{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category.Core
open import Categories.Object.Terminal using (Terminal)
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian.Bundle using (CartesianCategory)
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts using (BinaryProducts)
module Categories.Object.NaturalNumbers.Parametrized {o ℓ e} (CC : CartesianCategory o ℓ e) where
open import Level
open CartesianCategory CC renaming (U to 𝒞)
open HomReasoning
open Equiv
open BinaryProducts products hiding (η; unique)
open import Categories.Object.NaturalNumbers 𝒞 terminal using (IsNNO; NNO) renaming (up-to-iso to nno-up-to-iso)
open Terminal terminal using (⊤; !; !-unique₂)
open import Categories.Morphism 𝒞 using (_≅_)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning 𝒞
record IsParametrizedNNO (N : Obj) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
z : ⊤ ⇒ N
s : N ⇒ N
universal : ∀ {A X} → A ⇒ X → X ⇒ X → A × N ⇒ X
commute₁ : ∀ {A X} {f : A ⇒ X} {g : X ⇒ X} → f ≈ universal f g ∘ ⟨ id , z ∘ ! ⟩
commute₂ : ∀ {A X} {f : A ⇒ X} {g : X ⇒ X} → g ∘ (universal f g) ≈ (universal f g) ∘ (id ⁂ s)
unique : ∀ {A X} {f : A ⇒ X} {g : X ⇒ X} {u : A × N ⇒ X} → f ≈ u ∘ ⟨ id , z ∘ ! ⟩ → g ∘ u ≈ u ∘ (id ⁂ s) → u ≈ universal f g
η : universal {A = ⊤} ⟨ id , z ∘ ! ⟩ (id ⁂ s) ≈ id
η = ⟺ (unique (⟺ identityˡ) id-comm)
universal-cong : ∀ {A} → {f f′ : ⊤ ⇒ A} → {g g′ : A ⇒ A} → f ≈ f′ → g ≈ g′ → universal f g ≈ universal f′ g′
universal-cong f≈f′ g≈g′ = unique (⟺ f≈f′ ○ commute₁) (∘-resp-≈ˡ (⟺ g≈g′) ○ commute₂)
isNNO = record
{ z = z
; s = s
; universal = λ {A} q f → universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩
; z-commute = λ {A} {q} {f} → begin
q ≈⟨ commute₁ ⟩
universal q f ∘ ⟨ id , z ∘ ! ⟩ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ !-unique₂ (⟺ z∘! ○ ⟺ identityˡ) ⟩
universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! ∘ z , id ∘ z ⟩ ≈˘⟨ pullʳ ⟨⟩∘ ⟩
(universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩) ∘ z ∎
; s-commute = λ {A} {q} {f} → begin
f ∘ universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩ ≈⟨ pullˡ commute₂ ⟩
(universal q f ∘ (id ⁂ s)) ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩ ≈⟨ pullʳ ⁂∘⟨⟩ ⟩
universal q f ∘ ⟨ id ∘ ! , s ∘ id ⟩ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ !-unique₂ id-comm ⟩
universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! ∘ s , id ∘ s ⟩ ≈˘⟨ pullʳ ⟨⟩∘ ⟩
(universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩) ∘ s ∎
; unique = λ {A} {q} {f} {u} eqᶻ eqˢ → begin
u ≈⟨ introʳ project₂ ○ sym-assoc ⟩
(u ∘ π₂) ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩ ≈⟨ unique (eqᶻ ○ (pushʳ (z∘! ○ (⟺ project₂))))
(pullˡ eqˢ ○ ⟺ (pullʳ project₂ ○ sym-assoc))
⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
universal q f ∘ ⟨ ! , id ⟩ ∎
z∘! : z ≈ z ∘ !
z∘! = ⟺ identityʳ ○ ∘-resp-≈ʳ !-unique₂
record ParametrizedNNO : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
N : Obj
isParametrizedNNO : IsParametrizedNNO N
open IsParametrizedNNO isParametrizedNNO public
PNNO⇒NNO : ParametrizedNNO → NNO
PNNO⇒NNO pnno = record { N = ParametrizedNNO.N pnno ; isNNO = ParametrizedNNO.isNNO pnno }
up-to-iso : ∀ (N N′ : ParametrizedNNO) → ParametrizedNNO.N N ≅ ParametrizedNNO.N N′
up-to-iso N N′ = nno-up-to-iso (PNNO⇒NNO N) (PNNO⇒NNO N′)