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open import Level renaming (suc to -suc)
open import Function using (_$_) renaming (id to idf; _∘_ to _∘ᶠ_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_) renaming (_×_ to _∧_)
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian
open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian.Bundle
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Functor.Algebra
open import Categories.Object.Terminal
open import Categories.Object.Product
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
open import Categories.Object.Exponential
open import Categories.Object.Coproduct
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts
open import Categories.Category
open import ElgotAlgebra
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
open import Distributive.Bundle
open import Distributive.Core
module ElgotAlgebras where
o e : Level
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
module _ (D : DistributiveCategory o e) where
open DistributiveCategory D renaming (U to C; id to idC)
open Cocartesian cocartesian
CC : CocartesianCategory o e
CC = record
{ U = C
; cocartesian = cocartesian
-- let's define the category of elgot-algebras
-- iteration preversing morphism between two elgot-algebras
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
module _ (E E₂ : Elgot-Algebra D) where
open Elgot-Algebra E₁ renaming (_# to _#₁)
open Elgot-Algebra E₂ renaming (_# to _#₂; A to B)
record Elgot-Algebra-Morphism : Set (o e) where
h : A B
preserves : {X} {f : X A + X} h (f #₁) ((h +₁ idC) f)#₂
-- the category of elgot algebras for a given (cocartesian-)category
Elgot-Algebras : Category (o e) (o e) e
Elgot-Algebras = record
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
{ Obj = Elgot-Algebra D
; _⇒_ = Elgot-Algebra-Morphism
; _≈_ = λ f g Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.h f Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.h g
; id = λ {EB} let open Elgot-Algebra EB in
record { h = idC; preserves = λ {X : Obj} {f : X A + X} begin
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
idC f # ≈⟨ identityˡ
(f #) ≈⟨ sym $ #-resp-≈ identityˡ
((idC f) #) ≈⟨ sym (#-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +-η))
(([ i₁ , i₂ ] f)#) ≈⟨ sym $ #-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ ([]-cong₂ identityʳ identityʳ))
(([ i₁ idC , i₂ idC ] f)#) ≈⟨ sym $ #-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ []∘+₁)
((([ i₁ , i₂ ] (idC +₁ idC)) f)#) ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ assoc
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(([ i₁ , i₂ ] (idC +₁ idC) f)#) ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +-η)
((idC (idC +₁ idC) f)#) ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ identityˡ
((idC +₁ idC) f) # }
; _∘_ = λ {EA} {EB} {EC} f g let
open Elgot-Algebra-Morphism f renaming (h to hᶠ; preserves to preservesᶠ)
open Elgot-Algebra-Morphism g renaming (h to hᵍ; preserves to preservesᵍ)
open Elgot-Algebra EA using (A) renaming (_# to _#ᵃ)
open Elgot-Algebra EB using () renaming (_# to _#ᵇ; A to B)
open Elgot-Algebra EC using () renaming (_# to _#ᶜ; A to C; #-resp-≈ to #ᶜ-resp-≈)
in record { h = hᶠ hᵍ; preserves = λ {X} {f : X A + X} begin
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(hᶠ hᵍ) (f #ᵃ) ≈⟨ assoc
(hᶠ hᵍ (f #ᵃ)) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ preservesᵍ
(hᶠ (((hᵍ +₁ idC) f) #ᵇ)) ≈⟨ preservesᶠ
(((hᶠ +₁ idC) (hᵍ +₁ idC) f) #ᶜ) ≈⟨ #ᶜ-resp-≈ sym-assoc
((((hᶠ +₁ idC) (hᵍ +₁ idC)) f) #ᶜ) ≈⟨ #ᶜ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁)
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((((hᶠ hᵍ) +₁ (idC idC)) f) #ᶜ) ≈⟨ #ᶜ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ refl (identity²)))
((hᶠ hᵍ +₁ idC) f) #ᶜ }
; identityˡ = identityˡ
; identityʳ = identityʳ
; identity² = identity²
; assoc = assoc
; sym-assoc = sym-assoc
; equiv = record
{ refl = refl
; sym = sym
; trans = trans}
; ∘-resp-≈ = ∘-resp-≈
open Elgot-Algebra-Morphism
open HomReasoning
open Equiv
-- products and exponentials of elgot-algebras
-- if the carrier contains a terminal, so does elgot-algebras
Terminal-Elgot-Algebras : Terminal C Terminal Elgot-Algebras
Terminal-Elgot-Algebras T = record {
= record
{ A =
; _# = λ x !
