Added CLI functionality
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 106 additions and 29 deletions
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Main where
import FOLSyntax ( Formula(Conj, Neg, Impl), Term(..) )
import Parser ( parseFormula )
import Resolution ( CNF, doResolution )
import Parser ( parseFormula, parseFormulaE )
import Resolution ( CNF, doResolution, doResolutionIO, showCNF )
import Normalforms
( makeNNF,
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Normalforms
makeClauseSet )
import Control.Monad (void)
To prove a formula we:
@ -20,6 +21,11 @@ To prove a formula we:
proveFormula :: Formula -> Either () CNF
proveFormula form = doResolution . makeClauseSet . makeCNF . makeSkolem . makePNF . renameBinders . makeNNF $ Neg form
proveFormulaIO :: Formula -> IO ()
proveFormulaIO form = do
let clauseSet = makeClauseSet . makeCNF . makeSkolem . makePNF . renameBinders . makeNNF $ Neg form
void $ doResolutionIO clauseSet
-- unification examples
terma1 :: Term
terma1 = Fun "f" [Var "x", Fun "g" [Var "y"]]
@ -67,8 +73,8 @@ formula6 = Impl (Conj psi1 psi2) psi3
psi2 = parseFormula "forall x. P(x) -> forall y. Q(y) -> !L(x, y)"
psi3 = parseFormula "forall x. D(x) -> !Q(x)"
main :: IO ()
main = do
testing :: IO ()
testing = do
putStrLn $ "Now making NNF of formula: " ++ show formula1
print $ makeNNF formula1
putStrLn $ "Now making PNF of formula: " ++ show formula2
@ -90,4 +96,56 @@ main = do
putStrLn $ "Now Proving formula by resolution: " ++ show formula6
case proveFormula (Neg formula6) of
Left _ -> putStrLn "Success!"
Right _ -> return ()
Right _ -> return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
go = do
putStrLn "\nYou can now enter a formula that should be proven or enter the name of a predefined formula to proof them."
putStrLn "Type 'help' to see the information again."
-- TODO use haskeline...
line <- getLine
case line of
"script" -> fullProof formula3
"doctors" -> fullProof formula6
"drugs" -> fullProof formula5
"help" -> showIntroText
str -> case parseFormulaE str of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right formula -> fullProof formula
fullProof f = do
putStr "\n\n\n"
putStrLn $ "1. Negation of formula:\n" ++ show (Neg f)
let f' = makeNNF (Neg f)
putStrLn $ "2. Negation normalform:\n" ++ show f'
let f'' = makePNF $ renameBinders f'
putStrLn $ "3. Prenex normalform (with renamed binders):\n" ++ show f''
let f''' = makeSkolem f''
putStrLn $ "4. Skolemization:\n" ++ show f'''
let g = makeClauseSet . makeCNF $ f'''
putStrLn $ "5. Clause set:\n" ++ showCNF g
putStrLn "6. Do resolution:\n"
_ <- doResolutionIO g
putStrLn "7. Negation of formula is unsatisfiable, so the formula is valid!"
showIntroText = do
putStrLn "This is a simple program implementing a resolution algorithm on first order logic (FOL)."
putStrLn "Caution: resoluton on FOL is only a semi-decider, if you try to prove an unprovable formula the algorithm will diverge!"
putStrLn "\nProcedure:"
putStrLn "To proof a formula the program takes the following steps:"
putStrLn "1. Negate the formula"
putStrLn "2. Transform it to negation normalform"
putStrLn "3. Transform it to prenex normalform"
putStrLn "4. Skolemize formula"
putStrLn "5. Transform it to a clause set"
putStrLn "6. Exhaustively use the reduction rule, until the empty clause is found."
putStrLn "7. If an empty clause was found the negation of the formula is unsatisfiable, making the the formula valid!"
putStrLn "\nPrelude:"
putStrLn "There are some predefined formulas that can be called for a proof:"
putStrLn $ "script = " ++ show formula3 ++ " [a small resolution example taken from lecture notes]"
-- putStrLn $ "exercises = " ++ show formula4 ++ " [another small resolution example taken from exercises]" TODO this is already negated...
