commute)
open HomReasoning
open Equiv
-- proof:
ExtensionSystem↔Monad : {𝒞 : Category o e} (Monad 𝒞 ExtensionSystem 𝒞) (ExtensionSystem 𝒞 Monad 𝒞)
ExtensionSystem↔Monad {𝒞} = (Monad→ExtensionSystem , ExtensionSystem→Monad)