; #-Fixpoint = λ {_ f} !-unique ([ idC , ! ] f)
; #-Uniformity = λ {_ _ _ _ h} _ !-unique (! h)
; #-Folding = refl
; #-resp-≈ = λ _ refl
} ;
-is-terminal = record
{ ! = λ {A} record { h = ! ; preserves = λ {X} {f} sym (!-unique (! (A Elgot-Algebra.#) f)) }
; !-unique = λ {A} f !-unique (Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.h f) } }
open Terminal T
open Equiv
-- if the carriers of the algebra form a product, so do the algebras
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
A×B-Helper : {EA EB : Elgot-Algebra D} Product C (Elgot-Algebra.A EA) (Elgot-Algebra.A EB) Elgot-Algebra D
A×B-Helper {EA} {EB} p = record
{ A = A×B
; _# = λ {X : Obj} (h : X A×B + X) ((π₁ +₁ idC) h)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) h)#ᵇ
; #-Fixpoint = λ {X} {f} begin
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ #ᵃ-Fixpoint #ᵇ-Fixpoint
[ idC , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ ] ((π₁ +₁ idC) f) , [ idC , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] ((π₂ +₁ idC) f) ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ sym-assoc sym-assoc
([ idC , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ ] (π₁ +₁ idC)) f , ([ idC , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] (π₂ +₁ idC)) f ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ˡ []∘+₁) (∘-resp-≈ˡ []∘+₁)
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
[ idC π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ idC ] f , [ idC π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ idC ] f ≈⟨ sym ∘-distribʳ-⟨⟩
( [ idC π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ idC ] , [ idC π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ idC ] f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ (unique
π₁ [ idC π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ idC ] , [ idC π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ idC ] ≈⟨ project₁
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
[ idC π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ idC ] ≈⟨ []-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ
[ π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ ] ≈⟨ sym ([]-cong₂ identityʳ project₁)
[ π₁ idC , π₁ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] ≈⟨ sym ∘[]
π₁ [ idC , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] )
π₂ [ idC π₁ , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ idC ] , [ idC π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ idC ] ≈⟨ project₂
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
[ idC π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ idC ] ≈⟨ []-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ
[ π₂ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] ≈⟨ sym ([]-cong₂ identityʳ project₂)
[ π₂ idC , π₂ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] ≈⟨ sym ∘[]
π₂ [ idC , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] )
([ idC , ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ] f)
; #-Uniformity = λ {X Y f g h} uni unique (
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
π₁ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ≈⟨ project₁
(((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-Uniformity (
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(idC +₁ h) (π₁ +₁ idC) f ≈⟨ sym-assoc
((idC +₁ h) (π₁ +₁ idC)) f ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(idC π₁ +₁ h idC) f ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)
((π₁ +₁ h) f) ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ))
(((π₁ idC +₁ idC h)) f) ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁)
((π₁ +₁ idC) (idC +₁ h)) f ≈⟨ assoc
(π₁ +₁ idC) ((idC +₁ h) f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ uni
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(π₁ +₁ idC) g h ≈⟨ sym-assoc
((π₁ +₁ idC) g) h