putStrLn $ "doctors = " ++ show formula6 ++ " [a little more complex example from exercises]"
putStrLn $ "drugs = " ++ show formula5 ++ " [most complex example from exercises]"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Normalforms where
import FOLSyntax
( Formula(..), Term(..), formulaVars, termSubst, findFresh )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Resolution ( CNF, renameFormula )
import Resolution ( CNF, renameFormula, Clause (..) )
import Data.List ( find )
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ makeCNF form = let form' = cnfStep form in
-- create the list of clauses from a formula
makeClauseSet :: Formula -> CNF
makeClauseSet (Conj f1 f2) = makeClauseSet f1 `Set.union` makeClauseSet f2
makeClauseSet (Disj f1 f2) = Set.singleton $ collectDisjs f1 `Set.union` collectDisjs f2
makeClauseSet (Disj f1 f2) = Set.singleton . Clause $ collectDisjs f1 `Set.union` collectDisjs f2
collectDisjs (Disj f1' f2') = collectDisjs f1' `Set.union` collectDisjs f2'
collectDisjs f' = Set.singleton f'
makeClauseSet f = Set.singleton $ Set.singleton f
makeClauseSet f = Set.singleton . Clause $ Set.singleton f
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Parser (parseFormula) where
module Parser (parseFormula, parseFormulaE) where
import Lexer
( comma,
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Data.Functor ( ($>) )
import Prelude hiding (pred, all)
import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft)
term :: Parser Term
@ -87,5 +88,8 @@ fromRight :: Either a b -> b
fromRight (Left _) = error "fromRight called on left value!"
fromRight (Right b) = b
parseFormulaE :: String -> Either String Formula
parseFormulaE str = mapLeft show (parse (contents formula) "stdin" str)
parseFormula :: String -> Formula
parseFormula = fromRight . parse (contents formula) "stdin"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Resolution where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -10,31 +11,37 @@ import FOLSyntax
findFresh )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import Data.List
import Data.List ( intercalate, intersect, permutations )
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
type CNF = Set Clause
type Clause = Set Literal
newtype Clause = Clause (Set Literal)
type Literal = Formula
type Unifier = [(Term, Term)]
instance Show Clause where
show :: Clause -> String
show = showClause
instance Eq Clause where
(==) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool
(==) = alphaEq
instance Ord Clause where
(<=) :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool
(Clause c1) <= (Clause c2) = Clause c1 == Clause c2 || c1 <= c2
showCNF :: CNF -> String
showCNF set = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map show $ Set.toList set) ++ "]"
-- alpha equality on clauses, a clause [S(x), P(y)] is equal to [S(y), P(x)]
-- 1. get all permutations of both clauses
-- 2. build the crossproduct of permutations of c1 and c2
-- 3. unify each clause pair
-- 4. collect mgus where variables are only mapped to variables (meaning they are alpha eq)
-- 5. check if any such mgu exists
-- 4. check if any clause pair was unifiable, with a unificator that maps variables only to variables
alphaEq :: Clause -> Clause -> Bool
alphaEq c1 c2 = any (uncurry unifyLiteralList) permutationPairs
alphaEq (Clause c1) (Clause c2) = Set.size c1 == Set.size c2 && any (uncurry unifyLiteralList) permutationPairs
permutationPairs = [(c1', c2') | c1' <- permutations $ Set.toList c1, c2' <- permutations $ Set.toList c2]
set1 :: Clause
set1 = Set.fromList [Pred "S" [Var "x"], Pred "P" [Var "y"]]
set2 :: Clause
set2 = Set.fromList [Pred "P" [Var "z"], Pred "S" [Var "y"]]
-- unification algorithm of martelli montanari
unify :: [(Term, Term)] -> Maybe Unifier
unify [] = Just []
@ -58,11 +65,14 @@ unify ((t, s) : rest) = do
unifyLiteralList :: [Literal] -> [Literal] -> Bool
unifyLiteralList ls1 ls2 = case zipWithM unifyLiterals ls1 ls2 of
Nothing -> False
Just mgus -> all checkSimpleMgu mgus
Just mgus -> all checkSimpleMgu mgus && checkValidMgu (concat mgus)
checkValidMgu mgu = case unify mgu of
