{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Functor.Properties where

-- Properties valid of all Functors
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (proj₁; proj₂; _,_; _×_; Σ)
open import Function.Surjection using (Surjective)
open import Function.Equivalence using (Equivalence)
open import Function.Equality using (Π; _⟶_; _⟨$⟩_; cong)
open import Relation.Binary using (_Preserves_⟶_)
open import Relation.Nullary

open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Core using (module Shorthands)
open import Categories.Functor
import Categories.Morphism as Morphism
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as Reas
open import Categories.Morphism.IsoEquiv as IsoEquiv
open import Categories.Morphism.Notation

open Shorthands using (_∘ᵢ_)

    o  e o′ ℓ′ e′ : Level
    C D : Category o  e

Contravariant :  (C : Category o  e) (D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′)  Set _
Contravariant C D = Functor (Category.op C) D

Faithful : Functor C D  Set _
Faithful {C = C} {D = D} F =  {X Y}  (f g : C [ X , Y ])  D [ F₁ f  F₁ g ]  C [ f  g ]
  where open Functor F

Full : Functor C D  Set _
Full {C = C} {D = D} F =  {X Y}  Surjective {To = D.hom-setoid {F₀ X} {F₀ Y}} G
    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D
    open Functor F
    G :  {X Y}  (C.hom-setoid {X} {Y})  D.hom-setoid {F₀ X} {F₀ Y}
    G = record { _⟨$⟩_ = F₁ ; cong = F-resp-≈ }

FullyFaithful : Functor C D  Set _
FullyFaithful F = Full F × Faithful F

-- Note that this is a constructive version of Essentially Surjective, which is
-- quite a strong assumption.
EssentiallySurjective : Functor C D  Set _
EssentiallySurjective {C = C} {D = D} F = (d : Category.Obj D)  Σ C.Obj  c  Functor.F₀ F c  d)
  open Morphism D
  module C = Category C

Conservative : Functor C D  Set _
Conservative {C = C} {D = D} F =  {A B} {f : C [ A , B ]} {g : D [ F₀ B , F₀ A ]}  Iso D (F₁ f) g  Σ (C [ B , A ])  h  Iso C f h)
    open Functor F
    open Morphism

-- a series of [ Functor ]-respects-Thing combinators (with respects -> resp)

module _ (F : Functor C D) where
    module C = Category C using (Obj; _∘_; _⇒_; id; module HomReasoning)
    module D = Category D
    module IsoC = IsoEquiv C
    module IsoD = IsoEquiv D
  open C hiding (_∘_)
  open Functor F
  open Morphism

      A B E : Obj
      f g h i : A  B

  [_]-resp-∘ : C [ C [ f  g ]  h ]  D [ D [ F₁ f  F₁ g ]  F₁ h ]
  [_]-resp-∘ {f = f} {g = g} {h = h} eq = begin
    F₁ f D.∘ F₁ g    ≈˘⟨ homomorphism 
    F₁ (C [ f  g ]) ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ eq 
    F₁ h             
    where open D.HomReasoning

  [_]-resp-square : Definitions.CommutativeSquare C f g h i 
                    Definitions.CommutativeSquare D (F₁ f) (F₁ g) (F₁ h) (F₁ i)
  [_]-resp-square {f = f} {g = g} {h = h} {i = i} sq = begin
    D [ F₁ h  F₁ f ]  ≈˘⟨ homomorphism 
    F₁ (C [ h  f ])   ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ sq 
    F₁ (C [ i  g ])   ≈⟨ homomorphism 
    D [ F₁ i  F₁ g ]  
    where open D.HomReasoning

  [_]-resp-Iso : Iso C f g  Iso D (F₁ f) (F₁ g)
  [_]-resp-Iso {f = f} {g = g} iso = record
    { isoˡ = begin
      F₁ g D.∘ F₁ f    ≈⟨ [ isoˡ ]-resp-∘ 
      F₁ C.id          ≈⟨ identity 
    ; isoʳ = begin
      F₁ f D.∘ F₁ g    ≈⟨ [ isoʳ ]-resp-∘ 
      F₁ C.id          ≈⟨ identity 
    where open Iso iso
          open D.HomReasoning