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(((π₁ +₁ idC) g)#ᵃ h) ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ project₁)
((π₁ ((π₁ +₁ idC) g)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) g)#ᵇ ) h) ≈⟨ assoc
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
π₁ ((π₁ +₁ idC) g)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) g)#ᵇ h
) (
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
π₂ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ≈⟨ project₂
((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ ≈⟨ #ᵇ-Uniformity (
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(idC +₁ h) (π₂ +₁ idC) f ≈⟨ sym-assoc
(((idC +₁ h) (π₂ +₁ idC)) f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((idC π₂ +₁ h idC) f) ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)
((π₂ +₁ h) f) ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ))
((((π₂ idC +₁ idC h)) f)) ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁)
((π₂ +₁ idC) ((idC +₁ h))) f ≈⟨ assoc
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
(π₂ +₁ idC) ((idC +₁ h)) f ≈⟨ ∘-resp-≈ʳ uni
(π₂ +₁ idC) g h ≈⟨ sym-assoc
((π₂ +₁ idC) g) h
((π₂ +₁ idC) g)#ᵇ h ≈⟨ sym (∘-resp-≈ˡ project₂)
((π₂ ((π₁ +₁ idC) g)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) g)#ᵇ ) h) ≈⟨ assoc
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
π₂ ((π₁ +₁ idC) g)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) g)#ᵇ h
; #-Folding = λ {X} {Y} {f} {h} ⟨⟩-cong₂ (foldingˡ {X} {Y}) (foldingʳ {X} {Y})
; #-resp-≈ = λ fg ⟨⟩-cong₂ (#ᵃ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ʳ fg)) (#ᵇ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ʳ fg))
open Elgot-Algebra EA using (A) renaming (_# to _#ᵃ; #-Fixpoint to #ᵃ-Fixpoint; #-Uniformity to #ᵃ-Uniformity; #-Folding to #ᵃ-Folding; #-resp-≈ to #ᵃ-resp-≈)
open Elgot-Algebra EB using () renaming (A to B; _# to _#ᵇ; #-Fixpoint to #ᵇ-Fixpoint; #-Uniformity to #ᵇ-Uniformity; #-Folding to #ᵇ-Folding; #-resp-≈ to #ᵇ-resp-≈)
open Product C p
open HomReasoning
open Equiv
foldingˡ : {X} {Y} {f} {h} (((π₁ +₁ idC) ( ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ h))#ᵃ) ((π₁ +₁ idC) [ (idC +₁ i₁) f , i₂ h ])#ᵃ
foldingˡ {X} {Y} {f} {h} = begin
((π₁ +₁ idC) ( ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ h))#ᵃ ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ +₁∘+₁
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((π₁ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ idC h)#ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ (+₁-cong₂ project₁ identityˡ)
((((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ +₁ h)#ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-Folding
([ (idC +₁ i₁) ((π₁ +₁ idC) f) , i₂ h ] #ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ sym-assoc)
([ ((idC +₁ i₁) (π₁ +₁ idC)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁))
([ ((idC π₁ +₁ i₁ idC)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)))
([ ((π₁ +₁ i₁)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵃ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ)) (∘-resp-≈ˡ identityʳ)))
(([ (π₁ idC +₁ idC i₁) f , (i₂ idC) h ])#ᵃ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁) (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘i₂)))
(([ ((π₁ +₁ idC) (idC +₁ i₁)) f , ((π₁ +₁ idC) i₂) h ])#ᵃ) ≈⟨ #ᵃ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ assoc assoc)
(([ (π₁ +₁ idC) (idC +₁ i₁) f , (π₁ +₁ idC) i₂ h ])#ᵃ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵃ-resp-≈ ∘[])
((π₁ +₁ idC) [ (idC +₁ i₁) f , i₂ h ])#ᵃ
foldingʳ : {X} {Y} {f} {h} ((π₂ +₁ idC) ( ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ h))#ᵇ ((π₂ +₁ idC) [ (idC +₁ i₁) f , i₂ h ])#ᵇ
foldingʳ {X} {Y} {f} {h} = begin
((π₂ +₁ idC) ( ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ h))#ᵇ ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ +₁∘+₁
