Implemented resolution on propositional logic
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module Prop.Main where
import Prop.Resolution ( makeClauseSet, doResolution )
import Prop.Normalforms ( makeNNF, makeCNF )
import Prop.Syntax ( Formula(Atom, Conj, Disj, Neg) )
fullResolution :: Formula -> String
fullResolution f = doResolution . makeClauseSet . makeCNF $ makeNNF f
-- atoms
a :: Formula
a = Atom "A"
b :: Formula
b = Atom "B"
c :: Formula
c = Atom "C"
d :: Formula
d = Atom "D"
formula1 :: Formula
formula1 = Neg $ Conj (Disj a (Neg a)) (Neg c)
formula2 :: Formula
formula2 = Conj (Disj d $ Disj b $ Neg c) $ Conj (Disj d c) $ Conj (Disj (Neg d) b) $ Conj (Disj (Neg c) $ Disj b $ Neg a) $ Conj (Disj c $ Disj b $ Neg a) $ Conj (Disj (Neg b) (Neg a)) (Disj (Neg b) a)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ fullResolution formula1
putStrLn $ fullResolution formula2
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module Prop.Normalforms where
import Prop.Syntax
-- negation normalform
makeNNF :: Formula -> Formula
makeNNF form = if form == f' then form else makeNNF f'
f' = nnfStep form
nnfStep (Conj f1 f2) = Conj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2)
nnfStep (Disj f1 f2) = Disj (nnfStep f1) (nnfStep f2)
nnfStep (Impl f1 f2) = Disj (Neg f1) f2
nnfStep (Neg (Conj f1 f2)) = Disj (Neg f1) (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (Disj f1 f2)) = Conj (Neg f1) (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (Impl f1 f2)) = Conj f1 (Neg f2)
nnfStep (Neg (Neg f)) = f
nnfStep (Neg T) = F
nnfStep (Neg F) = T
nnfStep f = f
-- conjunctive normalform
makeCNF :: Formula -> Formula
makeCNF form = let form' = cnfStep form in
if form == form' then form else makeCNF form'
cnfStep (Conj phi psi) = Conj (cnfStep phi) (cnfStep psi)
cnfStep (Disj (Conj phi psi) xi) = Conj (Disj phi xi) (Disj psi xi)
cnfStep (Disj xi (Conj phi psi)) = Conj (Disj xi phi) (Disj xi psi)
cnfStep f = f
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module Prop.Resolution where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prop.Syntax ( Formula(..) )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List ( intercalate )
type CNF = Set Clause
newtype Clause = Clause (Set Literal) deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Literal = Formula
instance Show Clause where
show = showClause
showClause :: Clause -> String
showClause (Clause c) = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map show (Set.toList c)) ++ "]"
showCNF :: CNF -> String
showCNF set = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map show $ Set.toList set) ++ "]"
-- create the list of clauses from a formula in CNF
makeClauseSet :: Formula -> CNF
makeClauseSet (Conj f1 f2) = makeClauseSet f1 `Set.union` makeClauseSet f2
makeClauseSet (Disj f1 f2) = Set.singleton . Clause $ collectDisjs f1 `Set.union` collectDisjs f2
collectDisjs (Disj f1' f2') = collectDisjs f1' `Set.union` collectDisjs f2'
collectDisjs f' = Set.singleton f'
makeClauseSet f = Set.singleton . Clause $ Set.singleton f
-- takes two clauses and tries to unify every literal in a crossproduct, returns the set of all clauses resulting from this resolution step
resolveClauses :: Clause -> Clause -> Set Clause
resolveClauses (Clause c1) (Clause c2) = newClauses
-- zip the literals of both clauses
zippedLiterals = [(lit1, lit2) | lit1 <- Set.toList c1, lit2 <- Set.toList c2]
newClauses = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (\(l1, l2) -> do
if Neg l1 == l2
then do
let c1' = c1 `Set.difference` Set.singleton l1
let c2' = c2 `Set.difference` Set.singleton l2
return . Clause $ c1' `Set.union` c2'
else Nothing
) zippedLiterals
cnfMember :: Set Literal -> Set Clause -> Bool
cnfMember set cnf = Set.member set $ (\(Clause c) -> c) cnf
setConcat :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a
setConcat = foldr Set.union Set.empty
-- a single resolution step as described in gloin
resolveStep :: CNF -> Either () CNF
resolveStep clauses = if Set.empty `cnfMember` clauses then Left () else Right $ clauses `Set.union` newClauses
-- cross product of clauses
zippedClauses = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- Set.toList clauses, c2 <- Set.toList clauses, c1 /= c2]
-- after resolveStep add every clause that can be gained through resolution to clauseSet
newClauses = setConcat $ map (uncurry resolveClauses) zippedClauses
doResolution :: CNF -> String
doResolution cnf | trace ("resolutionStep:\n" ++ showCNF cnf) True = case resolveStep cnf of
Left _ -> "no"
Right cnf' -> if cnf == cnf' then "yes" else doResolution cnf'
doResolution _ = undefined
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module Prop.Syntax where
data Formula
= Neg Formula
| Conj Formula Formula
| Disj Formula Formula
| Impl Formula Formula
| T
| F
| Atom String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Formula where
show (Neg f) = "!(" ++ show f ++ ")"
show (Conj f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ " /\\ " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Disj f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ " \\/ " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Impl f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ " -> " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show T = "true"
show F = "false"
show (Atom a) = a
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ executable resolution
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app
other-modules: Lexer, Parser, FOLSyntax, Resolution, Normalforms
other-modules: Lexer, Parser, FOLSyntax, Resolution, Normalforms, Prop.Syntax, Prop.Normalforms, Prop.Resolution, Prop.Main
-- Base language which the package is written in.
default-language: Haskell2010
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