  [_]-resp-≅ : F₀ Preserves _≅_ C  _≅_ D
  [_]-resp-≅ i≅j = record
    { from       = F₁ from
    ; to         = F₁ to
    ; iso        = [ iso ]-resp-Iso
    where open _≅_ i≅j

  [_]-resp-≃ :  {f g :  _≅_ C A B}  f IsoC.≃ g  [ f ]-resp-≅ IsoD.≃ [ g ]-resp-≅
  [_]-resp-≃  eq  =  F-resp-≈ eq 

  homomorphismᵢ :  {f : _≅_ C B E} {g : _≅_ C A B}  [ _∘ᵢ_ C f g ]-resp-≅ IsoD.≃ (_∘ᵢ_ D [ f ]-resp-≅ [ g ]-resp-≅ )
  homomorphismᵢ =  homomorphism 

  -- Uses a strong version of Essential Surjectivity.
  EssSurj×Full×Faithful⇒Invertible : EssentiallySurjective F  Full F  Faithful F  Functor D C
  EssSurj×Full×Faithful⇒Invertible surj full faith = record
    { F₀ = λ d  proj₁ (surj d)
    ; F₁ = λ {A} {B} f 
      let (a , sa) = surj A in
      let (b , sb) = surj B in
      let module S = Surjective (full {a} {b}) in
      S.from ⟨$⟩ (_≅_.to sb)  f  (_≅_.from sa)
    ; identity = λ {A} 
      let ff = from full
          (a , sa) = surj A in begin
      ff ⟨$⟩ _≅_.to sa  D.id  _≅_.from sa ≈⟨ cong ff (E.refl⟩∘⟨ D.identityˡ) 
      ff ⟨$⟩ _≅_.to sa  _≅_.from sa        ≈⟨ cong ff (_≅_.isoˡ sa) 
      ff ⟨$⟩ D.id                           ≈˘⟨ cong ff identity 
      ff ⟨$⟩ F₁ C.id                        ≈⟨ faith _ _ (right-inverse-of full (F₁ C.id)) 
    ; homomorphism = λ {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} 
          (x , sx) = surj X
          (y , sy) = surj Y
          (z , sz) = surj Z
          fsx      = from sx
          tsz      = to sz
          ff {T₁} {T₂} = from (full {T₁} {T₂}) in
      faith _ _ (E.begin
      F₁ (ff ⟨$⟩ tsz  (g  f)  fsx)                             E.≈⟨ right-inverse-of full _ 
      (tsz  (g  f)  fsx)                                      E.≈⟨ pullˡ (E.refl⟩∘⟨ (E.refl⟩∘⟨ introˡ (isoʳ sy))) 
      (tsz  g  ((from sy  to sy)  f))  fsx                  E.≈⟨ pushʳ (E.refl⟩∘⟨ D.assoc) E.⟩∘⟨refl 
      ((tsz  g)  (from sy  (to sy  f)))  fsx                E.≈⟨ D.sym-assoc E.⟩∘⟨refl 
      (((tsz  g)  from sy)  (to sy  f))  fsx                E.≈⟨ D.assoc 
      ((tsz  g)  from sy)  ((to sy  f)  fsx)                E.≈⟨ D.assoc E.⟩∘⟨ D.assoc  
      (tsz  g  from sy)  (to sy  f  fsx)                    E.≈˘⟨ right-inverse-of full _ E.⟩∘⟨ right-inverse-of full _ 
      F₁ (ff ⟨$⟩ tsz  g  from sy)  F₁ (ff ⟨$⟩ to sy  f  fsx)  E.≈˘⟨ homomorphism 
      F₁ ((ff ⟨$⟩ tsz  g  from sy) C.∘ (ff ⟨$⟩ to sy  f  fsx)) E.∎)
    ; F-resp-≈ = λ f≈g  cong (from full) (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (D.∘-resp-≈ˡ f≈g))
    open Morphism._≅_
    open Morphism D
    open Reas D
    open Category D
    open Surjective
    open C.HomReasoning
    module E = D.HomReasoning

-- Functor Composition is Associative and the unit laws are found in
-- NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism, reified as associator, unitorˡ and unitorʳ.