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((π₂ ((π₁ +₁ idC) f)#ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ idC h)#ᵇ) ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ (+₁-cong₂ project₂ identityˡ)
((((π₂ +₁ idC) f)#ᵇ +₁ h)#ᵇ) ≈⟨ #ᵇ-Folding
[ (idC +₁ i₁) ((π₂ +₁ idC) f) , i₂ h ] #ᵇ ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ sym-assoc)
([ ((idC +₁ i₁) (π₂ +₁ idC)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵇ) ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁))
([ ((idC π₂ +₁ i₁ idC)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵇ) ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-congʳ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityˡ identityʳ)))
([ ((π₂ +₁ i₁)) f , i₂ h ] #ᵇ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ identityʳ identityˡ)) (∘-resp-≈ˡ identityʳ)))
(([ (π₂ idC +₁ idC i₁) f , (i₂ idC) h ])#ᵇ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁) (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘i₂)))
(([ ((π₂ +₁ idC) (idC +₁ i₁)) f , ((π₂ +₁ idC) i₂) h ])#ᵇ) ≈⟨ #ᵇ-resp-≈ ([]-cong₂ assoc assoc)
(([ (π₂ +₁ idC) (idC +₁ i₁) f , (π₂ +₁ idC) i₂ h ])#ᵇ) ≈⟨ sym (#ᵇ-resp-≈ ∘[])
((π₂ +₁ idC) [ (idC +₁ i₁) f , i₂ h ])#ᵇ
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
Product-Elgot-Algebras : (EA EB : Elgot-Algebra D) Product C (Elgot-Algebra.A EA) (Elgot-Algebra.A EB) Product Elgot-Algebras EA EB
Product-Elgot-Algebras EA EB p = record
{ A×B = A×B-Helper {EA} {EB} p
; π₁ = record { h = π₁ ; preserves = λ {X} {f} project₁ }
; π₂ = record { h = π₂ ; preserves = λ {X} {f} project₂ }
; ⟨_,_⟩ = λ {E} f g let
open Elgot-Algebra-Morphism f renaming (h to f; preserves to preservesᶠ)
open Elgot-Algebra-Morphism g renaming (h to g; preserves to preservesᵍ)
open Elgot-Algebra E renaming (_# to _#ᵉ) in record { h = f , g ; preserves = λ {X} {h}
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
f , g (h #ᵉ) ≈⟨ ∘-distribʳ-⟨⟩
f (h #ᵉ) , g (h #ᵉ) ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ preservesᶠ preservesᵍ
((f +₁ idC) h) #ᵃ , ((g +₁ idC) h) #ᵇ ≈⟨ sym (⟨⟩-cong₂ (#ᵃ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ project₁ identity²))) (#ᵇ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ (+₁-cong₂ project₂ identity²))))
((π₁ f , g +₁ idC idC) h) #ᵃ , ((π₂ f , g +₁ idC idC) h) #ᵇ ≈⟨ sym (⟨⟩-cong₂ (#ᵃ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁)) (#ᵇ-resp-≈ (∘-resp-≈ˡ +₁∘+₁)))
(((π₁ +₁ idC) ( f , g +₁ idC)) h) #ᵃ , (((π₂ +₁ idC) ( f , g +₁ idC)) h) #ᵇ ≈⟨ (⟨⟩-cong₂ (#ᵃ-resp-≈ assoc) (#ᵇ-resp-≈ assoc))
2023-07-25 17:23:36 +02:00
((π₁ +₁ idC) ( f , g +₁ idC) h) #ᵃ , ((π₂ +₁ idC) ( f , g +₁ idC) h) #ᵇ }
; project₁ = project₁
; project₂ = project₂
; unique = unique
open Elgot-Algebra EA using (A) renaming (_# to _#ᵃ; #-Fixpoint to #ᵃ-Fixpoint; #-Uniformity to #ᵃ-Uniformity; #-Folding to #ᵃ-Folding; #-resp-≈ to #ᵃ-resp-≈)
open Elgot-Algebra EB using () renaming (A to B; _# to _#ᵇ; #-Fixpoint to #ᵇ-Fixpoint; #-Uniformity to #ᵇ-Uniformity; #-Folding to #ᵇ-Folding; #-resp-≈ to #ᵇ-resp-≈)
open Elgot-Algebra (A×B-Helper {EA} {EB} p) using () renaming (_# to _#ᵖ)
open Product C p
open HomReasoning
open Equiv
-- if the carrier is cartesian, so is the category of algebras
Cartesian-Elgot-Algebras : Cartesian C Cartesian Elgot-Algebras
Cartesian-Elgot-Algebras CaC = record {
terminal = Terminal-Elgot-Algebras terminal;
products = record { product = λ {EA EB} Product-Elgot-Algebras EA EB product }
open Cartesian CaC using (terminal; products)
open BinaryProducts products using (product)
2023-07-28 20:50:27 +02:00
open Equiv
-- if the carriers of the algebra form a exponential, so do the algebras
B^A-Helper : {EA EB : Elgot-Algebra D} Exponential C (Elgot-Algebra.A EA) (Elgot-Algebra.A EB) Elgot-Algebra D
B^A-Helper {EA} {EB} e = record
{ A = B^A
; _# = λ {X} f λg {! !} {! !}
; #-Fixpoint = {! !}
; #-Uniformity = {! !}
; #-Folding = {! !}
; #-resp-≈ = {! !}
open Exponential e