Nothing -> False
_ -> True
checkSimpleMgu :: Unifier -> Bool
checkSimpleMgu [] = True
checkSimpleMgu ((Var _, Var _) : _) = True
checkSimpleMgu ((Var _, Var _) : rest) = checkSimpleMgu rest
checkSimpleMgu _ = False
unifyLiterals :: Literal -> Literal -> Maybe Unifier
unifyLiterals (Neg f) (Neg g) = unifyLiterals f g
@ -100,7 +110,7 @@ makeVariablesDisjunct c1 c2 = (c1', c2')
(_, c2') = makeClauseDisjunct used c2
-- takes a list of variable names and ensures that the clause does not contain these variables (by renaming), then returns all variables used in the clause + used before
makeClauseDisjunct :: [String] -> Clause -> ([String], Clause)
makeClauseDisjunct used clause = (concatMap formulaVars newClause ++ newUsed, newClause)
makeClauseDisjunct used (Clause clause) = (concatMap formulaVars newClause ++ newUsed, Clause newClause)
criticalVars = used `intersect` concatMap formulaVars clause
(newUsed, newClause) = foldr foldFun (used, clause) criticalVars
@ -127,10 +137,10 @@ renameFormula f' _ _ = f'
-- takes two clauses and tries to unify every literal in a crossproduct, returns the set of all clauses resulting from this resolution step
resolveClauses :: Clause -> Clause -> Set Clause
resolveClauses c1 c2 = newClauses
resolveClauses (Clause c1) (Clause c2) = newClauses
-- first make variables in both clauses disjunct
(c1', c2') = makeVariablesDisjunct c1 c2
(Clause c1', Clause c2') = makeVariablesDisjunct (Clause c1) (Clause c2)
zippedLiterals = [(lit1, lit2) | lit1 <- Set.toList c1', lit2 <- Set.toList c2']
newClauses = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (\(l1, l2) -> do
-- first calculate mgu
@ -138,12 +148,16 @@ resolveClauses c1 c2 = newClauses
-- now apply mgu to clauses without l1 and l2
let c1'' = (`applyMgu` mgu) (c1' `Set.difference` Set.singleton l1)
let c2'' = (`applyMgu` mgu) (c2' `Set.difference` Set.singleton l2)
return $ c1'' `Set.union` c2''
return . Clause $ c1'' `Set.union` c2''
) zippedLiterals
cnfMember :: Set Literal -> Set Clause -> Bool
cnfMember set cnf = Set.member set $ (\(Clause c) -> c) cnf
-- a single resolution step as described in gloin
resolveStep :: CNF -> Either () CNF
resolveStep clauses = if Set.empty `Set.member` clauses then Left () else Right $ clauses `Set.union` newClauses
resolveStep clauses = if Set.empty `cnfMember` clauses then Left () else Right $ clauses `Set.union` newClauses
-- cross product of clauses
zippedClauses = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- Set.toList clauses, c2 <- Set.toList clauses, c1 /= c2]
@ -153,7 +167,7 @@ resolveStep clauses = if Set.empty `Set.member` clauses then Left () else Right
resolveStepVerbose :: Set ([Clause], Clause) -> Either (Set ([Clause], Clause)) (Set ([Clause], Clause))
resolveStepVerbose clauses = if Set.empty `inRight` clauses then Left clauses else Right $ clauses `Set.union` newClauses
inRight clause set = clause `Set.member` snd set
inRight clause clauses' = clause `cnfMember` snd clauses'
-- cross product of clauses
zippedClauses = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- Set.toList ( snd clauses), c2 <- Set.toList ( snd clauses), c1 /= c2]
-- after resolveStep add every clause that can be gained through resolution to clauseSet
@ -179,11 +193,12 @@ doResolutionIO cnf = do
let setE = resolveStepVerbose set
case setE of
Left _ -> do
putStrLn "Resolved to empty clause, so formula is proven!"
putStrLn "Resolved to empty clause!"
return $ Left ()
Right set' -> do
putStrLn $ "Resolution iteration " ++ show n ++ ":\n"
printResolvents (Set.toList $ set' `Set.difference` set)
putStrLn $ "Clauses after iteration:\n" ++ concatMap (\c -> showClause c ++ "\n") ( snd set')
putStrLn ""
resolutionHelper set' (n + 1)
@ -194,4 +209,4 @@ printResolvents (([c1, c2], c) : rest) = do
printResolvents _ = return ()
showClause :: Clause -> String
showClause c = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map show (Set.toList c)) ++ "]"
showClause (Clause c) = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map show (Set.toList c)) ++ "]"
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