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open import Level
open import Categories.FreeObjects.Free using (FreeObject; FO⇒Functor; FO⇒LAdj)
open import Categories.Functor.Core using (Functor)
open import Categories.Adjoint using (_⊣_)
open import Categories.Adjoint.Properties using (adjoint⇒monad)
open import Categories.Monad using (Monad)
open import Categories.Monad.Relative using () renaming (Monad to RMonad)
open import Category.Ambient using (Ambient)
open import Categories.Monad.Construction.Kleisli
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian using (Cartesian)
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts using (BinaryProducts)
# The Monad K
module Monad.Instance.K {o e} (ambient : Ambient o e) where
open Ambient ambient
open import Category.Construction.ElgotAlgebras cocartesian
open import Algebra.Elgot cocartesian using (Elgot-Algebra)
open import Algebra.Elgot.Free cocartesian using (FreeElgotAlgebra; elgotForgetfulF)
open import Algebra.Elgot.Stable distributive using (IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra; IsStableFreeElgotAlgebraˡ; isStable⇒isStableˡ)
-- open Cartesian cartesian
-- open BinaryProducts products
open Equiv
open MR C
open M C
open HomReasoning
Existence of stable free Elgot algebras yields the monad K
record MonadK : Set (suc o suc suc e) where
freealgebras : X FreeElgotAlgebra X
stable : X IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra (freealgebras X)
-- helper for accessing elgot algebras
algebras : (X : Obj) Elgot-Algebra
algebras X = FreeObject.FX (freealgebras X)
freeF : Functor C Elgot-Algebras
freeF = FO⇒Functor elgotForgetfulF freealgebras
adjoint : freeF elgotForgetfulF
adjoint = FO⇒LAdj elgotForgetfulF freealgebras
monadK : Monad C
monadK = adjoint⇒monad adjoint
module monadK = Monad monadK
kleisliK : KleisliTriple C
kleisliK = Monad⇒Kleisli C monadK
module kleisliK = RMonad kleisliK
module K = Functor monadK.F
Some helper definitions to make our life easier
open Elgot-Algebra using (#-resp-≈; #-Fixpoint; #-Compositionality; #-Uniformity; #-Folding; #-Diamond; #-Stutter) renaming (A to ⟦_⟧) public
stableˡ = λ X isStable⇒isStableˡ (freealgebras X) (stable X)
η = λ Z FreeObject.η (freealgebras Z)
_♯ = λ {A X Y} f IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra.[_,_]♯ {Y = X} (stable X) {X = A} (algebras Y) f
_♯ˡ = λ {A X Y} f IsStableFreeElgotAlgebraˡ.[_,_]♯ˡ {Y = X} (stableˡ X) {X = A} (algebras Y) f
_# = λ {A} {X} f Elgot-Algebra._# (algebras A) {X = X} f
The kleisli star is iteration preserving:
open kleisliK using (extend)
open monadK using (μ)
extend-preserve : {X Y Z} (f : X K.₀ Y) (h : Z K.₀ X + Z) extend f h # ((extend f +₁ idC) h) #
extend-preserve {X} {Y} {Z} f h = begin
(μ.η _ K.₁ f) h # ≈⟨ pullʳ (Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) (η _ f)))
μ.η _ ((K.₁ f +₁ idC) h) # ≈⟨ Elgot-Algebra-Morphism.preserves (((freealgebras _) FreeObject.*) idC)
((μ.η _ +₁ idC) (K.₁ f +₁ idC) h) # ≈⟨ #-resp-≈ (algebras _) (pullˡ (+₁∘+₁ +₁-cong₂ refl identity²))
((extend f +₁ idC) h) #
Uniqueness of the stability operator gives us the following proof principle:
by-stability : {X Y} (A : Elgot-Algebra) {f g : X × algebras Y A } (i : X × Y A )
i f (idC η Y)
i g (idC η Y)
( {Z} (h : Z algebras Y + Z) f (idC (Elgot-Algebra._# (algebras Y) h)) Elgot-Algebra._# A ((f +₁ idC) distributeˡ⁻¹ (idC h)))
( {Z} (h : Z algebras Y + Z) g (idC (Elgot-Algebra._# (algebras Y) h)) Elgot-Algebra._# A ((g +₁ idC) distributeˡ⁻¹ (idC h)))
f g
by-stability {X} {Y} A {f} {g} i f-law g-law f-pres g-pres = begin
f ≈⟨ ♯-unique i f f-law f-pres
[ A , i ]♯ ≈⟨ sym (♯-unique i g g-law g-pres)
open IsStableFreeElgotAlgebra (stable Y) using ([_,_]♯; ♯-unique)
by-stabilityˡ : {X Y} (A : Elgot-Algebra) {f g : algebras Y × X A } (i : Y × X A )
i f (η Y idC)
i g (η Y idC)
( {Z} (h : Z algebras Y + Z) f ((Elgot-Algebra._# (algebras Y) h) idC) Elgot-Algebra._# A ((f +₁ idC) distributeʳ⁻¹ (h idC)))
( {Z} (h : Z algebras Y + Z) g ((Elgot-Algebra._# (algebras Y) h) idC) Elgot-Algebra._# A ((g +₁ idC) distributeʳ⁻¹ (h idC)))
f g
by-stabilityˡ {X} {Y} A {f} {g} i f-law g-law f-pres g-pres = begin
f ≈⟨ ♯ˡ-unique i f f-law f-pres
[ A , i ]♯ˡ ≈⟨ sym (♯ˡ-unique i g g-law g-pres)
open IsStableFreeElgotAlgebraˡ (stableˡ Y) using ([_,_]♯ˡ; ♯ˡ-unique)